Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Tauron Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

The Tauron Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

Fictional genesis of the Tauron Empire.

The Taurons were a concept introduced, at least to me anyway as a kid, in the very first early, superior to the color episodes black white episodes. Relics of the Taurons and their technology was use or featured (WERE THE TAURONS in THE SKY IS FALLING the same ones who left the machine in RETURN FROM OUTER SPACE – the machine called a Tauron Matter Transmitter or Taurons' maser device that sends Will to Earth looked a bit different; plus Bolix from Tauron (ALL THAT GLITTERS) is looks nothing like the Taurons from THE SKY IF FALLING . The Space Family Robinson's meet another Space Family the Tauron family - father Rethso, mother Moela, and boy Lunon from the planet Tauron, in episode and later Inspector Bolix or rather Officer Bolix of Tauron and his two animals, mentions he is from the planet Tauron. I believe the Trader; in addition, mentions being from or least trades the Tauron. We can assume the Keeper, might be from planet Tauron,or we can assume that may have in the mind of the scripters but being sloppy idiot producers, this is what might have been thought or,but never was mentioned in the accual episode the Keeper. I feel this wasa wonderful concept,that Lost in Space could haved used and reused, was dumped because no one was paying attention stuff like world building as say Star Trek sometimes tried to do with atleast the Klingons and Romulan alien races was on another network. Still,even the much superior Star Trek,created a concept I found interesting,but their writers of the series Star Trek,the Next Generation choose to ignore or forget,was the T’Khon Empire-who were an fallen ,intergalactic empire,claiming to be able to move stars,was quickly introduced and then forgotten.The Tykhon Empire,I’ve created is similar,but much more the Goa'uold of Stargate SG1 ,without the little parasite,mixing some elements of the Shi-Ar of Marvel Comics,without bird aspects,but are a race of militaristic space traveling Egyptians,out to enslave every human civilization with their vast technology and powers.Taurons and the Tykhon Empires are often allies of one another-share similar motives,technology and ethics. This why Lost in Space fans, Trek is considered a classic and Lost mostly silly crap by fans, because they never bothered to really rare did anything intelligently. ost n Space, is still a project, with much promise, that has yet despite three seasons on CBS and a better written movie, to achieve nothing more than a small cult following. shame indeed, that it could have much more.
.If Lost in Space paid attention to thing the Planet Tauron and less how many special guest stars we could have in a season or how much stupid, idiot shit Doctor Smith could fuck up Gilligan style, the show could have went to greater things.
The Taurons, looked as they were somebody like a combination of Marvel Comics Kree-militarist, hell bent on the conquest of space-at least that’s how I would have seen it. The Tauron Family must have fleeing a bad civilization or at least could have. The Keeper, the Trader, Mister Zalto and all those various passers by could people from the near by Tauron civilization. Shit, the Preplanus, the planet the Robinson's were crash-landed on, might have a Tauron lost colony.
You start to think about the Taurons-other things start to enter into the mix. Think another fictional series also, who could have thrown into to add color. In the Hyborian era of the “Conan the Barbarian" comic books, Turan is a large middle-eastern empire constantly expanding and conquering the eastern regions.
The architecture, clothes, uniforms and names of the Turani people, soldiers, emperors etc. bear a remarkable resemblance to actual medieval Arabic and/or Turkish persons, battles and so on. As it is usual for Conan's free, wild and mercenary life, he either finds himself fighting against or alongside the Turan Empire, depending on the story and facts.

The Tauron Empire might similar to medieval Arabic or Turkish people. In Conan. the Turans often are conquering much of the Middle East of Conan's Hyborean World. The Old Persian name for Turkestan. A Turkish/Persian land, possibly referring to the Timurid Empire, the Sassanid Empire, or the Mughal Empire. The name derives from Turan, the areas of Eurasia occupied by speakers of Ural-Altaic languages. The names of the various Turanian cities (e.g. Aghrapur, Sultanapur, Shahpur) are often in Persian language. King Yezdigerd is named after Yazdegerd III, ruler of the Sassanid Empire. The name of King Yildiz means star in the Turkish language. The city of Khawarizm takes its name from Khwarezm, and Khorusun from Khorasan.
Once you start to rethink what those idiot boobs, employed by Irwin Allen, the Tauron Empire starts to become interesting. They become important villains as say Klingons and Romulans due to Captain Kirk and his fictional star ship Enterprise.
The Taurons could be similar to Marvel Kree Empire-something I'm
sure was inspired by various sourse, namely Forbidden Planet lost civilization known as the Krell. An ancient, fallen civilization is an inspiration to not Marvel Comics material, but my own as well.

The Kree Empire extends across almost a thousand worlds in the northwestern lobe (Earth reference) of the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The Kree began their empire over a million years ago, within a hundred years of the acquisition of interstellar technology from the then-benevolent race of Skrulls. The Skrulls at the time were attempting to foster a galactic empire based on free trade, and they landed on Hala to help the barbaric natives advance to the point where they could join. The Kree is an extraterrestrial humanoid race who has created a vast empire in the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The Kree race began on the planet Hala in the Pama system long before the first mammals appeared on Earth. The original Kree had blue-colored skin, but a second racial group with pink skin resembling that of human caucasians emerged over the millennia. The Kree are a highly regimented, militaristic society. Little else is known about their culture. The official state religion worships the Supreme Intelligence, although the government has permitted adherents to the Universal Church of Truth to erect temples throughout the empire, including on Kree-Lar.
Thus was how I began to rethink the Tauron civilization. I remember Marvel Kree-a vast civilization that spread across interstellar space had lost colonies on earth-left technology there and so forth, like the Kree race, left technology on Altair IV. You throw lots of other thinking, like Tauron Matter Transmitter and you come close thing like DC Comics Superman or Doctor who’s Time Lords-super races, with advanced transport technology-time travel, interdimensional travel--the Phantom Zone and son. You throw the conquering spirit of the Turans of Conan, aspects of Klatau, in The Day the Earth Stood still, like the giant Gort Robot. Ideas are easy-you just have to free yourself of one-dimensional thinking-like Khan.
I figured the Taurons are worth dusting off and not having them become just some old reference to early black and white episodes of Lost in Space or a sometimes mention guys in Battlestar Galactica.

The Roman Empire, which inspired much fictional civilizations, from Robert E.Howards Valusia, from the King Kull series set in the Thurean Age and the later Post Cataclysmic Era, Acheron Empire-which also fell, to create Conan’s Hyborean Age, help me think up a fallen, ancient on the road it’s own downfall and the remnant cities, plus technology left by them from their Golden Age, of former glory.
Your Editor. Upward and Onward, Maveric.
Doc Thompson

The Tauron Star Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

The Tauron Empire

The Tauron Star Empire, as old as the Atlanteans and possessing much of the same or similar biological history and social costumes. The difference are that the Tauron a nationalistic society, with the only widespread religion being worship of the Supreme Emperor.-whose power comes down from the successive line of the First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace.
Whereas the Atlantean Federation grew into a semi democratic society, with aspects of a monarchy, the Tauron Star Empire grew into a military dictatorship. The Tauron government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population, potentially by means of the Tauron Secret Police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional republic. The Tauron Empire police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.
The inhabitants of this Tauron police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.Taurons have lived under Martial Law, the suspension of normal civil law during periods of emergency,for centuries,although their have period of secret revolution and outside Civil War against the Tauron Royal Family-most quickly prevented by the Tauron military and Tauron Temporal Centaurion class.The Tauron government has been a military dictatorship,since the Old Tauron race,conquored and occupied a similar alternate reality,world also known as the Tauron.The ancient Taurons quickly took over the regid minded,weak willed new Taurons,who for centuries,followed the laws and political will of that alternate timelines Royal Family.These Taurons lived for a time under an absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder,also known as an Anarchy.The previous,Royal family,opposed weak laws,an inept government and weak military power,that allowed certain rebel fractions to create chaos and disorder,among many cities of the populas.When the new Taurons,from Elder Universe came,they quickly invaded the backward,Terran class world’s primative defenses-many still in their early space era stage and took over the planet with these Elder Universe Taurons more advanced Atlantean based technology and star forces.The Old Tauron cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state the New Royal Tauron Family and thus giving them total power over to the new state order.The Tauron officials sign an emergency decree suspending civil liberties and stripping the power of the federal Tauron states-giving it directly toward the Royal Tauron class and the military organizations under their control. Opponents were imprisoned first in improvised camps and later in an organized system of Tauron concentration camps.

The Tauron Empire has come to stand for a belief in the superiority of the Tauron race, an abstraction of the various ancient Tauron peoples. The Tauron advocated a strong, centralized government under the Supreme Tauron,the Tauron Empiror and his Royal Family claimed to defend the Imperium and the Tauron civilization (including those of Tauron ethnicity abroad) against the Ancient Atlanteans and so-called Elder Race subversion. Ultimately, the Tauron sought to create a largely homogeneous and autarkic ethnic state, absorbing the ideas of Pan-Tauronism or Nationalism. Pan-Tauronnism's origins began in the early post-Indusrial eras following the Tykhon First World Wars. The wars launched a massive new movement that was born in the Muritainean government itself during the Muritainean Revolution, Nationalism. Nationalism during this time threatened the old aristocratic regimes. Many ethnic groups of Central and Eastern Europe had been divided for centuries, ruled over by the old Monarchies of the Toth/ Ishtarey Dynasty of the Great Tykhon Empire and the Khone Dynasty of the Tauron Empire. The Taurons, for the most part, had been a loose and disunited people since the Reformation when the First Tauron Empire-the earliest monarchy of that civilization was shattered into a patchwork of states. The new Tauron nationalists, mostly young reformers such as Yharhack Khone of East Tauron Province, sought to unite all the Tauron-speaking and ethnic-pure bred Tauron people. An autarky is an economy that is self-sufficient and does not take part in international trade, or severely limits trade with the outside world. Likewise it refers to an ecosystem not affected by influences from the outside, which relies entirely on its own resources. In the economic meaning, it is also referred to as a closed economy.The Tauron Empire sought to only relie on those infinate worklds or colonies allied ,such as the Tykhon homeworld and those under Tauron control. The aim of these policies was to reduce dependency on foreign imports, as the relationship of other free kingdoms of the Atlanteans,along with both other non Tauron elder civilization and ancient lords of light leaders was worsening. Although it was not necessarily an absolute form of autarky it contained elements supporting an isolationist policy, such as: claims of Tauron pre-eminence in various scientific fields, attempts of dissociating the scientific grounds from the Atlantean Commonwealth synchronic theories and others.

By the end of the Old First Tauron Empire,finally collapsed- Pravorian Empire, in day Sharnax province,under the rule of the and the Armadrian Empire,in the Eastern Oorn Khenora Province were the two most powerful nations dominated by Tauron-speaking elites. Both sought to expand their influence and territory. The Austrian Empire like Tauron Empire was a multi-ethnic state, however Tauron -speaking people there didn't have an absolute numerical majority; the creation of the short lived Pravorian Armadrian Empire was one result of the growing nationalism of other ethnicities of various fallen Tauron Provincessuch as the Czechs, Slovaks, and Magyars.
Armadrian Empire under Shoon Yharhack Khone would ride on the coat-tails of nationalism to unite all of modern-day Tauron. The New Tauron Empire ("Second Rule") was created in 1871 following the proclamation of Yharhack Khone as head of a union of Tauron-speaking states, while disregarding millions of its non-Tauron subjects who desired self-determination from Tauron rule. Tauron-speakers living outside the new Empire preferred living under its rule or in an ethnically homogeneous environment, but this wish clashed with the opposing wishes of other ethnicities. Regions like Pravorian Province and Armadrian Province witnessed nationalistic controversies for decades.
Even some Taurons themselves began to resent their own diverse Empire. Identifying themselves as descendants of the Armadrian Province , who had conquered and expanded into the region, many Western Taurons supported a separation from the Old Pravorian Armadrian Tauron Empire and unity with a new Greater Tauron Empire,under the rule of Shoon Yharhack Khone and his wife Asharra Ishtarey-who many believed would be the virgin mother of the Supreme Tauron-the Annoited or Choosen One,who would finally united all of the Tauron civilization,once and ffor all,after the fall of the Old First Tauron Empire collapsed into chaos of the separate,non unity fuadal nations..
The Taurons Civilization

The Tauron are humanoid race who have created a vast empire in major section of the Milky Way Galaxy and is a vast Empire extends across almost a thousand worlds in the Orion Arm, but seem to be also occupying many vast pocket regions all over Temporal Space. The Tauron Empire, pretending to be a beneficial and open civilization, is actually a Military Dictatorship, with a Royal Family, that runs the Tauron Empire or Tauron Imperium. "power status” or territory that is the Empire. the power of the Tauron imperator (general in the army) to command. The title imperator was applied to the emperor, who was the commander of the armed forces.

The Tauron Empire, along with the Tykhon Empire, had a war, with the Atlanteans, on the Original Atlantean homeworld. The war was between the Free Nations of Atlantis and the tyrannical nations of that ancient world-mainly the Tauron and Tykhon. The Taurons are actually Atlanteans, but often because of the separation between the two civilizations, the Tauron and Tykhon. The last surviving members of the former Tauron Empire have banded together to ensure the survival of the Tauron Empire. They seek to rebuild their Old Empire's former glory in the Old Universe by establishing ourselves as a permanent presence in every Temporal Region within the known Multiverse.

Various colonial worlds of the Great Tauron Empire, are, 1) Alpha Tauron Colonies,2)Delta Prolallax Colonies ,3)the Tauron Delax Colonies,4) Colonies(o.5) Tauron Cesti Colonies. 6)Prima-Centauris 4,7)Regulann Taura Colonies.8)Questar Tauron,

Tauron Culture
The Tauron are a nationalistic society, with the only widespread religion being worship of the Supreme Tauron and those descended from his line to produce the current Royal Tauron Family., Some are members of the Universal Church of Ultimate Truth., which is a series of Great Temples, where many Taurons can worship the Supreme Tauron and various long deceased members of the Royal Family, that now resides in the other dimensional reality known as Holospace.. ...

Tauron names are usually short, being one or two syllables. Given names are separated from surnames by a hyphen. Examples include Rhonn Vhann, Rhonn Yhah Marvall, Yhonn-Rhoagg, Lathan Rhogg, Shar Rhonn-Tee, Rethonn Mhoor, Lunon, Kanto Rhonn, Quanto Vhann, Effran Keel, and Sybilla Krell

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The Tauron Religion.

The Supreme Tauron was often depicted inside the ancient Tauron Empire as a God-like figure,whose rulle and will was considered apsolute.Outside the Tauron Empire he was often treated as an object of derision,crualty,fanatical and homosuidal by other races of the ancient Atlantean Homeworld.

Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Vhann instead naming his eldest son Lhorr Rhonn Vhann-who was dead, after dying of a mysterious brain illness-possibly an early form of Godeon Zarkhon’s decease, named his younger son Hhar Khorr Vhann, as the next Tauron Empiror.

Hhar Khoo Vhann the First as the next emperor decree also stripped the command of troops from Marshal Menghorr Vhellan — a faithful supporter of Zhevhan Khoor House Clan an emeny of the Vhann Dynasty— and sentenced Menghorrs Vhellan 's family to death. Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Yhah step by step seized the power of Hhar Khoo Vhann the First tyranical, but weak rule, by effectively gaining the favors of Tauron hologod Yharhack Khone-the Supreme Tauron, who saw Hhar Khoo Vhann the First, his current puppet emperor as his weak imatation, within the Empire.
. Hhar Khoo Vhann the First,was poisoned and replaced by the new Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Yhah, the First.

Thus beginning the ancient Vhann dynasty decline,which was replaced by a series of short lived other Tauron Dynasties-. Han Kree-Lharr Dynasty dynasty,the PhroVell Dynasty, Mor-Vhann, Yon-Rogg, Una-Rogg, and Zey-Rogg

(Note: This story actually came from Han Kree-Lharr Dynasty dynasty historians. There is a controversy regarding whether Yharhack Khone himself wanted Hhar Khoo Vhann the First to be the next emperor or not. The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

The reign of the Khone Dynasty, lasting over 20 years, is commonly considered within Tauron to be one of the greater periods in the Tauron history and .to this day, the very innitial foundations of the modern Tauron Empire is believed by majority of the Tauron still refer to themselves as the modern equivalent of the New Royal Clas of Tauron Royalty among the many other lesser Imperial Tauron House Clans,whose Royal Families once ruled supreme among the Tauron Hierarchy . The Khone Dynasty was preceded by the feudal Zhallen Khoor Dynasty and followed by the Hon Kree-Lharr Dynasty in the Tauron Realm. The unification of the New Tauron in the years under the First Emperor Yharhack Khone –the Supreme Tauron marked the beginning of Imperial Tauron, a period which lasted until the fall of the Khone Dynasty in The Yharhack Khone Dynasty left a legacy of a centralized and bureaucratic state that would be carried onto successive dynasties. At the height of its power, the Khone Dynasty had a population of about 40 million people. Also, the massive Tauron Army at Old Zhatikhor was built during the Khone as a royal retinue to guard the First Emperor in the afterlife in Holospace,with the Great Golden Citadel of The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone, also with the First City of Old Zhatikhor, on the ancient Atlantean homeworld .

The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace. Originally was the son late father Shoon Yharhack Khone-a Great Warrior. was one of the wealthiest men in pre-revolutionary mainland Tauron (and claimed to be a direct descendant of Ganis Khone-the ancient Tauron,who was a teacher and warrior,who tried to reform the ancient Tauron Empire,during one of it’s early bloodiest period of it’s history ), while his late mother was an Tykhonean noblewoman Asharra Ishtarey ,whose lines was close to the current Mhooknong Royal Family,that ruled the ancient near by Tykhon Empire,on the distant Atlantean homeworld in that world late end of the Orsearhon Dynasty.

Yharhack Khone saw the ancient Tauron Empire,on the distant Atlantean homeworld in that world late Mhookhong Dynasty as weak and incompetant-several smaller Imperial Realms,that comprised the larger,if weak Tauron Empire.His plan was to overtrow by political manuevers,assassination,wars and other means to oppose and over throw the near by weak kingdoms and unite those allied Imperial Tauron House- After conquering the last independent Tauron state in the Great rebuilding of the Empire,during Atlantises indutrial period, Yharhack Khone was the king of a state of ruling over the whole of the Tauron Empire, an unprecedented accomplishment.

Ancient Taurons, like ancient Tykhonean, believed their empire encompassed the whole world, a concept referred to as all under heaven-otherwise known as or felt as the entire Tauron world or everybody with the Tauron World or Empire,under one,single ruling power or royal family. Yharhack Khone, soon took the title of Tauron Supreme Emperor or Supreme Touron, which was the same as saying his rule and his Royal Family, ruled as it all under heaven or least wise the Tauron World.

The Supreme Empiror, also known by the honorific title Supreme Tauron, was a position created more than a million years ago by the extraterrestrial race known as the ancient Tauron to help them create a stabyle empire like the one that their alies, the Tykhon, had once created decades before with their own Empire..

Taurons also accept and believe in the Virgin Birth (and highly respect Asharra Ishtarey ), the miracles of the Supreme Lord, including raising the dead to life, healing the sick, making the blind see and the lame walk and many other miracles not ascribed to by many worshippers of the Universal Church of Ultimate Truth.,
Many Taurons believe that the Holy Testaments of the Ancient Taurons (the Old Testament) contains certain messianic prophecies of the Supreme Tauron, or references that predict the coming of the Supreme Tauron, being written well before his birth. Some of these claims result from statements in the New Testament in which the First Among the Taurons is said to fulfill a prophecy in the Old Testament, and others are not mentioned in the New Testament, but nevertheless believed by many Taurons to be prophecies of the coming of the Supreme Tauron-who predominantly believe is the Holo God incarnate, who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with universe-through conquest and power over all non believes, which includes various members of the Atlantean race and their allies. Taurons, now see themselves, not as former Atlanteans or an offshoot, colony of the Atlantean Homeworld, but a separate people, a separate civilization, out to show by force of religious doctrine, will power, and military force, that the way of the Tauron is also the will of their Hologod, who rules in the heavens... Taurons believe that there is only one God, referred to as The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace. Yharhack Khone himself wanted the First to be the next emperor or not. The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

There are some individuals and groups who consider themselves who is a true worshipper of the Supreme Tauron Yharhack Khone, but are not accepted as Taurons by most other Taurons, who worship other branch sects of the one true, living Holo god. For example, neither Shunniee Khoor nor Sha Shur Khone Taurons accept Ahmadis or adherents of the smaller Nation of the Tauron Empire as fellow Tauron, who follows much older text of the Supreme Taurons faith, who believe in older written text of the Empire. To reject another self-proclaimed a Tauron as a non-Tauron is called Caphkhor –followers of Tauron Emperor Caphkhor Khoor –who ruled the Empire, during the Time of the Great Second Reformation, when the Royal Family, tried to bring back the realm toward a more benevolent era, by was thought to be assassinated by his enemies who followed the will and teachings of Shunniee Khoor –who proceeded him as the next Tauron Emperor and is considered an unbeliever by many Taurons. It is, according to Tauron tradition, up to God to decide who is Tauron and who is not. The Shunniee Khoor is the largest denomination of the Tauron Faith. .. Sha Shur Taurons. is the second largest Islamic denomination; some 20-25% of all Taurons are said to follow a Sha Shur Taurons tradition, who follow the teachings of Sha Shur Khone –brother of.. Yharkhoor Khone.

. Ahmadis is the collective name given to the two distinct groups (The Armadrian Tauron Community and the Lakhorta Ahmadis Movement) comprising of followers of Saurack Ahmad Khone-a distant cousin of...


First Supreme Emperor: the unifier

In an attempt to avoid a recurrence of the political chaos of the Warring States Period, The Supreme Empiror and his prime minister Lhann Dar'Khen' completely abolished feudalism. They instead divided the empire into thirty-six commanderies. Power in the commanderies was in the hands of governors dismissed at will by the central government. Civilian and military powers were also separated to avoid too much power falling in the hands of a single civil servant. Thus, each commandery was run by a civilian governor assisted by a military governor . The civilian governor was superior to the military governor, a constant in Tauron history. The civilian governor was also reassigned to a different commandery every few years to prevent him from building up a base of power. An inspector was also in post in each commandery, in charge of informing the central government about the local implementation of central policies, reporting on the governors' exercise of power, and possibly resolving conflicts between the two governors.
This administrative system was only an extension to the whole empire of the system already in place in the State of Oorn Khenora Province before the Tauron unification. Within the Old Tauron Empire , feudalism had been abolished in the 19th century,as recorded on the the Atlantean Homeworld Old Universe time line, and the realm had been divided into commanderies, with centrally appointed governors.
In the New Tauron State Supreme Empiror acommanded all the members of the former royal houses of the conquered states to move to Khentharr, the capital of Oorn Khenora Province, so they could be kept under tight surveillance for rebellious activities. Supreme Empiror aalso ordered most previously existing books burned, excepting some medical and agricultural texts held in the palace archives.
Supreme Empiror and Lhann Dar'Khen' unified Tauron economically by standardizing the Tauron units of measurements such as weights and measures, the currency, the length of the axles of carts (so every cart could run smoothly in the ruts of the new roads), the legal system, and so on. The emperor also developed an extensive network of roads and canals connecting the provinces to improve trade between them and to accelerate military marches to revolting provinces.
Yharhack Khone’s behavior reportedly became increasingly erratic in the later years of his rule. This may have been the result of drinking solutions containing mercury as well as other deadly compounds. Ironically, Yharhack Khone ingested the mixtures in an increasingly desperate search for an elixir that would prolong his life. It has often been speculated that this was at least partially responsible for many of his later acts such as building the the Great Golden Citadel of The First Supreme Emperor, where his spirit would entombed to preservation and one day resurrection back to corporeal life.
The First Tauron Empiror’s behavior became more bizzare.Several remainning Royal Families,who opposed his rule plotted against Yharhack Khone’s rule. His enemies plotted his death and several attempts on his life by various assassins proceeded-all unsuccessful. In the end, many of his Generals raised an army against Yharhack Khone’s Imperial City of Old Zhatikhor. A civil war broke out

Yharhack Khone discovers the secret of the resurrection through the emergence and ressurection of Holospace sarcophigus merged with the Gestalt Intelligence, and he saves a dying Empiror by lowering him into the sarcophigus, linking his mind with the Great Axonn Korr Artificial Intelligence-thus preserving his mind and personality until a great time, when the First Empiror Yharhack Khone could revived. The prosess, Yharhack Khone who is sadistic to begin with, was driven completely insane by the joining of his mind with those others-thus distorting his veiw point of reality..

Yharhack Khone died suddenly and left his Empire is chaos. Hhar Khoo Vhann the First, under the advice of two high officials, the Imperial Secretariat Lharr Khenn and the chief Adnisor Zharr Khoor, forged and altered Emperor's will. The faked decree ordered Yharhack Khone 's first son, Yharkhoor Khone the heir to be heair to the Imperial Tauron Thone.

An edict in bronze from the reign of the Second Yharkhoor Khone Emperor,began to attempt to continue his fathers wishes.Actually, Supreme Empiror Yharhack Khone often advised his living son the new Supreme Emperor on matters of rule, thus making his son, a kind of puppet Emperor and his deceased father and mother, being the real rulers of the Tauron Empire by proxy.

Out of concern for the security of his throne, Yharkhoor Khone killed all his known enemies,but failed to do away with many cousins,uncles and aunts of his own Royal Family-who eventually,conspired against his rule in the end.. At the end, he was killed by Zharr Ghann-who an allie of Sha Shur Khone-his younger brother. Of Yharkhoor Khone. Thus Yharhack Khone , the First Emperor, has no known descendants after his son accended the throne-no direct descendants anyway.Many of them,where cousins and other members of his Royal line that claimed their bloodlines associated with his. The Second Emperor, Yharkhoor Khone ,left the Imperial Throne to the descendants of his younger brother,whose bloodline,now flows in the veins of many of the current Royal Family line-even some of the known male members are of Imperial Tauron House Clans of other names,other than the house of Yharhack Khone .Although it might seem strange,that a religion,who worships Royal Ancestry of many patrone holosaints or hologods of many Royal Houses,it maybe that there is no current or previous members of a Royal House Brave enough to claim the name of a direct descendant of the Royal House Clan of Yharhack Khone or his First Son Yharkhoor Khone. Sha Shur Khone’s royal line, being the younger brother, became the dominant line of the Royal Tauron Family, as will by the Supreme Tauron’s desired, to rule by proxy in Holospace-thinking that since his son Yharkhoor Khone, was foolish to have left no true heirs, his line, even if it was to be discovered somehow say by the descendants of a bastard or illegitimate line, who not worthy of rule anyway. It was fought, that this was the sort of thing that led to the Great Tauron Civil Wars that almost tore apart the Empire, before the assertion of Yharhack Khone, to the Imperial Tauron Throne of Heaven in the real world and holospace. Yharhack Khone himself wanted Sha Shur Khone the First to be the next emperor or not and the successor of the next line is unclear. It is very controversal,too,as if certain members of the Imperial Houses of Sarkhon,Shaitanus,Karza and Kulthan might have had a indirect hand in causing his Royal Tauron Bloodline to devert to what preceived as a better,benevolant Royal ,at the time.The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

Gestalt Intelligence.

First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone created a Gestalt Intelligence, known as Axonn-Kore, as a means to keep survailance upon his expanding empire and provide wisdom and guidence as toward his many enemies whereabouts,plans and operation,that may threaten his Imperial Rule.. It is composed of the mind of the greatest Tauron minds (thinkers, generals, philosophers, scientists and so on), removed upon their deaths and assimilated by the computer.Axonn Khore was an enlarged, disembodied artificial intelligence- a telepathic creature, the First One functioned in tandem with four other similar entities, all of whom were networked into a central device, which comprised the Supreme Gestalt Intlligence. Although the First One coordinated with the other four brains within its network, it was clearly the dominating intelligence of the composite entity, governing all decisions.No one knows exactly where this advanced technology came in such a primative civilization.It maybe,that the ancient Atlanteans,had advanced technology in their

First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone is both a genius in biochemistry and a brilliant scientist and inventor in many fields, in addition to being an expert in mysticism, alchemy, and the martial arts. Despite being basically immobile, the Intelligence possesses all known psionic powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, cosmic awareness, sensory link, postcognition, precognition etc.

The Tauron Empire once was a much larger interstellar Empire, but because of the Old Tauron/Tykhon Wars and some interference with the Atlanteans, by way of their Time Agents the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guardians, the vast network of Tauron interstellar temporal Star Gates began to break down, forcing them to abandon many outposts, star bases, colonial cities and so on, all over time and space. Many of these Tauron Outposts were either on an Alternate Earth Timeline or with the Solar System or a near by star system, such as Alpha Centauri.

The Tauron possess advanced warp-drive starships, cloaking technology, advanced energy based weaponry, advanced medical technology, genetic engineering, psionic technology, advanced robotic, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, and advanced sub space, temporal communication technology. The Tauron were a largely peaceful spacefaring race. like their cousins the Atlanteans, and they set about educating the natives of many infinite worlds to the point where they could join their trading empire. However, the Tauron Homeworld became a militaristic dictatorship two equally intelligent Tauron races, became split into two societies the Higher Tauron Ruling Class and the Lower Tauron Class.

The Tauron Homeworld

The Tauron Homeworld is a remnant of the ancient Tauron Empire of the Old Universe. It is actually a Tauron Worldship-a spherical space station roughly about the size of a Terran Class ., that escaped the closing of the Old Universe at the end of the Ancient Titan Gods Wars and made it’s way into a secluded star system, suitable for the Tauron Royal Family and those refugee’s of the many Imperial Tauron Battle Carrier Groups, plus the multitude of refugee Star Ships ,that fled along with them.

The Tauron Homeworld or Planet Tauron is a planet sized star ship. with it’s engine of destruction that can roams the galaxy under its own power., but rarely does and circles the Tauron Star . It has its own system of orbiting materials including asteroids, small moons, warships, and stations. The Tauron slave population of the world is vast and its automated systems allow it to be controlled effectively by a single dictator or his Royal Family alone.
The Tauron Homeworld, controls a vast interstellar and intertemporal empire, much the same way, world Atlantis Prime, Genesis Prime, the Sidairians, and other elder races, influence or control vast intergalactic regions of space through time travel. The difference is how the Taurons control those colonial worlds, diplomatically and democratically or through fascism, rule of conquest, subversion, and terror. The Taurons are equal in technological power as the Atlanteans, but their influence is limited by malfunctioning Tauron temporal Stargates.
With their technology, they are the height of power in most of the universe and are able to devastate galaxies when they choose to use it. Atlantean technology is furthermore the source of unparalleled misery in the universe as the planet routinely arms evil groups with advanced technology in order to further its influence (and misery) across the universe. Imperial Tauron City of New Zhatikhor-the Capitol City of the Great Tauron Empire-named after the old, ancient version, found upon the Old Atlantean Homeworld of the So-Called Old [Maveric ] Universe. The sector in which the Imperial Palace and the Galactic Library

The Tauron Empire evacuated the last of their race via a fleet of Tauron warships, Tauron Star Castles, Tauron Star Palace Ships, Tauron World Ships, Tauron Moonships or Battlestations, Tauron Frigates, Tauron Star Destroyers, Tauron Battle Cruisers guarded by the Imperial Tauron World Ship-Bellsavariphann. ,which had become the Imperial Tauron Homeworld-after one of the Great Titan Gravis-Rho was programmed by the Titans to destroy the Original Imperial Tauron Homeworld. The last surviving members of the Imperial Royal Family fled aboard the Tauron World Ship, leading the Tauron Survivors with into various Temporal Star Gate Wormholes into the New Multiverses. They the Taurons would carve out by force a New Tauron Empire, wherever they found themselves, by way of their Imperial Tauron Star Forces and Imperial Tauron Military Forces, backed up by the Imperial Tauron Temporal Centurions.

Imperial Tauron Royal Family.

Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of New Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries-claimed to be descended from the last surviving daughter of Yhann Rhoogg Khone-13th son of First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone .The parchriarchal head of the Tauron Family,is often the highest,elder male family member,who has served in the Tauron Military and is also the first to succed toward the Imperial Throne of the Great Tauron Empire. The reign of the Khone Dynasty, lasting over 400 years, is commonly considered within Tauron to be one of the greatest periods in the Tauron history. To this day, the ethnic majority of the Tauron upper ruling clas still refer to themselves as the "Khone clan".

Members of the Imperial Tauron Royal Family, will go out on hunting parties on other planets validate their royal status. Armed all sorts of energy swords, plasma swords, quantum field lances, and so on, they Tauron Royal Hunting Parties will track down the local planets most dangerous creatures and attempt capture alive for their own personal interstellar zoo’s back on the Tauron homeworld. The Tauron Ark Ships land and begin collecting the local captured creatures and place them in various force field kept cages for transport back home to planet Tauron. Taurons also serve as navigators and trackers. To hone their skills, Hunters engage in lifelong pursuit of another, other species. The Tauron Hunters value a long, challenging hunt, preferably ending in the Prey’s heroic death. If they manage to capture a Prey alive, they will reluctantly take it back to their homeworld and subject it to ridicule and public display. Tauron Hunters often, if the Prey is intelligent enough, will give a chance to pick suitable weapons or devices to survive the hunt. or Hunters Moon as it is called.

The Tauron Mercenary Soldiers

The Tauron Soldiers become bands of mercenaries who often engaged in interstellar commerce. These Tauron Mercenaries often roam about the Universe, searching for wars to fight and money to be made, protecting a planet from an enemy army’s forces.

The Tauron are a highly regimented, militaristic society, who one Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries-claimed to be descended from the last surviving daughter of Yhann Rhoogg Khone-13th son of First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone . These Rhakhar-Mercenary Soldiers have alliance but to the Supreme Commander –who head of their rogue Imperial Tauron Army.

Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions

The employs powerful automatons called Tauron Sentinels, huge robots that travel with their Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions-their version of a combination of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Temporal Guardians, to watch over and guard the infinite Rim worlds and star systems of the Empire. The Temporal Centurions are responsible for enforcing and administering justice in the Tauron Empire. The Tauron Centaurions possess a variety of paranormal abilities and powers equal to the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guard. The Tauron Temporal Sentinels, also possess much of those paranormal abilities. Plus a few extra abilities, such a powerful plasma laser beam, that shoot forth from its visor area. The Tauron Sentinel, are also an unstoppable engine of destruction, with an Order known General Order 24,if the event, the Tauron Temporal Guardian falls in battle or is injured by the local populous ,to eradicate the civilization for such a crime or attack upon a Tauron Temporal Agent. The only way to prevent the Sentinel or Sentinel Army from destroying everything it it’s path and bombarding the world from above by bombardment from a Tauron Star Palace or Star Castle, is for the Temporal Centaurion or someone he or she trusts, to order General Order 10,that cancels out General Order 24. The Tauron Sentinel primary function is General Order 1-to protect the Temporal Centaurion and crew at all costs. General Order to never allow through his action or inaction allow his Temporal Centaurion and crew come to harm. Tauron Temporal Centaurions travel in Tauron Star Palace type Star Ships. Tauron Temporal Centaurion often will arrive upon a particular star ship issue orders that system most inhabitable planet or planets abandon warfare and join other spacefaring nations-a peace ensured by a massive deterrent force, the robot race known as the Tauron Sentinels belongs to-or else be destroyed as a threat to the rest of the Tauron Empire. Tauron Sentinels are faultless, monolithic technology, trusted so implicitly that it is given absolute power, a power of life or death, over entire worlds, to preserve or to destroy life on a planetary scale, depending on the response of a world's highest life form to the message of peace or what the Tauron civilization think of as peace.

The Tauron are a highly regimented, militaristic society, who one Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries. The employs powerful automatons called Tauron Sentinels, huge robots that travel with their Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions-their version of a combination of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Temporal Guardians, to watch over and guard the infinite Rim worlds and star systems of the Empire. The Temporal Centurions are responsible for enforcing and administering justice in the Tauron Empire.

Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions

Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions or simply known as Supreme Temporal Centaurions, are the highest members of the Tauron Temporal Centaurion Corps-who are only answerable to the Imperial Royal Family and the Supreme Tauron himself and his hologod wife. The Supreme Temporal Centaurion a law enforcement/military officer in a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury, and executioner. who can and are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot.
Due to there often high social rank, Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions are immediately admitted into the Corps at junior officer rank upon completing their Tauron education. The Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions are an elite corps of Tauron government officials, entirely made up of old Universe Tauron that has been in existence for millions of years. It is the responsibility of the Accuser class to enforce and administer justice throughout the galaxy-wide Tauron Empire. Ordinary Tauron police, and all government officials of planets within the Empire and not inhabited by Tauron, are responsible to the Tauron Temporal Centaurions Corps. The Tauron Temporal Centaurions prosecute, judge, sentence, and execute all Tauron below their aristocratic class who are accused of crimes. (Except in special cases, only Tauron Kree high officials or aristocrats receive jury trials.) The Tauron Temporal Centaurions also act as prosecutors, judges, and executioners in cases on Tauron -ruled planets, or even planets like Earth on which the Tauron have established bases, which involve real or alleged activities judged by the Tauron to be against the interests of the Tauron Empire. The Tauron Temporal Centaurions strictly adhere to the severe Tauron legal code, which permits death, exile, and forms of brainwashing as punishment for numerous offenses. In special cases, the Tauron Temporal Centaurions themselves go forth to capture alleged criminals. The Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions oversee Tauron military operations conducted for punitive and imperialistic reasons. Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions also act as governors and high officials of planets that the Tauron place under martial law. Supreme Temporal Centaurions travel around large, computer-driven speederbikes, which mounts powerful cannons, and has full artificial intelligence, and is capable of responding to orders from the Judge and driving itself. It is equipped with a video communication system, and is also connected to the Tauron Justice Department which can receive and transmit information to and from the bike. Temporal Centaurions also has a huge handguns-pistols mainly (DNA-coded to recognize thier palm-print alone) that fires six types of bullets or can be switched to energy blaster fire; a bootknife; and a uniform with a helmet that obscures all of their faces except their mouth and jaws.

The Tauron Centaurions possess a variety of paranormal abilities and powers equal to the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guard. The Tauron Temporal Sentinels, also possess much of those paranormal abilities. Plus a few extra abilities, such a powerful plasma laser beam, that shoot forth from its visor area. The Tauron Sentinel, are also an unstoppable engine of destruction, with an Order known General Order 24,if the event, the Tauron Temporal Guardian falls in battle or is injured by the local populous ,to eradicate the civilization for such a crime or attack upon a Tauron Temporal Agent. The only way to prevent the Sentinel or Sentinel Army from destroying everything it it’s path and bombarding the world from above by bombardment from a Tauron Star Palace or Star Castle, is for the Temporal Centaurion or someone he or she trusts, to order General Order 10,that cancels out General Order 24. The Tauron Sentinel primary function is General Order 1-to protect the Temporal Centaurion and crew at all costs. General Order to never allow through his action or inaction allow his Temporal Centaurion and crew come to harm. Tauron Temporal Centaurion, are a ruthless organization, Nazi like civilization-facist, militant-the opposite of the Atlanteans.

New Genisis Bunkers-Tauron Empire.

The Tauron Empire, like their cousin race, the Atlanteans have known to build Great Titanic Machines, some the 8,000 cubic mile (33,000 km³), that are built for various uses. Sometimes they are stored or located with a New Genesis Bunkers, that was created for the purpose of providing shelter in case of some sort of planetwide disaster or cataclysm, complete with massive holo libraries full isolinear data tapes, teaching helmets, hangar garages-complete with various vehicles-star ships, smart speeder bikes or Spikes, hover speeder cars, purpose to preserving the culture until it can either re Terraformed for habitation and recolonization or relocation again underground complexes.or New Genisis Bunkers, some of various sizes ,some the size of Star Palace star ships, while others as big as Super Star Castles are often hidden and only found by above surface marker or monolith structures. Others can located with huge above surface Crystal Towers or City Scapes marking underground complexes. Often a New Genisis Bunker is guarded by a Holo Demon of some sort to prevent unwanted alien archeologist and anthropologist from discovering the Tauron Empires secrets. New Genisis Bunkers often are also the location of one those huge machine laboratories-a Shadow Complex –a vast network of many various machine labs and smaller tech complexes.

Tauron Time Tunnel

Generally with this Shadow Complex, is the Titanic Time Tunnel or Time Tube-a huge stationary Star Gateway into Temporal Space. Some of these were abandoned by the Taurons and used by other interstellar races, such as Terrans, with Project; Time Stalkers, Inc. to explore interstellar temporal space. Some Tauron Refugees have used the abandoned Time Tunnels to escape to distant colonies in the same universe or other alternate realities and set up small colonies there. These Taurons believe in a back to the ancient times, when the Taurons believe in the same peaceful interstellar intentions as their cousins the Atlanteans. Their goal is work toward rebuilt those fraction Tauron Civilizations, as far far beneficial interstellar civilizatiuon, than evil militaristic imperial Tauron Empire, they came from.

Beware Tauron Traders.

The Tauron’s often do and begin to collect specimens and rare items from various infinite worlds to trade with other worlds that they find along their travels among the stars. Sometimes this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Tauron Traders ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle an innocent and nieve trader.Often there Trades, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.Perhaps servitude to the Tauron Trader or some other such penalty. Tauron Traders travel in Tauron Star Palace like star ships used their home and mobile base of operation.

Tauron Keepers

The Tauron’s often do and begin to collect specimens and rare items from various infinite worlds to trade with other worlds that they find along their travels among the stars. Sometimes the Tauron Hunters-also known as Tauron Keepers this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Tauron Keepers ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle a nieve trader.Often these Tauron Keepers, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.Perhaps servitude to the Tauron Trader or some other such penalty. Tauron Traders or Keepers travel in Tauron Star Arks like star ships used their home and mobile base of operation. These Arks, once used to transport colonist and livestock, were adapted into huge Tauron Cargo Haulers, for travel among the stars.Tauron Keepers, often work a Tauron Trader, who handles all transactions with Tauron Intergalactic Zoo’s or Sanctuary Worlds.

Tauron Circus

P.T.Pharnum, Haley and Gideon Brothers Intergalactic Circus.P.T.Pharnum-a Tauron Showman, along his partner Doctor Haley Marvaillo- and the Gideon Brothers-operated an interstellar circus that is stationed on Alpha Centauri.


Tauron Exiles; often are either imprisoned a huge Prison Star Ship, frozen in suspended animation. Guarded by huge Tauron Sentry Robots. Other more political prisoners are exiled to small pocket dimensions that can be accessed through small Tauron stargates.

The Astran.

The Astran are an ancient, elder race-possibly an offshoot of the Tauron’s. This may explain where the Astran Civilization comes from. Astran is an ancient Tauron name for Astran Melkhonn-who started the Astran Cult among the Tauron Empire. The Astran are often peaceful, if aggressive traders and Zoo Keepers. Astran, like their fellow Tauron’s are often known to arrive upon a star system and aggressively Trade with the local civilization or colony. They Astran also will land in a huge Astran Ark Ship, as the Tauron’s do and begin to collect specimens. Sometimes this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Astran Traders ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle a nieve trader.Often there Trades, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.


AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. Trademark [copyright-2006.

Maveric Lions Productions Entertainment.

Project; Time-Stalkers, Inc.

Earth’s first exploration of time travel. Four heroes using an ancient and alien time machine, lost within an underground alien cityscape or complex. Built by an alien race known as the Tauron’s-who claimed to have discovered huge wormholes into time-via these time tunnels or time tubes-have created a network of star gateways into temporal space. Partially funded by

the Time Core Corporation, the four heroic adventurers travel anywhere and everywhere,

guided by Magnus 5000-a huge artificial intelligent computer-built by the hidden cities original builders.

Using the SS Time-Stalker One, the four heroes. travel to distant lands, visit strange new civilizations and strange new worlds, other alternate temporal worldliness helping all who need assistance, exploring otherworldly technology and protecting launch point Earth against all external and internal threats.

Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment


The four founding species of the Tauron (clockwise from top left): the Taurons of the Original Homeworld,Tauron Colonist of the 1)Alpha Tauron Colonies,2)Delta Prolallax Colonies ,3)the Tauron Delax Colonies,4) Colonies(o.5) Tauron Cesti Colonies.

More than an alliance of purely independent states, the Tauron government is based upon the model of Military Regime, where its member planets and colonies remain semi-autonomous, controlling their local territory as they see fit in accordance with Federation principles as outlined in the Articles of Law. The government is divided into three branches: theTauron Council of Lords acts as the legislative branch, , and The Tauron House of Representative, that represent the interests of the various Colonial Worlds, the Tauron Supreme Adjucators, serves as the supreme judiciary. For the most part, the Tauron government was established only to function in areas that required interplanetary cooperation. Each member operated and maintained its own colonies, Fleet, and Police. The Terran Federation President, is the chief executive and head of state, and resides over the policies of all three houses and could veto any law passed by the Tauron House of Representatives.

Star Fleet
The Tauron Empire is defended by the United Star Fleet-that comprised two military organization the Tauron Empire Space Forces and the related United Star forces, which helps maintain and safeguard the Terran Homeworld and it’s Colonial Regions. The Tauron Empire Space Probe Agency, a related operation, combining the two organizations, supervises and is in command of any star ship, which also has oversight of the Survey ships exploring new territory.

The Tauron Interstellar Agency or Tauron Interstellar Agency for short. Central Organization, which is the Command Structure for a variety of smaller Agencies and Departments. Tauron Interstellar Agency. often works with various military branches and independent agencies of the Tauron Empire, if necessary.

Agencies and departments
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Agricultural Affairs
Tauron Empire Archaeology Council is a Federation organization of archaeologists.
The Tauron Empire Astronomical Committee is the Tauron Empire Star Forces agency responsible for naming and locating new spatial phenomena.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of First Contact
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Industrialization
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Planetary Treaties.
Terraform Command is an agency of the Tauron Empire Space Forces that is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the terraforming of celestial bodies.
United Space Probe Agency Headquarters is the command center for the United Space Probe Agency, located on Earth.
the Tauron Empire Ranger Service. Branches of it are the Tauron Empire Colonial Marines, the Terran Federation Rangers-a sort of interstellar Law Enforcement Agency, the Tauron Empire Space Probe Agency-a kind of interstellar Deep Space Exploration Agency, and the Old Tauron Empire Star Forces Agency.
Independent Agencies and Departments.

Fate Enterprises Department of Interstellar Affairs.

Project Time Strikers Inc. Department of Temporal Investigations, Private Agency created by Time Strikeforce .and founded by various individuals of Project Time Strikers, Inc. to investigate and explore temporal space, plus exploit and research any technology found with time and space.

Shaitanus Enterprises,Inc. Private Agency created by the Imperial House Clan of Count Dargo Shaitanus to investigate temporal phenominon, temporal and other related scientific research and so forth.

Time Strikeforce -Top Secret Board of Directors, who founded a company to help fund and profit off any research and exploration of temporal technology and time travel. Possibly a corporate front for Shaitanus Enterprises,Inc, Fate Enterprises,Inc, Project Time Strikers Inc members to secretly finance various operations and project by way of a back door policy and dummy company front. Thus, they avoid any type of legal or military interference from certain outside temporal agents fighting a Temporal Cold War in other parts of Temporal Space.

Tauron Empire Broadcasting Company
Tauron Empire News Network (UTNN)

Tauron Empire News Service (UTNS)

Fate Enterprises United Broadcasting Company.

Tauron Empire Starfleet Broadcasting (TFSB)

Military and security
The Tauron Empire Space Forces Starfleet Departments.

Military - Branches

A) The Terran Federation Starfleet -United Space Service or United Star Service.

The Tauron Empire Space Force:

The Tauron Empire Space Force defends the Tauron Empire and it’s Colonial Allies through control and exploitation of air and space. The Space Force flies and maintains heavy class star craft-such as heavy Deep Exploration Cruisers, Deep Star Destroyers, such as long-range heavy bomber star ships, Space borne Warning and Control System (SWACS) Star craft and many others to protect the interests of Terra and Terran allies. Almost 400,000 highly trained officers and airmen compose today's Space Force. The Space Force recruits approximately 30,000 to 40,000 men and women each year to fill openings in hundreds of Space Force careers. The Space Force is basically an old growth of Earth’s old Naval Military forces.

1) Tauron Empire Space Service- A general Branch of the Tauron Empire Starfleet, refering to those military offices are under the Command of the Tauron Empire Space Forces Command-a kind of Interstellar Navy.
Tauron Empire Space Service is the branch of the Tauron Empire military forces principally designated for space naval warfare and amphibious warfare, with the local planetary Naval Forces for namely lake- or ocean-borne combat operations and related functions. It includes operations conducted by surface ships, amphibious ships, submarines, and seaborne aviation, as well as ancillary support, communications, training, and other fields; recent developments have included space related operations. The strategic offensive role of a Navy is projection of force into areas beyond a country's shores (for example, to protect sea-lanes, ferry troops, or attack other navies, ports, or shore installations). The strategic defensive purpose of a Navy is to frustrate sea-borne projection-of-force by enemies. The strategic task of the navy also may incorporate nuclear deterrence by use of nuclear missiles.
Space Naval ranks
Main article: Naval officer ranks

A navy will typically have two sets of ranks, one for enlisted personnel and one for officers.

Typical ranks for commissioned officers include the following, in ascending order (Commonwealth ranks are listed first on each line):

Acting Sub-Lieutenant / Ensign / Corvette Lieutenant

Sub Lieutenant / Lieutenant Junior Grade / Frigate Lieutenant

Lieutenant / Ship-of-the-Line Lieutenant / Captain Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander / Corvette Captain

Commander / Frigate Captain

Captain / Ship-of-the-Line Captain

Commodore / Flotilla Admiral (in: Rear Admiral (lower half))

Rear Admiral (in only, Rear Admiral (upper half))

Vice Admiral


Fleet Admiral or Admiral of the Fleet or Grand Admiral

"Flag officers" include any rank that includes the word "admiral" (or commodore), and are generally in command of a battle group or similar flotilla of ships, rather than a single ship or aspect of a ship. However, commodores can also be temporary positions. Such as command of a star base or space station, a Space Navy captain was assigned duty as a convoy commodore, which meant that he was still a captain, but in charge of all the merchant vessels in the convoy

The Tauron Empire Star Force:
The Tauron Empire Star Force defends the Tauron Empire and it’s Colonial Allies through control and exploitation of air and space. The Star Force flies and maintains heavy class star craft-such as Battle Carrier Groups and star fighter squadrons, such as long-range bombers, supersonic fighters, Space borne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Star craft and many others to protect the interests of Terra and Terran allies. Almost 400,000 highly trained officers and airmen compose today's Star Force. The Star Force recruits approximately 30,000 to 40,000 men and women each year to fill openings in hundreds of Star Force careers. The Star Force is basically an old growth of Earth’s old Air Forces Military forces.
2) United Star Service. A general Branch of the Terran Federation Starfleet, refering to those military offices is under the Command of the United Star Fighter Command. -a kind of Interstellar Air Force
The Terran Star Force, in some countries called the Star Force, is a military or armed service that primarily conducts aerial or special warfare. It typically consists of a combination of star fighters, star or space bombers, repulsorcopters, Space or Star transport and other aircraft. Many air forces are also responsible for operations of military space, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), and communications equipment. Some air forces may command and control other air-defense assets such as antiaircraft artillery, surface-to-air missiles, or anti-ballistic missile warning networks and defensive systems.
Air forces typically operate numerous types of aircraft. These may include

Star Fighters, used to destroy other aircraft;

Star or Space Bombers and Attack Aircraft, used to attack ground targets;

Reconnaissance Starcraft;

Electronic Warfare

Spacerborne Early Warning Starcraft;

Maritime Patrol Starcraft;

Transport Starcraft;

Tankers, which provide aerial in-flight refueling for other Starcraft;

Helicopters, used for attack, rescue or transport;

and Training Starcraft;.

Star Forces also operate numerous types of satellites. These satellites provide services such as:

Secure and unsecure communications

Position, navigation and timing

Missile warning

Weather data

Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)

The Tauron Empire Army:
The Army's mission is to protect the security of the Tauron Empire homeworld and its vital resources. plus it’s Allied Colonial Worlds interest and resources. The Army is constantly ready to defend Tauron Empire interests and the interests of our allies through land-based operations anywhere in the world or the interstellar regions of the Tauron Space and surrounding allied Tauron Empire Colonies, if called upon.

The Tauron Empire Space Forces Military Department-The Alpha Omega Warriors Group.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Army.
The Tauron Empire Special Forces Corps.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Marines
The Tauron Empire Special Forces Patrol
The Terran Federation Colonial Marine Corps:

The Tauron Empire Colonial. Marine Corps has grown to become one of the most elite fighting forces in the world. Approximately 174,000 officers and enlisted Marines fly planes or star fighter and helicopters, pilot star ships, operate radar equipment, drive armored vehicles, and gather intelligence along with hundreds of other jobs. They also assist other branches of the Tauron Empire Military Forces, with domestic and interstellar military operations. Each year, the Marine Corps recruit 41,000 men and women to fill job openings. Training programs offer challenging and progressive skill development with emphasis on the development of mental strength and physical prowess.

The Terran Federation Interstellar Guard:
The mission of the Tauron Empire Interstellar Guard is to be prepared to be called to active duty as a reserve of the Army and Star Forces. The Tauron Empire. Constitution designates a second mission to each star systems planetary National Guard and Interstellar Guard, be ready to assist the local government and near by interstellar forces at a moments notice. Upon mobilization, the state Guard comes under the control of the Army. There are approximately 36,500 officers; 7,700 warrant officers and about 313,500 enlisted members.

The Tauron Imperial Navy:
The Tauron Navy plays an important role in helping to maintain the freedom of the Terran Federation and its allied neighbors. The Navy defends the right to travel and trade freely on the world's oceans and protects our country and national interested overseas during times of international conflict. The Navy is a large and diverse organization, consisting of 371,000 officers and enlisted members. Navy personnel operate and repair more than 320 ships and over 4,000 aircraft. They serve on ships at sea, on submarines under the sea, in aviation positions on land and sea and at shore bases around the world and other Colonial Worlds, with co-operation from the Terran Federation Star Forces...

The Tauron Naval Patrol ;The Tauron Naval Patrol was a department of the Tauron Empire that deals with sea ships that patrol the oceans of Tauron worlds, similar to how starships patrol Terran Federation space.

The Tauron United Space Forces Starfleet Department.
The Tauron Archaeological Council
Tauron Astronomical Committee
The Tauron Department of Cartography
The Tauron Department of Temporal Investigations
The Tauron Science Council
The Tauron Science Bureau
The Tauron Central Bureau of Penology
The Tauron Department of Temporal Investigations

From an economic perspective, the Tauron Empire functions as an interstellar dictatorship where all its citizens are provided for thanks to the inexpensive, large-scale production and dissemination of nearly all food, clothing, shelter and consumer goods. By the late-21st century (and probably earlier), the Tauron no longer used paper money in the traditional sense, but made use of the Imperial credit as a basic unit of exchange when needed. Much of the Economy is based products and goods created by interstellar commerce and trade, manuefactrured goods and products created upon various colonial worlds, and anything created or produced by wormhole or space warp technology.

The Tauron Empire has influence on the interstellar economy is linked to its regulatory powers, production of Imperial dataries, and authorization of relevant bodies.

At heart of the interstellar economy was planetary trade. Interplanetary trade could support a local economy, but, in many cases, the high levels of government spending required for an advanced society could only be funded only by interplanetary exports. While some planets maintained their own shipping fleets, most relied on large freight firms, such as the Tauron Trade Transport Systems, or independent freight haulers to carry their goods along major hyper space lanes and wormhole trade routes...

Orion's Arm-

The Orion Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. The Solar System and Earth are within the Orion Arm. It is also referred to as the Local Arm, the Local Spur or the Orion Spur.

The Orion Arm is named for its proximity to the stars in the Orion constellation. It is located between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus Arm, two of the four major arms of the Milky Way. Within the Orion Arm, the solar system and Earth are located close to the inner rim in the Local Bubble, approximately 8000 parsecs (26,000 light-years) from the galactic center. The Orion Arm is a collection of stars, planets, nebulae, and other spatial objects that form one of many curved "arms" out shooting from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Orion Arm (or Local Spur/Orion Spur) is a minor "arm", extending from the Sagittarius Arm, and is the location of the Tauron Star System. The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Tauron is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System.

The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm, and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant. The Milky Way Galaxy is a large barred spiral galaxy that is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter, and contains over 400 billion stars. The galaxy is comprised of three major parts: the core, which contains a super massive black hole called Sagittarius A, the disc, which is the ring of stars and interstellar dust that gives the galaxy its spiral shape, and the halo, which includes many older stars orbiting the core, but outside the disc, of which most are concentrated in massive globular clusters. The Sidairian Galactic Barrier is an energy field created by Sidairian Space Mine technology that surrounds the specific locations, that wish quarantine or cut off from outside hostile enemy, such as the Kellorians or the Khyvan from contaminating specific pre warp technology worlds or keep the hostile enemy within such as the Phasian race-an evil Sidairian colony, from getting out causing havoc or temporal contamination. . A log buoy or recorder-marker is a recording device carried by starships. mark where and when such barriers are located and must avoided when traveling in normal or sub space.

Editors Notes;

Doc Thompson.

Editors Notes’

The name Tauron comes from a visiting family of aliens, called Tauron’s, have decided to use the Robinson's planet as a new colony, on Lost In Space. I liked this episode and one that follows later where the Robinsons found a Tauron teleporting machine. I felt the show did little to present this concept further. All those humanoid aliens could have from the planet Tauron Officer Bollix claims to be from originally. the Keeper, Mister Zumdush, (Quano) and his father could have rulers of Planet Tauron,
10. The Sky Is Falling

Reviews first aired 11/17/1965

A visiting family of aliens, called Tauron’s, has decided to use the Robinson's planet as a new colony. Although the Robinson's cannot understand the language of a visiting family, they welcome them to live in peace and harmony. However, as usual, Dr. Smith causes problems when he panics and draws a gun on the alien family.

Writer: Barney Slater, Herman Groves
Director: Sobey Martin
Guest star: Don Matheson (Retho), Francoise Ruggieri (Moela), Eddir Rosson (Lunon)

15. Return from Outer Space first aired: 12/29/1965

Will uses an alien Tauron transporter to send himself back to Earth. However, many people believe the Robinson family to be dead after hearing the ship went off course. Nobody on Earth believes him, and they lock him up with the intention of sending him to a boys' home.
Taurons were a mute humanoid species that wore simple tunics and jewelry.
A family of Taurons visited Preplanis using maser teleportation technology. They left the planet after a series of misunderstandings with the Robinson family. ("The Sky Is Falling")
The Taurons left behind some of their equipment, which Will Robinson used to return to Earth. ("Return from Outer Space")

Writer: Peter Packer
Director: Nathan Juran
Guest star: Reta Shaw (Aunt Clara), Walter Sande (Sheriff Baxendale), Donald Loxby (Davey Sims), Sheila Allen (Ruth Templeton [as Sheila Mathews]), Helen Kleeb (Phone Operator Rachel), Robert Easton (Lacy), Harry Harvey, Sr. (Grover), Ann Dore (First Select-Person), Keith Taylor (Theodore), Johnny Tuchy (First Boy)

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