Friday, December 18, 2009


H.M.S. Aurara's Flight

Commander Arcturus Rann (returning from a thousand-year deep space voyage in suspended animation) and Biotron, his robot co-pilot, return on the HMS (Homeworld Micro Ship) Endeavor, to discover Karza has slain the royal family, who are in fact Rann's parents. What follows is an epic war across the Microverse: Rann and his allies against Karza.

In addition to Biotron, Rann's team of "Micronauts" includes Princess Mari of Homeworld, who, with her brother, Prince Argon, are the only survivors of the slaughtered royal family. Known to the team as Marionette, she falls in love with Rann, and leads the team on occasion. The warriors Acroyear and Bug also join Rann's cause, and although completely different - one a noble warrior prince and the other a joking insectoid - the two become best friends and staunch allies of all Micronauts. The last member of the original team is Microtron, Mari's robot tutor. Although small, Microtron is very resourceful and very supportive of all team members.

Captain Nathaniel Stark Arcturus Rann in every issue of the series. Commander Rann earned the title of Space Glider when he became proficient in the use of a Glider-Pac on his planet of origin, Homeworld. The Glider-Pacs (the spring activated "wings" on the Space Glider figures) were also used by the other Micronauts when they wanted to fly. Captain Nathaniel Stark spent 1,000 years in suspended animation on board his starship, the H.M.S. Aurara's Flight, inside of a Hibernation Capsule (which was the coffin-like device found on board the Astro Station vehicle). The comic-book version of Space Glider was extremely faithful to the toy figure, even down to the helmet Commander Rann wore.

Biotron - Biotron was the roboid companion of Commander Rann (Space Glider) during his 1,000 year voyage across the Microverse. The comic-book version was identical to the toy version, except in the comic, Biotron was man-sized

Acroyear - represented by Prince Acroyear of Spartak in every issue of the comic. Prince Acroyear was the leader of his people, the warlike Acroyears, and was named after them.

Microtron - Microtron was the roboid companion of Princess Mari (Marionette) of Homeworld

Force Commander - Force Commander was Prince Argon of the planet Homeworld, who wore the Force Commander armor (once belonging to an ancient king of Homeworld, Dallan Rann) in order to defeat Baron Karza

Time Traveller - representations of the mystical Enigma Force, the Time Travellers were beings of great power that helped the Micronauts defeat Baron Karza. They appeared as green glowing humanoid figures, patterned after Commander Rann's form (including the belt/chest plate the toy figures had).

Galactic Warrior - The Micronaut Bug was called Galactic Warrior in the opening roll call of issues #1-3 of the series, and was affectionately called "my Galactic Warrior" by a girl who loved him (Treefern) in issue #56. However, Bug looked absolutely nothing like the Galactic Warrior action figure. In Annual #2, the Micronauts who looked like their toy counterparts were mentally taken over by the Toymaster, and Bug remained free of mental control, indicating that he was not represented by a toy figure.