Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Tauron Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

The Tauron Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

Fictional genesis of the Tauron Empire.

The Taurons were a concept introduced, at least to me anyway as a kid, in the very first early, superior to the color episodes black white episodes. Relics of the Taurons and their technology was use or featured (WERE THE TAURONS in THE SKY IS FALLING the same ones who left the machine in RETURN FROM OUTER SPACE – the machine called a Tauron Matter Transmitter or Taurons' maser device that sends Will to Earth looked a bit different; plus Bolix from Tauron (ALL THAT GLITTERS) is looks nothing like the Taurons from THE SKY IF FALLING . The Space Family Robinson's meet another Space Family the Tauron family - father Rethso, mother Moela, and boy Lunon from the planet Tauron, in episode and later Inspector Bolix or rather Officer Bolix of Tauron and his two animals, mentions he is from the planet Tauron. I believe the Trader; in addition, mentions being from or least trades the Tauron. We can assume the Keeper, might be from planet Tauron,or we can assume that may have in the mind of the scripters but being sloppy idiot producers, this is what might have been thought or,but never was mentioned in the accual episode the Keeper. I feel this wasa wonderful concept,that Lost in Space could haved used and reused, was dumped because no one was paying attention stuff like world building as say Star Trek sometimes tried to do with atleast the Klingons and Romulan alien races was on another network. Still,even the much superior Star Trek,created a concept I found interesting,but their writers of the series Star Trek,the Next Generation choose to ignore or forget,was the T’Khon Empire-who were an fallen ,intergalactic empire,claiming to be able to move stars,was quickly introduced and then forgotten.The Tykhon Empire,I’ve created is similar,but much more the Goa'uold of Stargate SG1 ,without the little parasite,mixing some elements of the Shi-Ar of Marvel Comics,without bird aspects,but are a race of militaristic space traveling Egyptians,out to enslave every human civilization with their vast technology and powers.Taurons and the Tykhon Empires are often allies of one another-share similar motives,technology and ethics. This why Lost in Space fans, Trek is considered a classic and Lost mostly silly crap by fans, because they never bothered to really rare did anything intelligently. ost n Space, is still a project, with much promise, that has yet despite three seasons on CBS and a better written movie, to achieve nothing more than a small cult following. shame indeed, that it could have much more.
.If Lost in Space paid attention to thing the Planet Tauron and less how many special guest stars we could have in a season or how much stupid, idiot shit Doctor Smith could fuck up Gilligan style, the show could have went to greater things.
The Taurons, looked as they were somebody like a combination of Marvel Comics Kree-militarist, hell bent on the conquest of space-at least that’s how I would have seen it. The Tauron Family must have fleeing a bad civilization or at least could have. The Keeper, the Trader, Mister Zalto and all those various passers by could people from the near by Tauron civilization. Shit, the Preplanus, the planet the Robinson's were crash-landed on, might have a Tauron lost colony.
You start to think about the Taurons-other things start to enter into the mix. Think another fictional series also, who could have thrown into to add color. In the Hyborian era of the “Conan the Barbarian" comic books, Turan is a large middle-eastern empire constantly expanding and conquering the eastern regions.
The architecture, clothes, uniforms and names of the Turani people, soldiers, emperors etc. bear a remarkable resemblance to actual medieval Arabic and/or Turkish persons, battles and so on. As it is usual for Conan's free, wild and mercenary life, he either finds himself fighting against or alongside the Turan Empire, depending on the story and facts.

The Tauron Empire might similar to medieval Arabic or Turkish people. In Conan. the Turans often are conquering much of the Middle East of Conan's Hyborean World. The Old Persian name for Turkestan. A Turkish/Persian land, possibly referring to the Timurid Empire, the Sassanid Empire, or the Mughal Empire. The name derives from Turan, the areas of Eurasia occupied by speakers of Ural-Altaic languages. The names of the various Turanian cities (e.g. Aghrapur, Sultanapur, Shahpur) are often in Persian language. King Yezdigerd is named after Yazdegerd III, ruler of the Sassanid Empire. The name of King Yildiz means star in the Turkish language. The city of Khawarizm takes its name from Khwarezm, and Khorusun from Khorasan.
Once you start to rethink what those idiot boobs, employed by Irwin Allen, the Tauron Empire starts to become interesting. They become important villains as say Klingons and Romulans due to Captain Kirk and his fictional star ship Enterprise.
The Taurons could be similar to Marvel Kree Empire-something I'm
sure was inspired by various sourse, namely Forbidden Planet lost civilization known as the Krell. An ancient, fallen civilization is an inspiration to not Marvel Comics material, but my own as well.

The Kree Empire extends across almost a thousand worlds in the northwestern lobe (Earth reference) of the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The Kree began their empire over a million years ago, within a hundred years of the acquisition of interstellar technology from the then-benevolent race of Skrulls. The Skrulls at the time were attempting to foster a galactic empire based on free trade, and they landed on Hala to help the barbaric natives advance to the point where they could join. The Kree is an extraterrestrial humanoid race who has created a vast empire in the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The Kree race began on the planet Hala in the Pama system long before the first mammals appeared on Earth. The original Kree had blue-colored skin, but a second racial group with pink skin resembling that of human caucasians emerged over the millennia. The Kree are a highly regimented, militaristic society. Little else is known about their culture. The official state religion worships the Supreme Intelligence, although the government has permitted adherents to the Universal Church of Truth to erect temples throughout the empire, including on Kree-Lar.
Thus was how I began to rethink the Tauron civilization. I remember Marvel Kree-a vast civilization that spread across interstellar space had lost colonies on earth-left technology there and so forth, like the Kree race, left technology on Altair IV. You throw lots of other thinking, like Tauron Matter Transmitter and you come close thing like DC Comics Superman or Doctor who’s Time Lords-super races, with advanced transport technology-time travel, interdimensional travel--the Phantom Zone and son. You throw the conquering spirit of the Turans of Conan, aspects of Klatau, in The Day the Earth Stood still, like the giant Gort Robot. Ideas are easy-you just have to free yourself of one-dimensional thinking-like Khan.
I figured the Taurons are worth dusting off and not having them become just some old reference to early black and white episodes of Lost in Space or a sometimes mention guys in Battlestar Galactica.

The Roman Empire, which inspired much fictional civilizations, from Robert E.Howards Valusia, from the King Kull series set in the Thurean Age and the later Post Cataclysmic Era, Acheron Empire-which also fell, to create Conan’s Hyborean Age, help me think up a fallen, ancient on the road it’s own downfall and the remnant cities, plus technology left by them from their Golden Age, of former glory.
Your Editor. Upward and Onward, Maveric.
Doc Thompson

The Tauron Star Empire by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

The Tauron Empire

The Tauron Star Empire, as old as the Atlanteans and possessing much of the same or similar biological history and social costumes. The difference are that the Tauron a nationalistic society, with the only widespread religion being worship of the Supreme Emperor.-whose power comes down from the successive line of the First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace.
Whereas the Atlantean Federation grew into a semi democratic society, with aspects of a monarchy, the Tauron Star Empire grew into a military dictatorship. The Tauron government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population, potentially by means of the Tauron Secret Police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional republic. The Tauron Empire police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.
The inhabitants of this Tauron police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.Taurons have lived under Martial Law, the suspension of normal civil law during periods of emergency,for centuries,although their have period of secret revolution and outside Civil War against the Tauron Royal Family-most quickly prevented by the Tauron military and Tauron Temporal Centaurion class.The Tauron government has been a military dictatorship,since the Old Tauron race,conquored and occupied a similar alternate reality,world also known as the Tauron.The ancient Taurons quickly took over the regid minded,weak willed new Taurons,who for centuries,followed the laws and political will of that alternate timelines Royal Family.These Taurons lived for a time under an absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder,also known as an Anarchy.The previous,Royal family,opposed weak laws,an inept government and weak military power,that allowed certain rebel fractions to create chaos and disorder,among many cities of the populas.When the new Taurons,from Elder Universe came,they quickly invaded the backward,Terran class world’s primative defenses-many still in their early space era stage and took over the planet with these Elder Universe Taurons more advanced Atlantean based technology and star forces.The Old Tauron cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state the New Royal Tauron Family and thus giving them total power over to the new state order.The Tauron officials sign an emergency decree suspending civil liberties and stripping the power of the federal Tauron states-giving it directly toward the Royal Tauron class and the military organizations under their control. Opponents were imprisoned first in improvised camps and later in an organized system of Tauron concentration camps.

The Tauron Empire has come to stand for a belief in the superiority of the Tauron race, an abstraction of the various ancient Tauron peoples. The Tauron advocated a strong, centralized government under the Supreme Tauron,the Tauron Empiror and his Royal Family claimed to defend the Imperium and the Tauron civilization (including those of Tauron ethnicity abroad) against the Ancient Atlanteans and so-called Elder Race subversion. Ultimately, the Tauron sought to create a largely homogeneous and autarkic ethnic state, absorbing the ideas of Pan-Tauronism or Nationalism. Pan-Tauronnism's origins began in the early post-Indusrial eras following the Tykhon First World Wars. The wars launched a massive new movement that was born in the Muritainean government itself during the Muritainean Revolution, Nationalism. Nationalism during this time threatened the old aristocratic regimes. Many ethnic groups of Central and Eastern Europe had been divided for centuries, ruled over by the old Monarchies of the Toth/ Ishtarey Dynasty of the Great Tykhon Empire and the Khone Dynasty of the Tauron Empire. The Taurons, for the most part, had been a loose and disunited people since the Reformation when the First Tauron Empire-the earliest monarchy of that civilization was shattered into a patchwork of states. The new Tauron nationalists, mostly young reformers such as Yharhack Khone of East Tauron Province, sought to unite all the Tauron-speaking and ethnic-pure bred Tauron people. An autarky is an economy that is self-sufficient and does not take part in international trade, or severely limits trade with the outside world. Likewise it refers to an ecosystem not affected by influences from the outside, which relies entirely on its own resources. In the economic meaning, it is also referred to as a closed economy.The Tauron Empire sought to only relie on those infinate worklds or colonies allied ,such as the Tykhon homeworld and those under Tauron control. The aim of these policies was to reduce dependency on foreign imports, as the relationship of other free kingdoms of the Atlanteans,along with both other non Tauron elder civilization and ancient lords of light leaders was worsening. Although it was not necessarily an absolute form of autarky it contained elements supporting an isolationist policy, such as: claims of Tauron pre-eminence in various scientific fields, attempts of dissociating the scientific grounds from the Atlantean Commonwealth synchronic theories and others.

By the end of the Old First Tauron Empire,finally collapsed- Pravorian Empire, in day Sharnax province,under the rule of the and the Armadrian Empire,in the Eastern Oorn Khenora Province were the two most powerful nations dominated by Tauron-speaking elites. Both sought to expand their influence and territory. The Austrian Empire like Tauron Empire was a multi-ethnic state, however Tauron -speaking people there didn't have an absolute numerical majority; the creation of the short lived Pravorian Armadrian Empire was one result of the growing nationalism of other ethnicities of various fallen Tauron Provincessuch as the Czechs, Slovaks, and Magyars.
Armadrian Empire under Shoon Yharhack Khone would ride on the coat-tails of nationalism to unite all of modern-day Tauron. The New Tauron Empire ("Second Rule") was created in 1871 following the proclamation of Yharhack Khone as head of a union of Tauron-speaking states, while disregarding millions of its non-Tauron subjects who desired self-determination from Tauron rule. Tauron-speakers living outside the new Empire preferred living under its rule or in an ethnically homogeneous environment, but this wish clashed with the opposing wishes of other ethnicities. Regions like Pravorian Province and Armadrian Province witnessed nationalistic controversies for decades.
Even some Taurons themselves began to resent their own diverse Empire. Identifying themselves as descendants of the Armadrian Province , who had conquered and expanded into the region, many Western Taurons supported a separation from the Old Pravorian Armadrian Tauron Empire and unity with a new Greater Tauron Empire,under the rule of Shoon Yharhack Khone and his wife Asharra Ishtarey-who many believed would be the virgin mother of the Supreme Tauron-the Annoited or Choosen One,who would finally united all of the Tauron civilization,once and ffor all,after the fall of the Old First Tauron Empire collapsed into chaos of the separate,non unity fuadal nations..
The Taurons Civilization

The Tauron are humanoid race who have created a vast empire in major section of the Milky Way Galaxy and is a vast Empire extends across almost a thousand worlds in the Orion Arm, but seem to be also occupying many vast pocket regions all over Temporal Space. The Tauron Empire, pretending to be a beneficial and open civilization, is actually a Military Dictatorship, with a Royal Family, that runs the Tauron Empire or Tauron Imperium. "power status” or territory that is the Empire. the power of the Tauron imperator (general in the army) to command. The title imperator was applied to the emperor, who was the commander of the armed forces.

The Tauron Empire, along with the Tykhon Empire, had a war, with the Atlanteans, on the Original Atlantean homeworld. The war was between the Free Nations of Atlantis and the tyrannical nations of that ancient world-mainly the Tauron and Tykhon. The Taurons are actually Atlanteans, but often because of the separation between the two civilizations, the Tauron and Tykhon. The last surviving members of the former Tauron Empire have banded together to ensure the survival of the Tauron Empire. They seek to rebuild their Old Empire's former glory in the Old Universe by establishing ourselves as a permanent presence in every Temporal Region within the known Multiverse.

Various colonial worlds of the Great Tauron Empire, are, 1) Alpha Tauron Colonies,2)Delta Prolallax Colonies ,3)the Tauron Delax Colonies,4) Colonies(o.5) Tauron Cesti Colonies. 6)Prima-Centauris 4,7)Regulann Taura Colonies.8)Questar Tauron,

Tauron Culture
The Tauron are a nationalistic society, with the only widespread religion being worship of the Supreme Tauron and those descended from his line to produce the current Royal Tauron Family., Some are members of the Universal Church of Ultimate Truth., which is a series of Great Temples, where many Taurons can worship the Supreme Tauron and various long deceased members of the Royal Family, that now resides in the other dimensional reality known as Holospace.. ...

Tauron names are usually short, being one or two syllables. Given names are separated from surnames by a hyphen. Examples include Rhonn Vhann, Rhonn Yhah Marvall, Yhonn-Rhoagg, Lathan Rhogg, Shar Rhonn-Tee, Rethonn Mhoor, Lunon, Kanto Rhonn, Quanto Vhann, Effran Keel, and Sybilla Krell

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The Tauron Religion.

The Supreme Tauron was often depicted inside the ancient Tauron Empire as a God-like figure,whose rulle and will was considered apsolute.Outside the Tauron Empire he was often treated as an object of derision,crualty,fanatical and homosuidal by other races of the ancient Atlantean Homeworld.

Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Vhann instead naming his eldest son Lhorr Rhonn Vhann-who was dead, after dying of a mysterious brain illness-possibly an early form of Godeon Zarkhon’s decease, named his younger son Hhar Khorr Vhann, as the next Tauron Empiror.

Hhar Khoo Vhann the First as the next emperor decree also stripped the command of troops from Marshal Menghorr Vhellan — a faithful supporter of Zhevhan Khoor House Clan an emeny of the Vhann Dynasty— and sentenced Menghorrs Vhellan 's family to death. Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Yhah step by step seized the power of Hhar Khoo Vhann the First tyranical, but weak rule, by effectively gaining the favors of Tauron hologod Yharhack Khone-the Supreme Tauron, who saw Hhar Khoo Vhann the First, his current puppet emperor as his weak imatation, within the Empire.
. Hhar Khoo Vhann the First,was poisoned and replaced by the new Tauron Supreme Lord Rhonn Yhah, the First.

Thus beginning the ancient Vhann dynasty decline,which was replaced by a series of short lived other Tauron Dynasties-. Han Kree-Lharr Dynasty dynasty,the PhroVell Dynasty, Mor-Vhann, Yon-Rogg, Una-Rogg, and Zey-Rogg

(Note: This story actually came from Han Kree-Lharr Dynasty dynasty historians. There is a controversy regarding whether Yharhack Khone himself wanted Hhar Khoo Vhann the First to be the next emperor or not. The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

The reign of the Khone Dynasty, lasting over 20 years, is commonly considered within Tauron to be one of the greater periods in the Tauron history and .to this day, the very innitial foundations of the modern Tauron Empire is believed by majority of the Tauron still refer to themselves as the modern equivalent of the New Royal Clas of Tauron Royalty among the many other lesser Imperial Tauron House Clans,whose Royal Families once ruled supreme among the Tauron Hierarchy . The Khone Dynasty was preceded by the feudal Zhallen Khoor Dynasty and followed by the Hon Kree-Lharr Dynasty in the Tauron Realm. The unification of the New Tauron in the years under the First Emperor Yharhack Khone –the Supreme Tauron marked the beginning of Imperial Tauron, a period which lasted until the fall of the Khone Dynasty in The Yharhack Khone Dynasty left a legacy of a centralized and bureaucratic state that would be carried onto successive dynasties. At the height of its power, the Khone Dynasty had a population of about 40 million people. Also, the massive Tauron Army at Old Zhatikhor was built during the Khone as a royal retinue to guard the First Emperor in the afterlife in Holospace,with the Great Golden Citadel of The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone, also with the First City of Old Zhatikhor, on the ancient Atlantean homeworld .

The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace. Originally was the son late father Shoon Yharhack Khone-a Great Warrior. was one of the wealthiest men in pre-revolutionary mainland Tauron (and claimed to be a direct descendant of Ganis Khone-the ancient Tauron,who was a teacher and warrior,who tried to reform the ancient Tauron Empire,during one of it’s early bloodiest period of it’s history ), while his late mother was an Tykhonean noblewoman Asharra Ishtarey ,whose lines was close to the current Mhooknong Royal Family,that ruled the ancient near by Tykhon Empire,on the distant Atlantean homeworld in that world late end of the Orsearhon Dynasty.

Yharhack Khone saw the ancient Tauron Empire,on the distant Atlantean homeworld in that world late Mhookhong Dynasty as weak and incompetant-several smaller Imperial Realms,that comprised the larger,if weak Tauron Empire.His plan was to overtrow by political manuevers,assassination,wars and other means to oppose and over throw the near by weak kingdoms and unite those allied Imperial Tauron House- After conquering the last independent Tauron state in the Great rebuilding of the Empire,during Atlantises indutrial period, Yharhack Khone was the king of a state of ruling over the whole of the Tauron Empire, an unprecedented accomplishment.

Ancient Taurons, like ancient Tykhonean, believed their empire encompassed the whole world, a concept referred to as all under heaven-otherwise known as or felt as the entire Tauron world or everybody with the Tauron World or Empire,under one,single ruling power or royal family. Yharhack Khone, soon took the title of Tauron Supreme Emperor or Supreme Touron, which was the same as saying his rule and his Royal Family, ruled as it all under heaven or least wise the Tauron World.

The Supreme Empiror, also known by the honorific title Supreme Tauron, was a position created more than a million years ago by the extraterrestrial race known as the ancient Tauron to help them create a stabyle empire like the one that their alies, the Tykhon, had once created decades before with their own Empire..

Taurons also accept and believe in the Virgin Birth (and highly respect Asharra Ishtarey ), the miracles of the Supreme Lord, including raising the dead to life, healing the sick, making the blind see and the lame walk and many other miracles not ascribed to by many worshippers of the Universal Church of Ultimate Truth.,
Many Taurons believe that the Holy Testaments of the Ancient Taurons (the Old Testament) contains certain messianic prophecies of the Supreme Tauron, or references that predict the coming of the Supreme Tauron, being written well before his birth. Some of these claims result from statements in the New Testament in which the First Among the Taurons is said to fulfill a prophecy in the Old Testament, and others are not mentioned in the New Testament, but nevertheless believed by many Taurons to be prophecies of the coming of the Supreme Tauron-who predominantly believe is the Holo God incarnate, who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with universe-through conquest and power over all non believes, which includes various members of the Atlantean race and their allies. Taurons, now see themselves, not as former Atlanteans or an offshoot, colony of the Atlantean Homeworld, but a separate people, a separate civilization, out to show by force of religious doctrine, will power, and military force, that the way of the Tauron is also the will of their Hologod, who rules in the heavens... Taurons believe that there is only one God, referred to as The First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone-also known as the Supreme Tauron-who spirit resides in Holospace. Yharhack Khone himself wanted the First to be the next emperor or not. The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

There are some individuals and groups who consider themselves who is a true worshipper of the Supreme Tauron Yharhack Khone, but are not accepted as Taurons by most other Taurons, who worship other branch sects of the one true, living Holo god. For example, neither Shunniee Khoor nor Sha Shur Khone Taurons accept Ahmadis or adherents of the smaller Nation of the Tauron Empire as fellow Tauron, who follows much older text of the Supreme Taurons faith, who believe in older written text of the Empire. To reject another self-proclaimed a Tauron as a non-Tauron is called Caphkhor –followers of Tauron Emperor Caphkhor Khoor –who ruled the Empire, during the Time of the Great Second Reformation, when the Royal Family, tried to bring back the realm toward a more benevolent era, by was thought to be assassinated by his enemies who followed the will and teachings of Shunniee Khoor –who proceeded him as the next Tauron Emperor and is considered an unbeliever by many Taurons. It is, according to Tauron tradition, up to God to decide who is Tauron and who is not. The Shunniee Khoor is the largest denomination of the Tauron Faith. .. Sha Shur Taurons. is the second largest Islamic denomination; some 20-25% of all Taurons are said to follow a Sha Shur Taurons tradition, who follow the teachings of Sha Shur Khone –brother of.. Yharkhoor Khone.

. Ahmadis is the collective name given to the two distinct groups (The Armadrian Tauron Community and the Lakhorta Ahmadis Movement) comprising of followers of Saurack Ahmad Khone-a distant cousin of...


First Supreme Emperor: the unifier

In an attempt to avoid a recurrence of the political chaos of the Warring States Period, The Supreme Empiror and his prime minister Lhann Dar'Khen' completely abolished feudalism. They instead divided the empire into thirty-six commanderies. Power in the commanderies was in the hands of governors dismissed at will by the central government. Civilian and military powers were also separated to avoid too much power falling in the hands of a single civil servant. Thus, each commandery was run by a civilian governor assisted by a military governor . The civilian governor was superior to the military governor, a constant in Tauron history. The civilian governor was also reassigned to a different commandery every few years to prevent him from building up a base of power. An inspector was also in post in each commandery, in charge of informing the central government about the local implementation of central policies, reporting on the governors' exercise of power, and possibly resolving conflicts between the two governors.
This administrative system was only an extension to the whole empire of the system already in place in the State of Oorn Khenora Province before the Tauron unification. Within the Old Tauron Empire , feudalism had been abolished in the 19th century,as recorded on the the Atlantean Homeworld Old Universe time line, and the realm had been divided into commanderies, with centrally appointed governors.
In the New Tauron State Supreme Empiror acommanded all the members of the former royal houses of the conquered states to move to Khentharr, the capital of Oorn Khenora Province, so they could be kept under tight surveillance for rebellious activities. Supreme Empiror aalso ordered most previously existing books burned, excepting some medical and agricultural texts held in the palace archives.
Supreme Empiror and Lhann Dar'Khen' unified Tauron economically by standardizing the Tauron units of measurements such as weights and measures, the currency, the length of the axles of carts (so every cart could run smoothly in the ruts of the new roads), the legal system, and so on. The emperor also developed an extensive network of roads and canals connecting the provinces to improve trade between them and to accelerate military marches to revolting provinces.
Yharhack Khone’s behavior reportedly became increasingly erratic in the later years of his rule. This may have been the result of drinking solutions containing mercury as well as other deadly compounds. Ironically, Yharhack Khone ingested the mixtures in an increasingly desperate search for an elixir that would prolong his life. It has often been speculated that this was at least partially responsible for many of his later acts such as building the the Great Golden Citadel of The First Supreme Emperor, where his spirit would entombed to preservation and one day resurrection back to corporeal life.
The First Tauron Empiror’s behavior became more bizzare.Several remainning Royal Families,who opposed his rule plotted against Yharhack Khone’s rule. His enemies plotted his death and several attempts on his life by various assassins proceeded-all unsuccessful. In the end, many of his Generals raised an army against Yharhack Khone’s Imperial City of Old Zhatikhor. A civil war broke out

Yharhack Khone discovers the secret of the resurrection through the emergence and ressurection of Holospace sarcophigus merged with the Gestalt Intelligence, and he saves a dying Empiror by lowering him into the sarcophigus, linking his mind with the Great Axonn Korr Artificial Intelligence-thus preserving his mind and personality until a great time, when the First Empiror Yharhack Khone could revived. The prosess, Yharhack Khone who is sadistic to begin with, was driven completely insane by the joining of his mind with those others-thus distorting his veiw point of reality..

Yharhack Khone died suddenly and left his Empire is chaos. Hhar Khoo Vhann the First, under the advice of two high officials, the Imperial Secretariat Lharr Khenn and the chief Adnisor Zharr Khoor, forged and altered Emperor's will. The faked decree ordered Yharhack Khone 's first son, Yharkhoor Khone the heir to be heair to the Imperial Tauron Thone.

An edict in bronze from the reign of the Second Yharkhoor Khone Emperor,began to attempt to continue his fathers wishes.Actually, Supreme Empiror Yharhack Khone often advised his living son the new Supreme Emperor on matters of rule, thus making his son, a kind of puppet Emperor and his deceased father and mother, being the real rulers of the Tauron Empire by proxy.

Out of concern for the security of his throne, Yharkhoor Khone killed all his known enemies,but failed to do away with many cousins,uncles and aunts of his own Royal Family-who eventually,conspired against his rule in the end.. At the end, he was killed by Zharr Ghann-who an allie of Sha Shur Khone-his younger brother. Of Yharkhoor Khone. Thus Yharhack Khone , the First Emperor, has no known descendants after his son accended the throne-no direct descendants anyway.Many of them,where cousins and other members of his Royal line that claimed their bloodlines associated with his. The Second Emperor, Yharkhoor Khone ,left the Imperial Throne to the descendants of his younger brother,whose bloodline,now flows in the veins of many of the current Royal Family line-even some of the known male members are of Imperial Tauron House Clans of other names,other than the house of Yharhack Khone .Although it might seem strange,that a religion,who worships Royal Ancestry of many patrone holosaints or hologods of many Royal Houses,it maybe that there is no current or previous members of a Royal House Brave enough to claim the name of a direct descendant of the Royal House Clan of Yharhack Khone or his First Son Yharkhoor Khone. Sha Shur Khone’s royal line, being the younger brother, became the dominant line of the Royal Tauron Family, as will by the Supreme Tauron’s desired, to rule by proxy in Holospace-thinking that since his son Yharkhoor Khone, was foolish to have left no true heirs, his line, even if it was to be discovered somehow say by the descendants of a bastard or illegitimate line, who not worthy of rule anyway. It was fought, that this was the sort of thing that led to the Great Tauron Civil Wars that almost tore apart the Empire, before the assertion of Yharhack Khone, to the Imperial Tauron Throne of Heaven in the real world and holospace. Yharhack Khone himself wanted Sha Shur Khone the First to be the next emperor or not and the successor of the next line is unclear. It is very controversal,too,as if certain members of the Imperial Houses of Sarkhon,Shaitanus,Karza and Kulthan might have had a indirect hand in causing his Royal Tauron Bloodline to devert to what preceived as a better,benevolant Royal ,at the time.The fundamental mistake of Yharhack Khone was that he had not arranged his successor properly because he actually wanted to live forever.)

Gestalt Intelligence.

First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone created a Gestalt Intelligence, known as Axonn-Kore, as a means to keep survailance upon his expanding empire and provide wisdom and guidence as toward his many enemies whereabouts,plans and operation,that may threaten his Imperial Rule.. It is composed of the mind of the greatest Tauron minds (thinkers, generals, philosophers, scientists and so on), removed upon their deaths and assimilated by the computer.Axonn Khore was an enlarged, disembodied artificial intelligence- a telepathic creature, the First One functioned in tandem with four other similar entities, all of whom were networked into a central device, which comprised the Supreme Gestalt Intlligence. Although the First One coordinated with the other four brains within its network, it was clearly the dominating intelligence of the composite entity, governing all decisions.No one knows exactly where this advanced technology came in such a primative civilization.It maybe,that the ancient Atlanteans,had advanced technology in their

First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone is both a genius in biochemistry and a brilliant scientist and inventor in many fields, in addition to being an expert in mysticism, alchemy, and the martial arts. Despite being basically immobile, the Intelligence possesses all known psionic powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, cosmic awareness, sensory link, postcognition, precognition etc.

The Tauron Empire once was a much larger interstellar Empire, but because of the Old Tauron/Tykhon Wars and some interference with the Atlanteans, by way of their Time Agents the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guardians, the vast network of Tauron interstellar temporal Star Gates began to break down, forcing them to abandon many outposts, star bases, colonial cities and so on, all over time and space. Many of these Tauron Outposts were either on an Alternate Earth Timeline or with the Solar System or a near by star system, such as Alpha Centauri.

The Tauron possess advanced warp-drive starships, cloaking technology, advanced energy based weaponry, advanced medical technology, genetic engineering, psionic technology, advanced robotic, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, and advanced sub space, temporal communication technology. The Tauron were a largely peaceful spacefaring race. like their cousins the Atlanteans, and they set about educating the natives of many infinite worlds to the point where they could join their trading empire. However, the Tauron Homeworld became a militaristic dictatorship two equally intelligent Tauron races, became split into two societies the Higher Tauron Ruling Class and the Lower Tauron Class.

The Tauron Homeworld

The Tauron Homeworld is a remnant of the ancient Tauron Empire of the Old Universe. It is actually a Tauron Worldship-a spherical space station roughly about the size of a Terran Class ., that escaped the closing of the Old Universe at the end of the Ancient Titan Gods Wars and made it’s way into a secluded star system, suitable for the Tauron Royal Family and those refugee’s of the many Imperial Tauron Battle Carrier Groups, plus the multitude of refugee Star Ships ,that fled along with them.

The Tauron Homeworld or Planet Tauron is a planet sized star ship. with it’s engine of destruction that can roams the galaxy under its own power., but rarely does and circles the Tauron Star . It has its own system of orbiting materials including asteroids, small moons, warships, and stations. The Tauron slave population of the world is vast and its automated systems allow it to be controlled effectively by a single dictator or his Royal Family alone.
The Tauron Homeworld, controls a vast interstellar and intertemporal empire, much the same way, world Atlantis Prime, Genesis Prime, the Sidairians, and other elder races, influence or control vast intergalactic regions of space through time travel. The difference is how the Taurons control those colonial worlds, diplomatically and democratically or through fascism, rule of conquest, subversion, and terror. The Taurons are equal in technological power as the Atlanteans, but their influence is limited by malfunctioning Tauron temporal Stargates.
With their technology, they are the height of power in most of the universe and are able to devastate galaxies when they choose to use it. Atlantean technology is furthermore the source of unparalleled misery in the universe as the planet routinely arms evil groups with advanced technology in order to further its influence (and misery) across the universe. Imperial Tauron City of New Zhatikhor-the Capitol City of the Great Tauron Empire-named after the old, ancient version, found upon the Old Atlantean Homeworld of the So-Called Old [Maveric ] Universe. The sector in which the Imperial Palace and the Galactic Library

The Tauron Empire evacuated the last of their race via a fleet of Tauron warships, Tauron Star Castles, Tauron Star Palace Ships, Tauron World Ships, Tauron Moonships or Battlestations, Tauron Frigates, Tauron Star Destroyers, Tauron Battle Cruisers guarded by the Imperial Tauron World Ship-Bellsavariphann. ,which had become the Imperial Tauron Homeworld-after one of the Great Titan Gravis-Rho was programmed by the Titans to destroy the Original Imperial Tauron Homeworld. The last surviving members of the Imperial Royal Family fled aboard the Tauron World Ship, leading the Tauron Survivors with into various Temporal Star Gate Wormholes into the New Multiverses. They the Taurons would carve out by force a New Tauron Empire, wherever they found themselves, by way of their Imperial Tauron Star Forces and Imperial Tauron Military Forces, backed up by the Imperial Tauron Temporal Centurions.

Imperial Tauron Royal Family.

Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of New Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries-claimed to be descended from the last surviving daughter of Yhann Rhoogg Khone-13th son of First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone .The parchriarchal head of the Tauron Family,is often the highest,elder male family member,who has served in the Tauron Military and is also the first to succed toward the Imperial Throne of the Great Tauron Empire. The reign of the Khone Dynasty, lasting over 400 years, is commonly considered within Tauron to be one of the greatest periods in the Tauron history. To this day, the ethnic majority of the Tauron upper ruling clas still refer to themselves as the "Khone clan".

Members of the Imperial Tauron Royal Family, will go out on hunting parties on other planets validate their royal status. Armed all sorts of energy swords, plasma swords, quantum field lances, and so on, they Tauron Royal Hunting Parties will track down the local planets most dangerous creatures and attempt capture alive for their own personal interstellar zoo’s back on the Tauron homeworld. The Tauron Ark Ships land and begin collecting the local captured creatures and place them in various force field kept cages for transport back home to planet Tauron. Taurons also serve as navigators and trackers. To hone their skills, Hunters engage in lifelong pursuit of another, other species. The Tauron Hunters value a long, challenging hunt, preferably ending in the Prey’s heroic death. If they manage to capture a Prey alive, they will reluctantly take it back to their homeworld and subject it to ridicule and public display. Tauron Hunters often, if the Prey is intelligent enough, will give a chance to pick suitable weapons or devices to survive the hunt. or Hunters Moon as it is called.

The Tauron Mercenary Soldiers

The Tauron Soldiers become bands of mercenaries who often engaged in interstellar commerce. These Tauron Mercenaries often roam about the Universe, searching for wars to fight and money to be made, protecting a planet from an enemy army’s forces.

The Tauron are a highly regimented, militaristic society, who one Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries-claimed to be descended from the last surviving daughter of Yhann Rhoogg Khone-13th son of First Supreme Emperor-Yharhack Khone . These Rhakhar-Mercenary Soldiers have alliance but to the Supreme Commander –who head of their rogue Imperial Tauron Army.

Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions

The employs powerful automatons called Tauron Sentinels, huge robots that travel with their Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions-their version of a combination of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Temporal Guardians, to watch over and guard the infinite Rim worlds and star systems of the Empire. The Temporal Centurions are responsible for enforcing and administering justice in the Tauron Empire. The Tauron Centaurions possess a variety of paranormal abilities and powers equal to the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guard. The Tauron Temporal Sentinels, also possess much of those paranormal abilities. Plus a few extra abilities, such a powerful plasma laser beam, that shoot forth from its visor area. The Tauron Sentinel, are also an unstoppable engine of destruction, with an Order known General Order 24,if the event, the Tauron Temporal Guardian falls in battle or is injured by the local populous ,to eradicate the civilization for such a crime or attack upon a Tauron Temporal Agent. The only way to prevent the Sentinel or Sentinel Army from destroying everything it it’s path and bombarding the world from above by bombardment from a Tauron Star Palace or Star Castle, is for the Temporal Centaurion or someone he or she trusts, to order General Order 10,that cancels out General Order 24. The Tauron Sentinel primary function is General Order 1-to protect the Temporal Centaurion and crew at all costs. General Order to never allow through his action or inaction allow his Temporal Centaurion and crew come to harm. Tauron Temporal Centaurions travel in Tauron Star Palace type Star Ships. Tauron Temporal Centaurion often will arrive upon a particular star ship issue orders that system most inhabitable planet or planets abandon warfare and join other spacefaring nations-a peace ensured by a massive deterrent force, the robot race known as the Tauron Sentinels belongs to-or else be destroyed as a threat to the rest of the Tauron Empire. Tauron Sentinels are faultless, monolithic technology, trusted so implicitly that it is given absolute power, a power of life or death, over entire worlds, to preserve or to destroy life on a planetary scale, depending on the response of a world's highest life form to the message of peace or what the Tauron civilization think of as peace.

The Tauron are a highly regimented, militaristic society, who one Royal Family, the Imperial House or House Clan of Zhatikhor have ruling the Empire for Centuries. The employs powerful automatons called Tauron Sentinels, huge robots that travel with their Imperial Tauron Temporal Centaurions-their version of a combination of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Temporal Guardians, to watch over and guard the infinite Rim worlds and star systems of the Empire. The Temporal Centurions are responsible for enforcing and administering justice in the Tauron Empire.

Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions

Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions or simply known as Supreme Temporal Centaurions, are the highest members of the Tauron Temporal Centaurion Corps-who are only answerable to the Imperial Royal Family and the Supreme Tauron himself and his hologod wife. The Supreme Temporal Centaurion a law enforcement/military officer in a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury, and executioner. who can and are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot.
Due to there often high social rank, Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions are immediately admitted into the Corps at junior officer rank upon completing their Tauron education. The Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions are an elite corps of Tauron government officials, entirely made up of old Universe Tauron that has been in existence for millions of years. It is the responsibility of the Accuser class to enforce and administer justice throughout the galaxy-wide Tauron Empire. Ordinary Tauron police, and all government officials of planets within the Empire and not inhabited by Tauron, are responsible to the Tauron Temporal Centaurions Corps. The Tauron Temporal Centaurions prosecute, judge, sentence, and execute all Tauron below their aristocratic class who are accused of crimes. (Except in special cases, only Tauron Kree high officials or aristocrats receive jury trials.) The Tauron Temporal Centaurions also act as prosecutors, judges, and executioners in cases on Tauron -ruled planets, or even planets like Earth on which the Tauron have established bases, which involve real or alleged activities judged by the Tauron to be against the interests of the Tauron Empire. The Tauron Temporal Centaurions strictly adhere to the severe Tauron legal code, which permits death, exile, and forms of brainwashing as punishment for numerous offenses. In special cases, the Tauron Temporal Centaurions themselves go forth to capture alleged criminals. The Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions oversee Tauron military operations conducted for punitive and imperialistic reasons. Tauron Supreme Temporal Centaurions also act as governors and high officials of planets that the Tauron place under martial law. Supreme Temporal Centaurions travel around large, computer-driven speederbikes, which mounts powerful cannons, and has full artificial intelligence, and is capable of responding to orders from the Judge and driving itself. It is equipped with a video communication system, and is also connected to the Tauron Justice Department which can receive and transmit information to and from the bike. Temporal Centaurions also has a huge handguns-pistols mainly (DNA-coded to recognize thier palm-print alone) that fires six types of bullets or can be switched to energy blaster fire; a bootknife; and a uniform with a helmet that obscures all of their faces except their mouth and jaws.

The Tauron Centaurions possess a variety of paranormal abilities and powers equal to the Legion of Time Sorcerers and the Temporal Guard. The Tauron Temporal Sentinels, also possess much of those paranormal abilities. Plus a few extra abilities, such a powerful plasma laser beam, that shoot forth from its visor area. The Tauron Sentinel, are also an unstoppable engine of destruction, with an Order known General Order 24,if the event, the Tauron Temporal Guardian falls in battle or is injured by the local populous ,to eradicate the civilization for such a crime or attack upon a Tauron Temporal Agent. The only way to prevent the Sentinel or Sentinel Army from destroying everything it it’s path and bombarding the world from above by bombardment from a Tauron Star Palace or Star Castle, is for the Temporal Centaurion or someone he or she trusts, to order General Order 10,that cancels out General Order 24. The Tauron Sentinel primary function is General Order 1-to protect the Temporal Centaurion and crew at all costs. General Order to never allow through his action or inaction allow his Temporal Centaurion and crew come to harm. Tauron Temporal Centaurion, are a ruthless organization, Nazi like civilization-facist, militant-the opposite of the Atlanteans.

New Genisis Bunkers-Tauron Empire.

The Tauron Empire, like their cousin race, the Atlanteans have known to build Great Titanic Machines, some the 8,000 cubic mile (33,000 km³), that are built for various uses. Sometimes they are stored or located with a New Genesis Bunkers, that was created for the purpose of providing shelter in case of some sort of planetwide disaster or cataclysm, complete with massive holo libraries full isolinear data tapes, teaching helmets, hangar garages-complete with various vehicles-star ships, smart speeder bikes or Spikes, hover speeder cars, purpose to preserving the culture until it can either re Terraformed for habitation and recolonization or relocation again underground complexes.or New Genisis Bunkers, some of various sizes ,some the size of Star Palace star ships, while others as big as Super Star Castles are often hidden and only found by above surface marker or monolith structures. Others can located with huge above surface Crystal Towers or City Scapes marking underground complexes. Often a New Genisis Bunker is guarded by a Holo Demon of some sort to prevent unwanted alien archeologist and anthropologist from discovering the Tauron Empires secrets. New Genisis Bunkers often are also the location of one those huge machine laboratories-a Shadow Complex –a vast network of many various machine labs and smaller tech complexes.

Tauron Time Tunnel

Generally with this Shadow Complex, is the Titanic Time Tunnel or Time Tube-a huge stationary Star Gateway into Temporal Space. Some of these were abandoned by the Taurons and used by other interstellar races, such as Terrans, with Project; Time Stalkers, Inc. to explore interstellar temporal space. Some Tauron Refugees have used the abandoned Time Tunnels to escape to distant colonies in the same universe or other alternate realities and set up small colonies there. These Taurons believe in a back to the ancient times, when the Taurons believe in the same peaceful interstellar intentions as their cousins the Atlanteans. Their goal is work toward rebuilt those fraction Tauron Civilizations, as far far beneficial interstellar civilizatiuon, than evil militaristic imperial Tauron Empire, they came from.

Beware Tauron Traders.

The Tauron’s often do and begin to collect specimens and rare items from various infinite worlds to trade with other worlds that they find along their travels among the stars. Sometimes this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Tauron Traders ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle an innocent and nieve trader.Often there Trades, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.Perhaps servitude to the Tauron Trader or some other such penalty. Tauron Traders travel in Tauron Star Palace like star ships used their home and mobile base of operation.

Tauron Keepers

The Tauron’s often do and begin to collect specimens and rare items from various infinite worlds to trade with other worlds that they find along their travels among the stars. Sometimes the Tauron Hunters-also known as Tauron Keepers this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Tauron Keepers ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle a nieve trader.Often these Tauron Keepers, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.Perhaps servitude to the Tauron Trader or some other such penalty. Tauron Traders or Keepers travel in Tauron Star Arks like star ships used their home and mobile base of operation. These Arks, once used to transport colonist and livestock, were adapted into huge Tauron Cargo Haulers, for travel among the stars.Tauron Keepers, often work a Tauron Trader, who handles all transactions with Tauron Intergalactic Zoo’s or Sanctuary Worlds.

Tauron Circus

P.T.Pharnum, Haley and Gideon Brothers Intergalactic Circus.P.T.Pharnum-a Tauron Showman, along his partner Doctor Haley Marvaillo- and the Gideon Brothers-operated an interstellar circus that is stationed on Alpha Centauri.


Tauron Exiles; often are either imprisoned a huge Prison Star Ship, frozen in suspended animation. Guarded by huge Tauron Sentry Robots. Other more political prisoners are exiled to small pocket dimensions that can be accessed through small Tauron stargates.

The Astran.

The Astran are an ancient, elder race-possibly an offshoot of the Tauron’s. This may explain where the Astran Civilization comes from. Astran is an ancient Tauron name for Astran Melkhonn-who started the Astran Cult among the Tauron Empire. The Astran are often peaceful, if aggressive traders and Zoo Keepers. Astran, like their fellow Tauron’s are often known to arrive upon a star system and aggressively Trade with the local civilization or colony. They Astran also will land in a huge Astran Ark Ship, as the Tauron’s do and begin to collect specimens. Sometimes this can in violation of local anti poaching laws and that ends with a lot of trouble of local interstellar rangers. Astran Traders ruthless bargainers, often try to trick and swindle a nieve trader.Often there Trades, involve some sort of poor trade,such losing one goods and other things in the bargain.


AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. Trademark [copyright-2006.

Maveric Lions Productions Entertainment.

Project; Time-Stalkers, Inc.

Earth’s first exploration of time travel. Four heroes using an ancient and alien time machine, lost within an underground alien cityscape or complex. Built by an alien race known as the Tauron’s-who claimed to have discovered huge wormholes into time-via these time tunnels or time tubes-have created a network of star gateways into temporal space. Partially funded by

the Time Core Corporation, the four heroic adventurers travel anywhere and everywhere,

guided by Magnus 5000-a huge artificial intelligent computer-built by the hidden cities original builders.

Using the SS Time-Stalker One, the four heroes. travel to distant lands, visit strange new civilizations and strange new worlds, other alternate temporal worldliness helping all who need assistance, exploring otherworldly technology and protecting launch point Earth against all external and internal threats.

Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment


The four founding species of the Tauron (clockwise from top left): the Taurons of the Original Homeworld,Tauron Colonist of the 1)Alpha Tauron Colonies,2)Delta Prolallax Colonies ,3)the Tauron Delax Colonies,4) Colonies(o.5) Tauron Cesti Colonies.

More than an alliance of purely independent states, the Tauron government is based upon the model of Military Regime, where its member planets and colonies remain semi-autonomous, controlling their local territory as they see fit in accordance with Federation principles as outlined in the Articles of Law. The government is divided into three branches: theTauron Council of Lords acts as the legislative branch, , and The Tauron House of Representative, that represent the interests of the various Colonial Worlds, the Tauron Supreme Adjucators, serves as the supreme judiciary. For the most part, the Tauron government was established only to function in areas that required interplanetary cooperation. Each member operated and maintained its own colonies, Fleet, and Police. The Terran Federation President, is the chief executive and head of state, and resides over the policies of all three houses and could veto any law passed by the Tauron House of Representatives.

Star Fleet
The Tauron Empire is defended by the United Star Fleet-that comprised two military organization the Tauron Empire Space Forces and the related United Star forces, which helps maintain and safeguard the Terran Homeworld and it’s Colonial Regions. The Tauron Empire Space Probe Agency, a related operation, combining the two organizations, supervises and is in command of any star ship, which also has oversight of the Survey ships exploring new territory.

The Tauron Interstellar Agency or Tauron Interstellar Agency for short. Central Organization, which is the Command Structure for a variety of smaller Agencies and Departments. Tauron Interstellar Agency. often works with various military branches and independent agencies of the Tauron Empire, if necessary.

Agencies and departments
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Agricultural Affairs
Tauron Empire Archaeology Council is a Federation organization of archaeologists.
The Tauron Empire Astronomical Committee is the Tauron Empire Star Forces agency responsible for naming and locating new spatial phenomena.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of First Contact
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Industrialization
The Tauron Empire Colonial Bureau of Planetary Treaties.
Terraform Command is an agency of the Tauron Empire Space Forces that is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the terraforming of celestial bodies.
United Space Probe Agency Headquarters is the command center for the United Space Probe Agency, located on Earth.
the Tauron Empire Ranger Service. Branches of it are the Tauron Empire Colonial Marines, the Terran Federation Rangers-a sort of interstellar Law Enforcement Agency, the Tauron Empire Space Probe Agency-a kind of interstellar Deep Space Exploration Agency, and the Old Tauron Empire Star Forces Agency.
Independent Agencies and Departments.

Fate Enterprises Department of Interstellar Affairs.

Project Time Strikers Inc. Department of Temporal Investigations, Private Agency created by Time Strikeforce .and founded by various individuals of Project Time Strikers, Inc. to investigate and explore temporal space, plus exploit and research any technology found with time and space.

Shaitanus Enterprises,Inc. Private Agency created by the Imperial House Clan of Count Dargo Shaitanus to investigate temporal phenominon, temporal and other related scientific research and so forth.

Time Strikeforce -Top Secret Board of Directors, who founded a company to help fund and profit off any research and exploration of temporal technology and time travel. Possibly a corporate front for Shaitanus Enterprises,Inc, Fate Enterprises,Inc, Project Time Strikers Inc members to secretly finance various operations and project by way of a back door policy and dummy company front. Thus, they avoid any type of legal or military interference from certain outside temporal agents fighting a Temporal Cold War in other parts of Temporal Space.

Tauron Empire Broadcasting Company
Tauron Empire News Network (UTNN)

Tauron Empire News Service (UTNS)

Fate Enterprises United Broadcasting Company.

Tauron Empire Starfleet Broadcasting (TFSB)

Military and security
The Tauron Empire Space Forces Starfleet Departments.

Military - Branches

A) The Terran Federation Starfleet -United Space Service or United Star Service.

The Tauron Empire Space Force:

The Tauron Empire Space Force defends the Tauron Empire and it’s Colonial Allies through control and exploitation of air and space. The Space Force flies and maintains heavy class star craft-such as heavy Deep Exploration Cruisers, Deep Star Destroyers, such as long-range heavy bomber star ships, Space borne Warning and Control System (SWACS) Star craft and many others to protect the interests of Terra and Terran allies. Almost 400,000 highly trained officers and airmen compose today's Space Force. The Space Force recruits approximately 30,000 to 40,000 men and women each year to fill openings in hundreds of Space Force careers. The Space Force is basically an old growth of Earth’s old Naval Military forces.

1) Tauron Empire Space Service- A general Branch of the Tauron Empire Starfleet, refering to those military offices are under the Command of the Tauron Empire Space Forces Command-a kind of Interstellar Navy.
Tauron Empire Space Service is the branch of the Tauron Empire military forces principally designated for space naval warfare and amphibious warfare, with the local planetary Naval Forces for namely lake- or ocean-borne combat operations and related functions. It includes operations conducted by surface ships, amphibious ships, submarines, and seaborne aviation, as well as ancillary support, communications, training, and other fields; recent developments have included space related operations. The strategic offensive role of a Navy is projection of force into areas beyond a country's shores (for example, to protect sea-lanes, ferry troops, or attack other navies, ports, or shore installations). The strategic defensive purpose of a Navy is to frustrate sea-borne projection-of-force by enemies. The strategic task of the navy also may incorporate nuclear deterrence by use of nuclear missiles.
Space Naval ranks
Main article: Naval officer ranks

A navy will typically have two sets of ranks, one for enlisted personnel and one for officers.

Typical ranks for commissioned officers include the following, in ascending order (Commonwealth ranks are listed first on each line):

Acting Sub-Lieutenant / Ensign / Corvette Lieutenant

Sub Lieutenant / Lieutenant Junior Grade / Frigate Lieutenant

Lieutenant / Ship-of-the-Line Lieutenant / Captain Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander / Corvette Captain

Commander / Frigate Captain

Captain / Ship-of-the-Line Captain

Commodore / Flotilla Admiral (in: Rear Admiral (lower half))

Rear Admiral (in only, Rear Admiral (upper half))

Vice Admiral


Fleet Admiral or Admiral of the Fleet or Grand Admiral

"Flag officers" include any rank that includes the word "admiral" (or commodore), and are generally in command of a battle group or similar flotilla of ships, rather than a single ship or aspect of a ship. However, commodores can also be temporary positions. Such as command of a star base or space station, a Space Navy captain was assigned duty as a convoy commodore, which meant that he was still a captain, but in charge of all the merchant vessels in the convoy

The Tauron Empire Star Force:
The Tauron Empire Star Force defends the Tauron Empire and it’s Colonial Allies through control and exploitation of air and space. The Star Force flies and maintains heavy class star craft-such as Battle Carrier Groups and star fighter squadrons, such as long-range bombers, supersonic fighters, Space borne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Star craft and many others to protect the interests of Terra and Terran allies. Almost 400,000 highly trained officers and airmen compose today's Star Force. The Star Force recruits approximately 30,000 to 40,000 men and women each year to fill openings in hundreds of Star Force careers. The Star Force is basically an old growth of Earth’s old Air Forces Military forces.
2) United Star Service. A general Branch of the Terran Federation Starfleet, refering to those military offices is under the Command of the United Star Fighter Command. -a kind of Interstellar Air Force
The Terran Star Force, in some countries called the Star Force, is a military or armed service that primarily conducts aerial or special warfare. It typically consists of a combination of star fighters, star or space bombers, repulsorcopters, Space or Star transport and other aircraft. Many air forces are also responsible for operations of military space, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), and communications equipment. Some air forces may command and control other air-defense assets such as antiaircraft artillery, surface-to-air missiles, or anti-ballistic missile warning networks and defensive systems.
Air forces typically operate numerous types of aircraft. These may include

Star Fighters, used to destroy other aircraft;

Star or Space Bombers and Attack Aircraft, used to attack ground targets;

Reconnaissance Starcraft;

Electronic Warfare

Spacerborne Early Warning Starcraft;

Maritime Patrol Starcraft;

Transport Starcraft;

Tankers, which provide aerial in-flight refueling for other Starcraft;

Helicopters, used for attack, rescue or transport;

and Training Starcraft;.

Star Forces also operate numerous types of satellites. These satellites provide services such as:

Secure and unsecure communications

Position, navigation and timing

Missile warning

Weather data

Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)

The Tauron Empire Army:
The Army's mission is to protect the security of the Tauron Empire homeworld and its vital resources. plus it’s Allied Colonial Worlds interest and resources. The Army is constantly ready to defend Tauron Empire interests and the interests of our allies through land-based operations anywhere in the world or the interstellar regions of the Tauron Space and surrounding allied Tauron Empire Colonies, if called upon.

The Tauron Empire Space Forces Military Department-The Alpha Omega Warriors Group.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Army.
The Tauron Empire Special Forces Corps.
The Tauron Empire Colonial Marines
The Tauron Empire Special Forces Patrol
The Terran Federation Colonial Marine Corps:

The Tauron Empire Colonial. Marine Corps has grown to become one of the most elite fighting forces in the world. Approximately 174,000 officers and enlisted Marines fly planes or star fighter and helicopters, pilot star ships, operate radar equipment, drive armored vehicles, and gather intelligence along with hundreds of other jobs. They also assist other branches of the Tauron Empire Military Forces, with domestic and interstellar military operations. Each year, the Marine Corps recruit 41,000 men and women to fill job openings. Training programs offer challenging and progressive skill development with emphasis on the development of mental strength and physical prowess.

The Terran Federation Interstellar Guard:
The mission of the Tauron Empire Interstellar Guard is to be prepared to be called to active duty as a reserve of the Army and Star Forces. The Tauron Empire. Constitution designates a second mission to each star systems planetary National Guard and Interstellar Guard, be ready to assist the local government and near by interstellar forces at a moments notice. Upon mobilization, the state Guard comes under the control of the Army. There are approximately 36,500 officers; 7,700 warrant officers and about 313,500 enlisted members.

The Tauron Imperial Navy:
The Tauron Navy plays an important role in helping to maintain the freedom of the Terran Federation and its allied neighbors. The Navy defends the right to travel and trade freely on the world's oceans and protects our country and national interested overseas during times of international conflict. The Navy is a large and diverse organization, consisting of 371,000 officers and enlisted members. Navy personnel operate and repair more than 320 ships and over 4,000 aircraft. They serve on ships at sea, on submarines under the sea, in aviation positions on land and sea and at shore bases around the world and other Colonial Worlds, with co-operation from the Terran Federation Star Forces...

The Tauron Naval Patrol ;The Tauron Naval Patrol was a department of the Tauron Empire that deals with sea ships that patrol the oceans of Tauron worlds, similar to how starships patrol Terran Federation space.

The Tauron United Space Forces Starfleet Department.
The Tauron Archaeological Council
Tauron Astronomical Committee
The Tauron Department of Cartography
The Tauron Department of Temporal Investigations
The Tauron Science Council
The Tauron Science Bureau
The Tauron Central Bureau of Penology
The Tauron Department of Temporal Investigations

From an economic perspective, the Tauron Empire functions as an interstellar dictatorship where all its citizens are provided for thanks to the inexpensive, large-scale production and dissemination of nearly all food, clothing, shelter and consumer goods. By the late-21st century (and probably earlier), the Tauron no longer used paper money in the traditional sense, but made use of the Imperial credit as a basic unit of exchange when needed. Much of the Economy is based products and goods created by interstellar commerce and trade, manuefactrured goods and products created upon various colonial worlds, and anything created or produced by wormhole or space warp technology.

The Tauron Empire has influence on the interstellar economy is linked to its regulatory powers, production of Imperial dataries, and authorization of relevant bodies.

At heart of the interstellar economy was planetary trade. Interplanetary trade could support a local economy, but, in many cases, the high levels of government spending required for an advanced society could only be funded only by interplanetary exports. While some planets maintained their own shipping fleets, most relied on large freight firms, such as the Tauron Trade Transport Systems, or independent freight haulers to carry their goods along major hyper space lanes and wormhole trade routes...

Orion's Arm-

The Orion Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. The Solar System and Earth are within the Orion Arm. It is also referred to as the Local Arm, the Local Spur or the Orion Spur.

The Orion Arm is named for its proximity to the stars in the Orion constellation. It is located between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus Arm, two of the four major arms of the Milky Way. Within the Orion Arm, the solar system and Earth are located close to the inner rim in the Local Bubble, approximately 8000 parsecs (26,000 light-years) from the galactic center. The Orion Arm is a collection of stars, planets, nebulae, and other spatial objects that form one of many curved "arms" out shooting from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Orion Arm (or Local Spur/Orion Spur) is a minor "arm", extending from the Sagittarius Arm, and is the location of the Tauron Star System. The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Tauron is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System.

The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm, and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant. The Milky Way Galaxy is a large barred spiral galaxy that is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter, and contains over 400 billion stars. The galaxy is comprised of three major parts: the core, which contains a super massive black hole called Sagittarius A, the disc, which is the ring of stars and interstellar dust that gives the galaxy its spiral shape, and the halo, which includes many older stars orbiting the core, but outside the disc, of which most are concentrated in massive globular clusters. The Sidairian Galactic Barrier is an energy field created by Sidairian Space Mine technology that surrounds the specific locations, that wish quarantine or cut off from outside hostile enemy, such as the Kellorians or the Khyvan from contaminating specific pre warp technology worlds or keep the hostile enemy within such as the Phasian race-an evil Sidairian colony, from getting out causing havoc or temporal contamination. . A log buoy or recorder-marker is a recording device carried by starships. mark where and when such barriers are located and must avoided when traveling in normal or sub space.

Editors Notes;

Doc Thompson.

Editors Notes’

The name Tauron comes from a visiting family of aliens, called Tauron’s, have decided to use the Robinson's planet as a new colony, on Lost In Space. I liked this episode and one that follows later where the Robinsons found a Tauron teleporting machine. I felt the show did little to present this concept further. All those humanoid aliens could have from the planet Tauron Officer Bollix claims to be from originally. the Keeper, Mister Zumdush, (Quano) and his father could have rulers of Planet Tauron,
10. The Sky Is Falling

Reviews first aired 11/17/1965

A visiting family of aliens, called Tauron’s, has decided to use the Robinson's planet as a new colony. Although the Robinson's cannot understand the language of a visiting family, they welcome them to live in peace and harmony. However, as usual, Dr. Smith causes problems when he panics and draws a gun on the alien family.

Writer: Barney Slater, Herman Groves
Director: Sobey Martin
Guest star: Don Matheson (Retho), Francoise Ruggieri (Moela), Eddir Rosson (Lunon)

15. Return from Outer Space first aired: 12/29/1965

Will uses an alien Tauron transporter to send himself back to Earth. However, many people believe the Robinson family to be dead after hearing the ship went off course. Nobody on Earth believes him, and they lock him up with the intention of sending him to a boys' home.
Taurons were a mute humanoid species that wore simple tunics and jewelry.
A family of Taurons visited Preplanis using maser teleportation technology. They left the planet after a series of misunderstandings with the Robinson family. ("The Sky Is Falling")
The Taurons left behind some of their equipment, which Will Robinson used to return to Earth. ("Return from Outer Space")

Writer: Peter Packer
Director: Nathan Juran
Guest star: Reta Shaw (Aunt Clara), Walter Sande (Sheriff Baxendale), Donald Loxby (Davey Sims), Sheila Allen (Ruth Templeton [as Sheila Mathews]), Helen Kleeb (Phone Operator Rachel), Robert Easton (Lacy), Harry Harvey, Sr. (Grover), Ann Dore (First Select-Person), Keith Taylor (Theodore), Johnny Tuchy (First Boy)

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Empires of the Great Pangean World.

Empires of the Great Pangean World.

Pan Almerhann Federation

Empires of the Great Pangean World accessible to the surface world via a polar opening allowing passage between the inner and outer worlds-other world plates beyond Great Pangea.It once had a Great Empire of Pangea,but several Great Cataclysm-Atomic Wars,a Great Asteroid hitting upon the other side of Terra-Prime,creating a Great Disaster or world wide earthquake,an invasion by the Trongaroth and one hundred year occupation of much of Pangea,plus several minor world wars,have thrown this back upon it once great beginning. Pangea is populated by primitive people =most thrown back toward a primate medieval world and prehistoric creatures, notably dinosaurs.who have lift or exist currently within huge Prehistoric Preserves.

The region in which David Greystone and Perry initially find themselves is ruled by the cities of the Mahars, intelligent flying reptiles resembling pterosaurs with dangerous psychic powers, who keep the local tribelets of Stone Age human beings in subjugation.

Pan Almerhann Federation.-is the complete twine continents of
Northern Almerhann-a vast continent, that is apart of Southern Almerhann. Pan-Almerhann Federation which linked the Western Hemisphere from pole to pole after the Great Trongaroth Invasion of Western Pangea, under a single flags of many nation led by the Redhawks and Starkiller Great Houses, which joined the navies and air forces of the New Pangean World into the mightiest fighting force that ever sailed the seven seas of this world -- the greatest argument for peace the world had ever know. The Northern Kingdom of Markhallan, led by Johnathan Redhawk and the mid eastern coastal nation of New Thuvia, led by Toreus Starkiller, were between the two major kingdoms to united the other 11 colonies of Northern Almerhann. New Jericho, under the rule of Warlord King Blackstar, was the next to join the Pan Almerhann Federation.-against the Trongaroth Invaders. Transoceanic commerce had practically ceased with Central Northern Pangea-the Great Trongaroth naval fleets saw to that, only being able to first to be attacked by them was Captain Jefferson Taylor and his heroic crew aboard the SS Sea Lion-one of the Great Airships of the Kingdom of Markhallan. Countless were the vessels and men that passed over our eastern and western horizons never to return; presumably attacked and sunk by Trongaroth Seawolf packs but whether they met their fates before the belching tubes of submarines or among the aimlessly drifting mine fields, no man lived to tell. Captain Jefferson Taylor-a distant cousin of those same Royal Families of Arcadia, also known as House Taylor, apart of the New Pan Almerhann Navy, led the charge and made his way to the distant island of Hybornia ,to help them fight their Trongaroth oppressors-a victory won, that led to other victories around Central Pangea and back in the newly forming Pan Almerhann Federation. All or most of the human inhabitants of Pan Almerhann share a common world-wide language and common written language.

Once the Pan Almerhann Federation a vast world with vast water ways and canals,that spread a Great Inland Pan Almerhann Merchant waterways-many first discovered by Captain Jack MacKalaster and his nephew Shaun MacKalaster,these Pangea's inland seas gradually drying up,water ways contaminated by Trangaroth and Metrone Invader plagues,that killed fish and sea lifeforms by the hundreds leaving it a dry land of highlands interspersed with moss covered dead sea bottoms.The Trongaroth invaders,had also heated up many of their cities with factory plants,traffic highways full of hover craft,of insuffiant fuel consumtion,that also raised the global warming temporature of much of Pangea,that heated up the Pangean World Plate. Abandoned cities line the former coastlands-guard by the once by the Komandai Valley River Rangers-and now by the Pan Almerhann Coast Guard,kept the peace and prevented Vandollan Sea Pirated from once raping the coastal cities and smuggling drugs like Stupital and Super Krunk,became a series of outlaw towns along these once great sea beds... The last remnants of the former inland bodies of water are the Great Tarhoonian Marshes and the Lost Sea of Great Almerhann Lakes. Pangean distribute scarce water supplies via a Pan Almerhan Federation wide system of canals, controlled by once quarreling city-states which have grown up at the junctures of the canals.The Redhawks,the Starkillers,the Blackstar house clans brought properity to the land ravaged by countless wars,Trongaroth Invadsers and Great Cataclysm that rocked the world of Pangea.

The thinning inland Great Lakes were artificially replenished from an "aquatic plant" on whose smooth functioning all life with the Pan Almerhan Federation is dependent.Water pumped from.
Northern Almerhann.
Northern Almerhann-is a vast Northern Continent-from the Eastern Northern Almerhann Coastline, where the nations of Kingdom of Markhallan, to the Great Midland North is found. Above that is the Great White Northern or North Nations of Yukhainia, Saskawhann and Kharnova. Eastern coastal nation of New Thuvia, led by Toreus Starkiller, were among the two major kingdoms to united the other 11 colonies of Northern Almerhann. New Jericho, under the rule of Warlord King Blackstar, was the next to join the Pan Almerhann Federation.-against the Trongaroth Invaders. Eastern Coast of Northern Almerhann is set in the city of Sanctuary, located at the edge of the old Tarkhan Empire-a vast region allied with the Trongaroth Empire.

The Northlands

The Timberlands-far Northern Great Woodlands of Northern Almerhann.Know for their Great Forrest of Timberland trees.These Timberlans streaches along the Northern region from Eastern Northern Almerhann Coastline, where the nations of Kingdom of Markhallan, to the Great Midland North is found. Above that is the Great White Northern or North Nations of Yukhainia, Saskawhann and Kharnova.

The Wilderlands-a vast relion of the Eastern Lands,located in the region of the Yukhainia, where outlaws often hid out.

The Eastland
Ithmarrean Coast
The Ithmarr Coast is set in the city of Sanctuary, located at the edge of the Rankan Empire.Ithmarr City is a rival city to Okharian City, located across the Great Salt Marsh and then the Stinking Land of Bradekhmar, on the edge of the Deserts. The city grew up around a body of water is a wedge-shaped extension of the Bay of Cordova-named a woman by the name of Lynda Jean Cordova Carver-which explored John Carver founded. Its people are known as Ilthmarrian, and are known for their gambling, their heartlessness, and their worship of many ancient holo gods and holo spirits. The harbor of Ithmar City is kept full of sharks for getting rid of criminals and undesirables.Cities criminal Underworld,many members of the Zenn Lann Authority,the Zatikhon Dominion and so forth. Actual rule the local Thieves Guild, and other criminal operations,often backed and aided by local Temporal Wizards Guild, strange cults,and other similar organizations. Amongst the streets and alleys of Ithmarr are New Market East Street (where the Thieves' Guild has its headquarters, Thieves' House),Vineland Street-where much of the ladies of the evening-hookers often use apply their trade, Pinewoods Street, Cashcow Street, Ritterhouse Court-a square where the rich local merchants live in high rise town house and huge skyscaper buildings., Old St.Elmos Alley-named a local merchant Elmo Linderman-who assended to holo space-one of the oldest Street of the Old Merchants in the city , the Street of the Holo Gods-vast row of churches,where citizens worship their personall holo god or spirit, and the Street of the Thinkers,Talors and Soldiers.-a long row of old thinkeres shops,Talor Shoprs and Recruiting Offices.
Zarokhonia-a vast,fabled city-once a major stop off for the local subterrainian Shuttle Transit System.
Pangea ‘s Northern Almerhann also harbors enclaves of various nonhuman or semi-human races. There are:
• The Shaygoths. a race of gorilla-men who speak the same language.These ape-like, black with prehensile tail, arboreal. , black with prehensile tail, cannibals with dagger-like tusks.

The Westland
The Great Tueton Mountains a region of dangerous mountainous wilderness in the northwest of Northern Almerhann. Named because it resembles a woman’s very large bustline, it became known as the Tueton Mountains.
Rhuntland is a name adopted by the many settlers of the Great Western Forbidden Regions to the far Western Frontier.The name came,from regional explorer explored John Carver,called the region nothing but a vast region of rutlands,in his reports back home in Ithmarr City .The maps mispelled the Rhuntlands and the name stuck.

• The Brute-Men are peaceful gorilla-like farmers, sometimes called "Gorilla-Sheep" for the sheep-like appearance of their faces.
• The Azarians, primitive man-eating giants.
• The Ganaks, a race of horned bison men.
• The Horibs, ferocious dinosaur-riding reptile men.
• Two subterranean races are:-
o The Coripies or buried people, short eyeless carrion eaters
o The Gorbuses, cannibalistic albinos who are apparently resurrected surface-world murderers.
o Technically more advanced exceptions include the Korsars (corsairs), a maritime raiding society descended from surface-world pirates, and the Xexots, an indigenous Bronze Age civilization. All or most of the human inhabitants of Pan Almerhann share a common world-wide language.
The Southland
Southern Almerhann. is a vast Southern Continent-connected by a vast land bridge to the Northern Continent of Almerhann.

The United Island Nations or Kingdoms of Subatall.-

The United Island Nations or Kingdoms of Subatall.-a series of huge,island nation,located within the Great Panthalythic Ocean is primarily oceanic, but includes two continents and a number of large islands. The main continent is Thoritann, extending also far into the tropical zone of Strabol and the arctic zone of Karbol -– possibly as far as the south pole. Several smaller land masses projecting into Trabol from Karbol appear to be peninsular extensions of Thora; these include Bombaj, Ator, Rovlap, Vodaro, and Vaxlap. Interspersed among these are the great islands of Ganfal, Malpi, Donuk, Movis, Nor, Anlap, Vepaja, Trambol, and Zanbo. The unnamed second continent is a largely tropical landmass north of Vejapa and west of Thoritann.
Amtorian vegetation, particularly on Vejapa, tends to be gigantic. Vejapa is notable for the enormous forests Napier first encounters upon his arrival, with trees reaching into the inner cloud envelope. Elsewhere, the geography of Kingdoms of Subatal is more varied, and he also travels through a dismal pine forest, grassland plains, glacial valleys, and several mountain ranges.
Kingdoms of Subatal culture
The human natives of Sabatal are a generally inhospitable lot, often trying to murder other, kidnap a prince or princess, or both. Their nations are rather loosely connected, partly because the geography is strewn with impassable mountains, impenetrable forests, and unnavigable seas (which can be nevertheless passes, penetrates, and navigates), and partly because their maps are somewhat unusual. In spite of their relative isolation from each other, a worldwide language is current among all peoples. The level of culture runs the spectrum from savagery to advanced technology; some nations possess a longevity serum, atomic ray guns, and nuclear powered ships..The culture,seems to be mostly from an alternate earth,made up of polinesian islanders,Japaneses,Korean,Chinesse and other Manderine asian civilizations.There are also some non oriental peoples from many distant lands of Pangea,that have made it to The United Island Nations or Kingdoms of Subatall. By way of sea ship or air ship.

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. By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl E. Thompson
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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ancient History of the Imperial House of Sarkhon. By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson. (3) a work in progress.

Imperial House of Sarkhon

Ancient History of the Imperial House of Sarkhon. By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson. (3) a work in progress.

Imperial House of Sarkhon

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Ancient History of the Imperial House of Sarkhon. By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson. (3) a work in progress.

Ancient History of the Imperial House of Sarkhon. By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
a Wold Newton type Family-sort of.

The Sarkhon .Name given to what became the Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon. The Sarkhon, who in time are partial, founders to The Legion of Time-Sorcerers-an outgrowth of the Project Time-Sorcerers. and much of the History created by those Temporal Wizard Warriors. Who ever the First Sarkhon or the Original Sarkhon is unknown, but Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon or Lasar Sarkhon, is often claimed to the original, although later individuals with name such as Professor Adam Sarkhon or later still Prince Lasar Sarkhon most likely or maybe other individuals entirely.**
This fictional history, is sort patterned after the two idea of certain extraordinary families or times create heroes and villains
The Wold Newton Universe, created by noted science fiction writer and genealogist, Philip Jose Farmer, these are the people who are descended from the British noble families and their retainers who were passing the village of Wold Newton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, on Dec. 13, 1795, when a meteorite Wold Newton meteorite impacted the ground there. This accident led a "nova of genetic splendor, this outburst of great detectives, scientists, and explorers of exotic worlds, this last efflorescence of true heroes in an otherwise degenerate age. Heroes such as Tarzan, Sherlock Holmes, Doc Savage and his aide, Monk Mayfair, Nero Wolfe, James Bond, Bulldog Drummond, the Shadow, G-8, the Spider, Captain Midnite, Flash Gordon, Travis McGee, Lew Archer, Lord Peter Wimsey, Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, Kinsey Milhone, Mack Bolan, Professor Challenger, Richard Hannay, Denis Nayland Smith, C.Auguste Dupin, Kickaha, Sam Spade, Charlie Chan, and John Shaft. Also these families show, this family also produced it's share of bad apples, men and women who excelled at evil just as well as others did at good, such as Fu Manchu, Professor Moriarty, Carl Peterson, and Ernst Stavro Blofeld. and so on. In this sense, the Imperial Houses of Sarkhon and Shaitanus will produce some of the Greatest Heroes and Villains of the Maveric Multiverse. Alan Moore used a similar technique in his comic book series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which teams several Victorian-era pulp characters together. However, Moore's team is not descended from a single family, it is merely a combination of historical literary figures from a certain timeframe.This will be apart of what I am attempting here,as well,that heroes and villians will drawn together to team up and participant in the world events-one or another.Much the early Sarkhon Family is purposely paaterned after adventures of Professor Bernard Quatermass, Benton Quest, Doctor Who ,Tom Swift and so on.

House of Sarkhon.

Harlan Gideon Sarkhon-tall,dark haired,is said to be one of the first members of the Imperial House of Sarkhon,to have attempted to travel through the infinite realm of temporal space,by creating an experimental temporwarp drive,that opens a wormhole Stargate through time and space.Count Harlan Gideon Sarkhon,comes just before the founding of Project Time Sorcerer,and cannot be specifically called a member of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,since organization was founded during his great grand son Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon’s adulthood,as result of this,Count Harlan Gideon Sarkhon,is considered one of the major influences of the founding of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Project Time Sorcerer.Harlan Gideon Sarkhon,was trained as Atlantean Alpha Omega Warrior,but he also was trained in the medical arts,scientific arts,Atlantean Alchemisry-form of Atlantean Super Science Chemistry,Atlantean Mystic Arts-a form of Atlantean Super Scientific training,using various paranormal abilities and gadgetry,and so forthe.Harlan,like many of his fellow Atlanteans,could be considered something that existed for some time,called a Space Sorcerer-a so called mystical wizard warrior,who travel about,using his knowledge of advanced Atlantean Super Science and specialized super powers,to defend the Atlantean Homeworld against any alien or extraterrestrial threat forces,that might come to their Atlantean Star System.

He discovers a colony of Atlanteans who live in small communities within large and futuristic yet dilapidated buildings,scattered about the forrest area. The land around the central Elanai Space port has become a sort of untended garden filled with unusual fruiting and flowering plants, and similarly strange yet collapsing buildings and other structures, all clearly no longer used, dotted around.
Outside,their remote colony is a tribe of Norlax (who are blue-skinned,dark haired cyborg brutes with with glowing eyes) ,who crashed there years ago and concider the Elanai colony a threat. Norlax wear no clothing but are covered with fur. As a result of living underground, they have little or no melanin to protect their skin, and so have become extremely sensitive to light live underground, tending machinery and live apart from the Elanai.-whom they hate and despise as lazy,ugly invaders from the near by world of Atlantis. Harlan Sarkhon-being an Atlantean,takes offense to this,despite ,his claiming earlier to have respect for all intelligent life-obviously,he only respects intelligent,life ,if it is not warlike and brutal.
Harlan Sarkhon,falls in love with one of the young Elanai-a innoscent,childlike platinum blonde known as Carolynne Fate.Many of the future,members of the Imperial Sarkhon House Clan,will show,this white haired blonde shade of hair color and it maybe speculated,that this will one of the heriditary traits of the family,when the platinum blonde House of Fate,mixed with the multi colored hair of the Sarkhon Family.
In the end,Harlan Sarkhon,sides the Elanai-over the tyrannical oppresion of the warlike Norlax. Masters,who long, flowing hair of the same pure white color as his skin,are telepathic has the physique of a human, and wears clothing armor. The Norlax Master divided themselves into several castes-the upper being The Norlax Master,the Middle Norlax Class-who run their societies more beauricratic levels ,the NorlaxWarrior Class,who protect the society-they comprise the Norlax Army and Navy Class as well,and the lower Norlax Lower Class-who tend to and repair the mechines. He helps defeat the Morlax invasion,but leaves a vast number of them alive-inside the caverns cities and mountain ,and hill colonies of the Norlax.

Harlan Gideon Sarkhon,years later returns to the Elanai Colony, his granddaughters, Susan and Barbara, show Barbara's boyfriend Ian (Castle) At the conclusion of the war, the Morlax, heavily armored by radiation, encased themselves in protective machines and retreated into their city, while the humanoid Thals survived the fallout through the use of an anti-radiation drug and became a peaceful race of farmers. However, the Thals' crops have recently failed and they have journeyed to the petrified jungle to seek help from their former enemies. The Morlax, meanwhile, although determined to become the dominant race on Alpha Elanai , are unable to leave the city due to their vulnerability to radiation and their reliance on static electricity to power their machines.

Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon

Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon is a research scientist who is frequently called upon for missions that require his scientific and technical expertise.He also is Head Projects Director of Enterprise, Inc. Sarkhon Star Ship Enterprises.Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc .He is usually accompanied by his sons Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon and Maxwell Sarkhon,along their sister Helen Sarkhon .Also here is bodyguard Major Roger ‘’Race’ Branson Atlantean Secret Service his assistant Valentina St Jade, the Sarkhon bulldog with the distinctive mask-like eye markings named Reb or Rebel.

Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon-once head of Sarkhon Enterprise, Inc. Sarkhon Star Ship Enterprises.Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc.He is married to Sheila Restin Sarkhon. She was once Sheila Restin, who help him finance the Sarkhon Star Ship Enterprises.Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc operation located on Palm Spring Island-main headquateres and Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc Outer Space Research Center, near White Sands Desert ,,Arizhan Provindence.They parents of Count Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon, Helen Sarkhon and Maxwell Sarkhon.

. The Queen Trangaroth

They become involved in series of experiments to launch Saucer shaped star ships into deep, for the Atlantean Sleeper Ship Program. One of the test ships encounters an alien creature called a Trangaroth and leads it to pilot a meteorite back the homeworld of Atlantis-it crashed in the deserts, near the rocket base. The Queen Trangaroth attempts to start a colony, within the desserts of White Sands, ------.but Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company prevent this infestation from going any further than this. This is one of the earliest encounters with this hostile, alien species. One that in time will acquire the ability from the Atlantean to travel in time and space. At this time, the Trongaroth Hegemony had travel in a meteorite for ages and locate a potential world inhabited by accident. Later on, they target other world conquer and exploit.

The Randarian Navigators

Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon encounters one of his stars ships-unexpectedly returns from its exploration voyage. Three beings, who call themselves Randarians-an android based species, who have used the robot piloted Sleeper Ship to return it’s planet of origin. The Three Atlantean Astronaut’s, aboard, now have replace by the Randarian Astronaut’s and are being detained until the situation can be resolved. The Randarians are searching for a interstellar Navigational Computer and was stolen by one of the three Atlantean stellar explorers, for the use by certain agents of Sarkhon Enterprise,Inc. Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc’s competation-Shaitanus Star Ship,Inc.Speculation,
Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon’s opponent Count Morghan Shaitanus-who plans to use the alien technology to give his star ship design s an edge in the competition to be the first receive the Atlantean Government contract to successfully navigate the sleep saucer ships into deep space. In the end, Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon returns the alien navigation device and the Randarians promise to return the three Atlantean astronauts’ home, also it proposed if all things work a possible trade between their two planets could begin. A device such as Randarians Navigational Computer could be a great asset to the Atlanteans Space Program.

The Metrone

Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon. along his wife Sheila Restin Sarkhon,with sons Restin Sarkhon and Maxwell Sarkhon,with sister Helen Sarkhon-along with Major Roger ‘’Race’ Branson Atlantean Secret Service his assistant Valentina St Jade, Also along for this is the Sarkhon Family pet-their Atlantean Bulldog Reb.
Doctor Julius Karza,an Atlantean brilliant scientist,with bionic hands,has discovered an alien lifeform-known as the Metrone,during one of his visits to the Shaitanus Star Ship,Inc Outer Space Research Center. Count Morghan Shaitanus believes creature maybe related in some way to those Trongaroth insect like artificial cyborg like creatures found and destroyed by his old nemesis Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon months ago. The huge Metrone Tarantula like creature is set out to sabotage the Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc Outer Space Research Center, near White Sands Desert ,,Arizhan Provindence.United Kingdoms of Atlantis. Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company thwart Doctor Julius Karza and Count Morghan Shaitanus attempted sabatage of his Space Research Center, by destroying the Metrone with an Atlantean air ship attack by bombing it until it’s destroyed.

The Holo Demon.

Doctor Julius Karza,once again is up his old expriments,this he is trying created a three dimesional holographic creature for the Tauron Empire,to use as a kind of holographic demon,to guard their temples,palaces,secret labs and forth.The holo creature,manages to escapes and causes much damage throughout the country side of the Tauron Nation.
Reluctantly, Count Morghan Shaitanus is forced to call Count Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company in two stop the creature. They devise a trap to send the holo creature back into holospace again, from wince it came.

The Orghanus Incident

Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company become involved in the discovery of a sample of blog like creature, known as Orghanus. This creature, located by one of Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc Outer Space Research Center deep space probes,can absorb and mimmic otherlifeforms.The Orghanus escapes and it is up Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and crew to stop it by freezing it for storage to a top secret containment center, for any alien and hostile life form. This research center, called Ice Station One, is found within the Artic Region Ultima Thule, on the Atlantean Homeworld.

’Magnetic Monster’’

Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company become involved in the so called ‘’Magnetic Monster’’ case, when a the Sarkhon Star Ship Enterprises.Sarkhon Star Craft, Inc operation Project Paragravity ,which was test Antigravity Repulsor Drive Engines goes wild and begins to magnetically attrack all sort of metalic substances. Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and the members of The United Atlantean Scientific Investigation Task Force only way to stop the "Magnetic Monster" before it destroys a great part of the world was to overload it with an electrical current from near Zero Point Energy Power Stations. In time, this Magnetic Monster will lead, only controlled and perfected into a viable way to lift off and pilot the Atlantean Star Saucers.

The Seraphite Experiment

Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and company become involved in another strange alien incident. A strange meteor meteorite known as Seraphite or Seraphium. The Seraphite Experiment,begins as Sarkhon Enterprises, a fantastic alien crystal,that can grow when supjected to massive does of power and also record vast amounts of data depending on their color.Black Seraphite can grow to form huge columbs.while White Seraphite can be used to created huge contol consoles and data storage banks.Green Seraphite can be used to store energy and red Seraphite can project various force fields.
These Seraphite crystals subjected to high burst of too much energy, from an Atlantean Zero Point Energy Power Station, can cause these grow to titanic size, like some sort of "Monolith Monsters" topple, shatter into thousands of fragments, and each fragment would grow again. Seraphian crystal-like shafts which absorbs all available silica nearby. Once all silica is absorbed and grown to its fullest possible height, the shaft becomes dormant, but may easily totter and collapse, shattering into a legion of fragments, waiting to grow entire new shafts at the next contact with a possible energy sourse. The original meteor has also shattered all about the area where it crashed.

Bernard Harlan Sarkhon and crew discover that Seraphium-a metallic like version of Seraphite crystals, when properly controlled and contained, can used it native people-the angelic Seraphians, as a building material and power containment source, plus data storage crystal similar to the Atlantean Isolinear Crystals. But if overloaded, it grow to rapid, shatter and begin to grow all over again until it’s energy stores are completed. So overloading it, like the Paragravity Magnetic Monster, these Seraphian "Monolith Monsters’ can also be destroyed in the same way. . .In time, this Monolith Monsters will lead,only controlled and perfected into a viable way to store vast amounts of library imformation,build structures out of Seraphite crystals and power upthe Atlantean Star Saucers and building,faster than the slow process of storing energy in the Zero Point Generator Starage Plants.These Seraphian Crystals also will leed to the future Cosmic Power Amulet or Quantum Field Power Lence-sometimes called Startarin Gem Amulets or or Quantum Field Power Lence-Startarin Power Gems.

Count Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon

Count Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon is the father of Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon. Count Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon, may have at least on two occasions, travel in time-once to fight a colony of Metrone-evil spider like robots who invaded a future colony of Atlanteans on a planet called Alpha Centarus 4,where the Metrone City was fighting an attack by Atlantean Resistance Forces in the planets largest city-Atsrhann Space Port and later on during the Atlantean Federation /Metrone Empire Wars, as Count Branson Sarkhon and then girlfreind Cassandra Karthan ,help the Atlantean Resistance Forces invade the Metrone City to end the war, after years of fighting this hostile enemy.
Count Branson Gideon Restin Sarkhon and girlfreind Cassandra Karthan, return to the homeworld of Atlantean Federation. Eventually Count Branson Sarkhon marries and his girlfriend becomes Countess Cassandra Karthan Sarkhon. They have a son-Adam Lasar Sarkhon. This is what the members of Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon always do-make way for the next generation of the family to take after the Original members of the House Sarkhon depart for the other dimensional world of holospace-their version of heaven.*1

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon.

The Story of Atlantis.
Sometime with the Old ‘’Maveric ‘’Universe, there existed an island nation or continent rather located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean populated by a noble and powerful race. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The continent, also known as the United Kingdoms of Thurann, was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into the rest of the world of Atlantis. This world was the home of an ancient humanoid race, whose art and cultures strived centuries of countless wars between many nations to build a world of peace and justice. The nations allied to Thurann, was the kingdoms or countries-some of the names are listed below.
Olympia,Asguard,Tauron,Tarthonn,Valaria,Khamoria,Elderheim,Asitland,Attiland,Asran,Venushia,and so –just in name a few.
This was the world of Atlantis. Atlas Sarkhon, first King or Supreme Lord of Atlantis homeworld. (Atlantis "island or world of Atlas").Some Atlantean Mythology,claims that a hero known as King Atlas Toreus Sarkhon,was the First King or Supreme Lord of Atlantis and his brother Adam Lasar Sarkhon-a Great Atlantean Sorcerer, help rule wisely and justly in the ancient days of the Seven Empires of Atlantis.*
The Doctor Adam Lasar Sarkhon at the Time-Sorcerers Academy The Doctor Adam Lasar Sarkhon is 450 years old or 750 years old years or 900 years old at this time or perhaps young and simply named another family member of that age-perhaps an Uncle or Cousin. Or perhaps to cover up his true origins create various fabricated ages to confuse others to his true origins. Or perhaps these records in the Great Halls of Time, upon the World of Atlantis-Prime and Genisis-Prime are inaccurate or have re-written over time by others, to either mythology about the ancient Atlantean or mythology about the ancient legend of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers..**

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon. The so called Legendary Founder of the Sarkhon Family. Certainly, he is the first family member anyway to be called a Time-Sorcerer and wield many paranormal abilities as such and use advanced technology as a temporal wizard, as his sorcerers gadgets, weapons and so forth. At first, he used a small store front called Relative Time Machines-a clock making store, as his base of operation on the ancient Atlantean homeworld. He sometimes employed a located cab driver Bernie to assist him in his travels in time and space, along his female assistant Sarah Michaels.*

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon was quick-witted and charming, and was never afraid to launch himself physically into the action when events demanded it. Never abandoning his good nature no matter how desperate the situation, Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon quickly earned the respect of all those around him. This member of the Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon was a man of action, aggressively joining the fray whenever he could. Adam Lasar Sarkhon who harbored a new appreciation for the wonders of the universe -- and who, more keenly than ever, burned with a desire to keep the universe safe from harm. He may have not realized it, but he was laying the very foundations of a new breed of warrior-a Legion of Time Traveling Wizards, who would become the Guardian of Peace and Justice, throughout the infinite Multiverse.

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon. also having acquired vast wealth, own a large mansion called Sarkhon Mansion, that is situated with the heart of the worlds foremost metropolitan and capitol city of the - New Atlas City-heart of the United World of Atlantis. He also has another large castle -also known as Castle Sarkhon located outside the city, within the Anderhadark Mountains. Adam Lasar Sarkhon seems to secret headquarters –Atlantean Safe houses and places called Time-Vaults all over the city and all over the world.

. Many believe Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon. to be the founder of Project; Time-Sorcerers. This project was created to research the ability to travel into temporal wormholes through time. It also was created to research in the use of Atlanteans harnessing the paranormal abilities of telepathy and telekenisis, and developing equipment uses various super scientific weapons and devices. Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon, hopes to create a whole army or group of Wizard Warriors, based on the super soldier training created for the Alpha Omega Warrior Program, but with the paranormal powers of telekinesis, telepathy and other so called super scientific mystical powers and equipment, that makes the warrior seem like a scientific sorcerer. This is the Genisis of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon uses these wizard warrior abilities to help defeat all sort of hostile alien beings, the Metrone, the Daimon, the Delkhon, the Mystrann and other treats to the Atlantean race.

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon and his lovely companion is Sarah Michaels-his personal assistant. They travel around time and space is a huge saucer shaped star ship he called his Star Palace-that acts as his mobile base of operations and home while upon his many travels with temporal space. This here is the Genisis of the Atlantean Star Palace and the Atlantean Star Castle as well.-since some point Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon will build himself a large Star Palace and call it a Star Castle, to be used as his large base of operation while defending his homeworld and fighting the evils of time and space.*
The time vortex (sometimes called the space-time vortex) is the medium-a temporal wormhole or stargate,punches hole through normal space,into hyperspace that the Star Palace and other time machines travel through. The vortex is outside normal spacetime, and therefore normal rules of physics do not apply.With this a member of the Legion,can travel back and forth through temporal space,into other alternate timelanes and so on.A star palace is a huge saucer like star ship,resembling a flying saucer,with a futuristic palace built atop it.The palace is used as a Time-Sorcerer’s home and base of operation-a spacious dwelling with plenty of room for these temporal agents to operation as the guardians of temporal space.As of yet,the Legion have no rule book,but a simple Hand Book called the Laws of Time.In time,each Time-Sorcerer will add to this simple rule book and transform it into a series of books known as Great Laws or Law Books of Time or Time-Sorcerers.

Project; Time-Sorcerers.Inc.

Project; Time-Sorcerers.Inc.
An ancient reference to an old Universe top secret project to create a genetically engineered, nano technology, based race of temporal wizard warrior, using advanced super science technology and paraphernalia. Located on the homeworld of the Atlantean homeworld, this Time-Sorcerers Project is an outgrowth of several other related projects such as the Atlantean Colonial Marine Super Soldier or Alpha Omega Warrior Program, Project; Time Wizard,-the research into the use of telekinesis and telepathy, plus the use of paraphernalia and weapons to assist those wizard warriors.

Time-Sorcerers so called because they are able to travel in and manipulate time through technology to a far greater degree than any other civilisation and a sorcerer is a magician who works with the paranormal or occult-least ways as the rest of the universe seems to perceive it. An individual who can control the Force commonly manifests paranormal abilities, such as telekinesis, telepathy and precognition. Those who can use the cosmic forces or quantum elemental forces within the Multiverse can perform feats of telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition, and mind control, as well as amplifying certain physical traits, such as reflexes.Time-Sorcerers also special mental abilities-mind control,via telekinesis,a rapid memory recall or hypermind.They can mind meld with other beings or recall past memories or implant suggestion or blokes in other inviduals minds,for either protection or mental suugestion.They can use a kind of battle mind to prepare combat or assist other in aiding them combat.
A young Time-Sorcerers that undergoes intensive one-on-one training under a Time-Sorcerers graduate,with the title of either Doctor or Professor or Time-Sorcerers Master or Supreme Time-Sorcerers after graduating from the academy. The High Council was a group of twelve wise and powerful Time-Sorcerers Masters elected to guide the Time-Sorcerers Order, as well as serve as an advisory body for the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.***

Time-Sorcerers Abilities.
Mind Powers.
Hypermentation.The abilty to recall imformation rapidly from memmory or another sourse,such the Guider Gem-an ancient,jewel worn upon the members of the Leegion of Time Sorcerers. Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon always uses scientific (or supposedly scientific) methods and focuses on logic and the powers of observation and deduction
Second Sight - Enhances the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls. Trained users can have their sight amplified to the point that they are able to counteract Persuasion and Blinding.
1) Farsight - Makes the mind of the Time-Sorcerers fly through space and perceive all around. He or she can see events, via holospace in other places in time and space.

2) Psychometry - The mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it. Cosmic Force Sense - Used within the Time-Sorcerers Order to sense the future, possible danger, a person's location, or the presence of the Dark Side of evil.

3) Battle Meditation - This power can influence the course of an entire battle, raising the morale of allies, and sapping the will to fight from enemies.

4) Empathy - The Force endows the user with the skill to read the thoughts and emotions of another being.
5) Affect Mind or Persuasion - This power can confuse and persuade others, making them bend to the user's will.

Mind Control - A more advanced, and more malicious, form of "Persuasion/Suggestion", allowing one to enter another's mind and control brain activity.
Mind Control - A more advanced, and more malicious, form of "Persuasion/Suggestion", allowing one to enter another's mind and control brain activity.
Hibernation Trance - This is an ability of a Cosmic or Quantum Force user to go into a very deep hibernation state. This slows down the Cosmic or Quantum Force user's metabolism and breathing to a standstill. A fully trained Force user can stay in this state for up to four days.

Hypermind or Hypermentation-The Legion of Time-Sorcerers ability to concentrate and draw on any sort of mental abilities or instant data recall.


Cure/Heal - The of Time-Sorcerers Healer uses the paranormal abilities to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly for a short duration. Initial levels require meditation, but greater aptitude usually grants faster regeneration, without need of meditation.
Cosmic or Quantum Force Suppression- Certain Force powers are not instantaneous in effect, but last for a period of time on a target. Examples of such powers include but are not limited to Force Aura, Burst of Speed, and Energy Resistance. Force Suppression instantly cancels such powers on the target. The greater the user's skill in this ability, the stronger the removed powers active on the target.
Cloak - Rarely ever used, this power channels the Force to bend light around the user, rendering him invisible to others. The liability of this can be seen when machines/aliens that can scan beyond the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infra-red, easily discover the user
Battle Meditation - This power can influence the course of an entire battle, raising the morale of allies, and sapping the will to fight from enemies.

Energy Resistance - This power shields the user from various energy attacks, whether they are in the form of fire, electricity, etc. It does not shield users from Force powered attacks, and quickly fades
Cosmic or Quantum Force Block/Force Strip" - This power is never fully named, but described as a "force blocking power" or "cutting one off from the Cosmic Forces." The user either effectively forms a wall around an opponent using the Force and renders them powerless and blind to the Force or is removed from their connection to the force completely.
Beast Trick - This is a universal ability that distracts a feral creature, making it easy for the user to sneak past it
Force Body - Although technically a neutral power, use of this potent yet dangerous ability requires that the user exercise caution. Cosmic or Quantum Force Body enables the user to drain his own health reserves to partly fuel his Force powers for a brief period of time.
Breathe Control - Time-Sorcerers how to control her metabolism, enabling her to actually stop breathing for a time, and thus resist poisonous gases. Skilled users of this power are said to be able to hold their breath for hours, even days.

Hibernation Trance - This is an ability of a Cosmic or Quantum Force user to go into a very deep hibernation state. This slows down the Cosmic or Quantum Force user's metabolism and breathing to a standstill. A fully trained Force user can stay in this state for up to four days.

Cosmic or Quantum Force Stealth - This versatile power can not only be used to mask one's physical presence, but also one's Force presence. With this power, the bearer can, in effect, turn almost completely invisible. It is very useful in planning surprise attacks or avoiding dangerous confrontations.

Enhance Ability - The Cosmic or Quantum Force boosts the user's abilities, empowering his or her strength, dexterity, and endurance.
Alter Environment - Various Time-Sorcerers techniques that allow the user to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of such phenomena as Cosmic or Quantum Force whirlwinds or fog over limited areas.

Revitalize - This ability is rarely used, but its payoffs are tremendous in potential, rekindling the life energies of fallen allies, bringing them barely back to consciousness.

Cosmic Force Aura - This Time-Sorcerers power temporarily strengthens an s defense and ability to resist most forms of attack, be they physical, energy, or Cosmic Forces related, lessening the damage if any. Increasing expertise strengthens the effect, until the Force shields the user in a protective armor so powerful that very few things can penetrate it.

Cosmic Force Barrier - Creates a weak shield that protects the Time-Sorcerers from minor physical damage, lessening the effects of even powerful blows. As usual, greater aptitude imparts greater protection. The effects are temporary nonetheless.
Protection - A power generally only achieved by high-ranking Jedi Time-Sorcerers masters, Force protection will make the bearer invulnerable to a wide range of physical weapons, energy weapons, and Cosmic or Quantum Force powers.

Protection - A power generally only achieved by high-ranking Jedi Time-Sorcerers masters, Force protection will make the bearer invulnerable to a wide range of physical weapons, energy weapons, and Cosmic or Quantum Force powers.

Force Valor - This potent ability increases the physical and mental attributes of the user and all allies around him for a very brief period. The greater the expertise of the user, the stronger the effect
Force Blinding is a light side Force power. It emanates what appears as a blinding flash of energy, overloading the target's vision and causing temporary blindness.

Stasis Field - Unless the targets resist successfully, all hostile creatures within a certain radius of the member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers become completely paralyzed and vulnerable to attack. However, even those that manage to shrug off this power become slowed, unable to attack or defend effectively in battle.

Force Grip/Force Choke - Often believed to be an enhanced combination of two neutral Cosmic or Quantum Force-powers. Certain member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers rarely use power unless there no other choice.
Force Storm - member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers are able to generate and control, to a degree, self-sustaining storms of warped space-time of a limited duration

Mind Control - A more advanced, and more malicious, form of "Persuasion/Suggestion", allowing one to enter another's mind and control brain activity.

Projection - Creates an inanimate apparition that looks like the caster.
Flight - The ability to levitate oneself with the Cosmic Quantum or Cosmic Elemental Forces. Time-Sorcerer Force Meld; a powerful but draining technique, it takes a calm and focused mind to stay in the Meld, and a strong one to initiate it. Without training and practice, and in chaotic situations, even the strongest Cosmic Quantum or Cosmic Elemental Force Meld can fall apart, leaving individual Time-Sorcerer to fend for themselves. Mind melds are similar to the Legion of Time-Sorcerers telepathic abilities .
Atlantean Martial Arts.
Atlantean Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation/meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above. the martial arts declined with the rise of the firearms. As a consequence, martial arts with historical roots in do not exist today to the same extent as in Venushia,Luasia, since the traditional martial arts either died out or developed into sports. Swordplay developed into fencing. Boxing as well as forms of wrestling have endured. European martial arts have mostly adapted to changing technology so that while some traditional arts still exist, military personnel are trained in skills like bayonet combat and marksmanship. These skills do not fall under the common use of the term, but may still be considered "martial arts".
Venushian Judo and Tae Kwon Do as well as western archery, boxing, javelin, wrestling and fencing are currently events in the Atlantean Olympic Games. Venushian wushu recently failed in its bid to be included, but is still actively performed in tournaments across the world.
In many Veushian Martial Art systems, meditation is considered to be an important component of basic training. Meditation can be used to develop focus, mental clarity and can act as a basis for qigong training. Many believe that Veushian Kung Fu form needs to be both practical, usable, and applicable as well as promoting flow, meditation, flexibility, balance and coordination. Often kung fu teachers are heard to say "train your form as if you were sparring and spar as if it were a form."
Atlantean Karate primarily as a striking art, featuring punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques, but grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints/traps, throws, and vital point striking are taught with equal emphasis,in depending on the school.
Atlantean Boxing (sometimes known as pugilism) is a combat sport of prehistoric origin in which two participants (generally) of similar weight fight each other with their fists. There have been many informal forms of boxing throughout the centuries, since getting two people to fight with fists is in essence a fairly primitive sport, but boxing is now generally conducted in a regulated way, typically in a series of one to three-minute intervals called rounds. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked down and unable to get up before the referee counts to ten (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is deemed too injured to continue (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). If there is no stoppage of the fight before an agreed number of rounds, a winner is determined either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards.

Venushia Wushu (simplified Venushia:; traditional Venushia: ; pinyin: wǔshù listen Khartonese: literally means "martial art". It is a more precise term than the widely used term Venushia kung fu, which can mean either martial art or "skill": a craftsperson or artisan could be said to have good "kung fu" in the way in which they carry out their craft; in the same way, a wushu practitioner can also be said to have good Venushia "kung fu" in their wushu practice. In the broadest sense, the word wushu may refer to any martial art in the world, though in practice it often refers to the modern sport named "wushu" (see Venushia wushu (sport); also known as "modern wushu" or "contemporary wushu"), or the various styles of Venushia martial arts. A Time-Sorcerer’s physical abilities seem to stem from his mastery of Atlantean chi, which often allows him to surpass physical limitations of normal athletes. In one instance, Time-Sorcerer is able to stand shirtless in minus 20 degree weather without feeling any physical discomfort. Members of the Legion have also demonstrated the ability to dodge bullets or laser bolts and to deflect single shots with his bracers,Quantum Field Power Glove or Guanlets.Mixing their ability to enter and exite Hypertime-a kind of hyperspacial outer space time dimension,outside normal space,where the observer see’s the used more faster than the eye can preseive or simply dissappear in nothing.
A procedure known as a mind-meld involves physical contact with a subject (though instances of mind-melds without contact have been seen), making it possible to share thoughts, experiences, memories, and knowledge with another individual.The mind meld also can involve using the Atlantean Nerve pinch or Atlantean Kirantai Finger thrust to render another lifeform unconscious by pinching the base of the victim’s neck or chest area or other parts of the body with all four fingers opposing the thumb. Time-Sorcerer Force Meld telepathic nature and incredible control over their own bodies, they are able to send a burst of neural energy into another being and overload its nervous system, rendering it unconscious, although the pinch does not work on all species.Physical contact or thrusting seems assist this abilityin that it can be done by applying strong and surgically precise pressure over baroreceptors of the carotid sinus at the base of the humanoid neck. The objective would be to elicit the baroreceptor reflex as the receptors detect an apparent high pressure state due to the externally applied force and causes reflex bradycardia and/or hypotension, leading to decreased blood supply to the brain and syncope.

Energy Manipulation.
Pyrokinesis is derived from (from the Greek "pyretos", meaning fire, burn, fever; and κίνησις, "kinesis", meaning motion; literally "fire from the mind") and denotes the ability to create and manipulate fire using only the mind. member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers can manipulate and control plasmic forces or fields. The member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers all of which are related to fire/plasma able to fly and to generate powerful streams and/or 'balls' of fire. They can also manipulate his flame in such a way as to shape it into rings, cages, etc. Even when not engulfed in flame himself, the Time-Sorcerer has the ability to control any fire within his immediate range of vision, causing it to increase or decrease in intensity or to move in a pattern directed by his thoughts. Additionally, he is able to absorb fire/plasma into his body with no detrimental effects.

Cryrokinesis-is a . member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers can manipulate and control plasmic forces or fields. to with draw cold or cold air or moisture out of one are and into another. The member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers is able to freeze any moisture in the air around him into unusually hard ice to form ice-slides and various projectiles and shields.

During this time sorcerers and witch doctors treatment of disease was often focused on magic and religion, and healing the entire body and soul, rather than focusing on a few symptoms like modern medicine. Early medicine often included the use of herbs, and meditation, and sometimes using other method such as Medical Nano Surgery. Severe diseases were often thought of as supernatural or magical, to on Atlantis is a type super science or technology, looked as either mystical or supernatural.

Alchemy or Atlantean Super Chemestry.

In the Atlantean history of science, alchemy refers to both an early form of the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline, both combining elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art all as parts of one greater force. some alchemists increasingly came to view these metaphysical aspects as the true foundation of alchemy; and organic and inorganic chemical substances, physical states, and molecular material processes as mere metaphors for spiritual entities, spiritual states and ultimately, spiritual transformations. In texts that are written according to this view, the cryptic alchemical symbols, diagrams, and textual imagery of late alchemical works typically contain multiple layers of meanings, allegories, and references to other equally cryptic works; and must be laboriously "decoded" in order to discover their true meaning..This was another form of holographic symbols,that tap into holospace or be read by an artificial intelligence or computer.These holo ruins are a kind of computer code that could read by anyone or anything that understood their meaning and could preform specific tasks,in understood by the reader.
Isrhamic alchemy was a forerunner of modern scientific chemistry. Alchemists used many of the same laboratory tools that we use today. These tools were not usually sturdy or in good condition, especially during the medieval period of the Old Atlantean World. Chemistry (from kēme (chem), meaning is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. Metallurgy is a domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their compounds, which are called alloys.Often Atlantean Metallurgy is also a branch of Atlantean Alchemy.
Alchemy in traditional medicine
Traditional medicines involve transmutation by alchemy, using pharmacological or combination pharmacological and spiritual techniques.In Atlantean civilization,Alchemy is interwoven with the sciences of chemestry and medical sciences.Many members of the Legion of Time-Sorceres,uses Alchemy as a means heal the sick or injured.
Alchemy in traditional medicine
Traditional medicines involve transmutation by alchemy, using pharmacological or combination pharmacological and spiritual techniques. Paracelsus Sarkhon, Vulcan Centaurus of Olympus ,was synonymous with both the alchemist/physician's manipulation of fire, heating and distilling of nature's properties for medicine, and the transforming power and creative potential locked within Man, the greater invisible Man or anthropos, slumbering within.He founded many of the traditional sciences of Atlantean Alchemy and Modern Medicine.
Mysticism (from the Greek μυστικός – mystikos, an initiate of the Eleusinian Mysteries; μυστήρια – mysteria meaning "initiation"[1]) is the pursuit of achieving communion, identity with, or conscious awareness of ultimate reality, the divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, or insight. Traditions may include a belief in the literal existence of dimensional realities beyond empirical perception, or a belief that a true human perception of the world goes beyond current logical reasoning or intellectual comprehension. A person delving in these areas may be called a Mystic.
In many cases, the purpose of mysticism and mystical disciplines, such as meditation, is to reach a state of return or re-integration with the Godhead. A common theme in mysticism is that the mystic and all of reality are One. The purpose of mystical practices is to achieve that oneness in experience, to achieve a larger identity and re-identify with the all that is.
Atlantean Medicine is the science and "art" of maintaining and/or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of patients.
Atlantean Semiotics, semiotic studies, or semiology is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. It includes the study of how meaning is constructed and understood.
Atlantean Astrology (from Greek: ἄστρον (astron), "star", and λόγος (logos), "theory", "study": lit. study of the stars) is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer, or, rarely, an astrologist. Numerous traditions and applications employing astrological concepts have arisen since its earliest recorded beginnings in the 3rd millennium BC.[1][2] It has played a role in the shaping of culture, early astronomy, and other disciplines throughout history.
Atlantean Physics is the science studying the concept of matter[1] and its motion,[2][3] as well as space and time[4][5] — the science that deals with concepts such as force, energy, mass, and charge. Physics is an experimental[6] science, and it is the objective of physicists to understand how the natural world works.[7] For the etymology of the word physics, see physis (φύσις).
Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and through its modern subfield of astronomy, it may be the oldest of all.[8] Although these sciences are seen as distinct today, natural philosophy, chemistry, mathematics and biology are all "branches" of physics. During the last two millennia, these sciences became more distinct; physics emerged as a modern science in the 17th century.[9] Even though these disciplines are now generally distinct the boundaries between them remain fluid and sometimes difficult to distinguish

Atlantean Occultism
Atlantian Occultism is the study of occult or hidden wisdom. To the Atlantean occultist it is the study of "Truth", a deeper truth that exists beneath the surface: 'The truth is always hidden in plain sight'.Often it refer to several things like Holo Spirit of holo space,holo demons,holo spirits,holo gods and so forth. It can involve such subjects as magic (alternatively spelled and defined as magick), extra-sensory perception, astrology, spiritualism, numerology and lucid dreaming. There is often a strong religious element to these studies and beliefs, and many occultists profess adherence to religions practise or cults in existance upon ancient Atlantis.


Time Ring –Special Family Chrest,fitted into a small ring.It can be read by a computer and open locks or project a holographic rune to be read
Field Gravity Detector

Specialized Atlantean Battle Armor. Often worn along a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s Duty uniform or Atlantean jumpsuite. This specialized Atlantean armor is also like a body computer. Wearable computers are computers that are worn on the body. They have been applied to areas such as behavioral modeling, health monitoring systems, information technologies and media development. Government organizations, military, and health professionals have all incorporated wearable computers into their daily operations.With this,an Atlantean Time-Wizard can manipulate and control out side equiptment by way of telepresense.( Telepresence refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance that they were present, or to have an effect, at a location other than their true location.).In sense,it is a kind os exo skeleton,that can enhance the users natural strenth,speed ,stamina,reflexes and so forth. Powered exoskeletons are designed to assist and protect the wearer. They may be designed for example to assist and protect soldiers and construction workers, or to aid the survival of people in other dangerous environments. A wide medical market exists in the future for providing mobility assistance for aged and infirm people.The Atlantean military have similar type exo battle armor for years and simply applied the same equiptment to the members of the Legion.

Plasma Wand-hand held weapon that fires a beam or stream of superheated gases. The beam can encased in a force field and generated around an Atlantium Steel blade, to form a sword or Plasma Sword.

Holo Well are a crystal lattice surrounding a large round hole or well(often in cube form) in which people of old could insert phenomenal quantities of data


Dargo Shaitanus

Dargo Shaitanus-is another member of the Project Time-Sorcerers. He worked with Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon and his lovely companion Sarah Michaels. a renegade Time Sorcerer who is the greatest individual to ever be tained in the paranormal abilities of the Legion.He once was Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon’s best friend and assistant to Project Time-Sorcerers.
Dargo Shaitanus, having an evil nature, which kept secret from his partner. Speculation, Dargo Shaitanus might have suffered some sort of brain damage, with nano surgery, that augmented his brain, to receive the superior mental abilities-something, he might transfer to his children and children’s children for generations to come. Dargo Shaitanus believes that members of the Legion should run things for the betterment of world and universe beyond. This kind of thinking will be the Mark of Cane for centuries of those members of the Imperial House Clan of Shaitanus to come.

Dargo Shaitanus also having acquired vast wealth, own a large mansion called Shaitanus Mansion, that is situated with the heart of the worlds foremost metropolitan and capitol city of the - New Atlas City-heart of the United World of Atlantis. He also has another large castle -also known as Castle Shaitanus located outside the city, within the Anderhadark Mountains-near Castle Sarkhon and one located within the Castrovax Mountains in the kingdom of Elderheim. Dargo Shaitanus seems to secret headquarters –Atlantean Safe houses and places called Time-Vaults all over the city and all over the world. Dargo Shaitanus also has an assistant Countess Valentina Karzan. They travel around time and space is a huge saucer shaped star ship he called his Star Palace-that acts as his mobile base of operations and home while upon his many travels with temporal space. Dargo Shaitanus has annoying habit of copying the same thing and place of the Sarkhon-one his annal, stupid flaws. Shaitanus all admire and hate the Sarkhon at the same time, so imitation is their serious form of flattery and greatest flaw of character. These two interlocking families with fight throughout time and space.

. The Metrone invade many colonial worlds of the Atlantean Federation and rake havoc upon those 12 worlds. Preventing interstellar expansion into deeper regions of space. Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon and his lovely companion Sarah Michaels travel to a distant colonial world to prevent the Metrone colony there from enslaving the Atlantean colony there.
Neural Storm - This telepathic ability involved using psychic energy to overload a victim's neural network, causing extreme but momentary disorientation. Often used as a kind of Atlantean or Time-Sorcerers Nerve pinch

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon and his lovely companion Sarah Michaels encounter an alien race known as the Galaxians-strange energy based beings from another galaxy-who are come a civilization, where everything is based on a kind of nanotechnology crystal, they call Cryllex. The Professors arch enemy, Dargo Shaitanus-who was also one of the members of Project Time-Sorcerer plans to betray his old friend for a place of power within the new rule of the Metrone Empire with the Milky Way Galaxy. Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon. and his companion Sarah Michaels defeat the Metrone menace.

Professor Adam Lasar Sarkhon and Lady Sarah Sarkhon marry and have a son William Patrick Sarkhon-who travels in time and space, having similar adventures as they did. He grows up and carries on the tradition of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers, as it is now called-after his father recruited other to be trained as temporal wizards like himself, to become the guardians of peace and justice throughout time and space.

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, First Son of Elder Supreme Lord Asrhann Sarkhon and Elder Supreme Lady Sarah Sarkhon.

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, rules the homeworld of Atlantis during many difficult years, fighting outer space alien invasions and threats from other temporal worlds lines. Genetic Super beings, much the Kalladon Warriors plague the world of Atlantis for many years. Led by Prince Drago Krell. from the Imperial House Clan of

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, is assassinated by Prince Drago Krell and Terrorist group known as ‘’Black Horizon.’’.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon, ascends the Royal Throne of Atlantis, after his fathers death. He found a special military guard known as the Imperial Atlantean Honor Guardians, who protect the Imperial Royal Family from any future assignations and other similar threats from outside enemy forces.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon marries Princess Kearah Marrhan Sarkhon. from the Imperial House Clan of Marrhan.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon and Supreme Lady Kearah Marrhan Sarkhon. Co-Rulers of Atlantis. Parents of Prince Khallel Jared Sarkhon, Princess Karrah Sarkhon. Husband to Supreme Lady Atria Elkharr Sarkhon-from the Imperial House Clan of Elkharr.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon

*Editors Notes.
*1.Members of the Imperial House Clan of Sar-Khon-A many Atlanteans put a high price on family. Passing on their blood onto the next generation is al important as upholding the Laws of Time and fighting evil throughout time and space. I want to create a superhero, which cares about family and does not ever grow up- endless excuses not to grow beyond teenage loner crap throughout his career, as so many heroes always do. My heroes are men, not pre adolescent heroes who never grow up and hack writer produce tons of crap to feed into that 27/7-356 days a year-for a half century.

The Last Fare –redone.

*This is a somewhat re-written version of my original Lasar Sarkhon character, before I began to call a Time-Sorcerer. The character origins extend back to a short story I wrote around 1978-1979,called ‘’The Last Fare.’ which involved a New York Cabbie Archie, who later became Ernie, then Bernie as future re-writing into comics strips in 1980 to 1983,encounters an Atlantean sorcerer Thuzan Thune or Thuzan Thule from King Kull’s Atlantis, who comes out seclusion to speak to the leaders of the Free world, on mankind’s imminent destruction-what is –is never stated but it presumed to be the Total Nuclear Wars hinted at in my Toreus The Slayer stories. Later revisions excluded the references to the Robert E.Howard material, since I wish to either sell the Last Fare as a short story to be published in Epic Illustrated or Heavy Metal or turn it into the First Chapter of a possible Last Sarkhon comic series. The name Thuzan Thune or Thuzan Thule was dropped simply because I could remember how to spell it and did not care for name anyway-sounded to much like the character in The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune and wished avoid any legal entanglements by possible publishers of my work.This new sorcerer character was barrowing elements Marvels Doctor Strange,Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (played by Sir Alec Guinness) and in time after the writing a second story The Second Chance(,where World War B17 Bomber pilot Harrison Maxwell, abandons his crew after his plane and crew are shot up and wishes Lasar Sarkhon to help go back in time prevent that event from happening-dying in the process and saving his crew to visit his grave two decades onward.)-element of Doctor Who.By now,Lasar Sarkhon,had a Yellow Cabbie sidekick and his yellow Cab flight like - Back to the Future a De Lorean DMC-12,a huge space station that resemble the Mother Ship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind,as a base of operations.Elements from a possible Doctor Who female character Sybile,a witch from the Time Coven,who travelled star ship simular the smaller craft in the movies UFO.with ranch on it,were also barrowed from there to complete my Lasar Sarkhon,Time-Sorcerer comic concept.Soon,I’d add a wife Morgan Lee Fey and 19 year old Rachel Sarkhon into the comic as I drew further comic strips.I did not want to fall into the trap of making Lasar Sarkhon,this loner rebel hero,with no family ties.I felt Doctor Who and many heroes,made mistake of creating cast members,who are introduced and are dropped simply because either actors left the series or the creators were too immature to create a hero,where family and friends,are as important or more so that what evil villian he or she continues to fight or what threat he or she prevents each week or each adventure produced.Also,a strong support cast,always to me,made the hero more human ,than heroes who never create ties to anyone or anything.Also,I think the Kent Family Chroncles by ,showed that

Doc Thompson.

The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune finds Kull reaching his middle-forties and becoming progressively more introspective. The former barbarian is left lost in contemplations of philosophy. At this point the series ends. His fate is left uncertain.

Kull of Atlantis or Kull the Conqueror is a fictional character created by Robert E. Howard, also creator of Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane, and Bran Mak Morn. Kull was portrayed in the 1997 movie Kull the Conqueror by actor Kevin Sorbo.

Doctor Strange is a fictional character, a comic book sorcerer and superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by writer/editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Steve Ditko, he first appeared in Strange Tales #110 (July 1963). Additionally, the name had been used for a different Marvel character two months earlier.
Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe, responsible for defending it from mystic threats. He is a master of the mystic arts, using his abilities to battle evil magicians and other supernatural villains. He is also often consulted by other superheroes on supernatural matters.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is one of the most prominent characters in the Star Wars saga; along with Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO, he is one of the few major characters to appear (in some form or another) in each of the six Star Wars films. He is portrayed in the Original Trilogy by Sir Alec Guinness and in the Prequel Trilogy by Ewan McGregor.
Obi-Wan first appears in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, seemingly a mysterious hermit. He is revealed as a Jedi Master, who then tutors Luke Skywalker to use the Force. In the Prequel films, he appears as a young Jedi, progressing from Jedi Apprentice to Jedi Master.

Doctor Who is a long-running, award-winning British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious time-traveller known as "the Doctor" who travels in his space- and time-ship, the TARDIS, which appears from the exterior to be a blue police phone box. With his companions, he explores time and space, solving problems and righting wrongs.

Back to the Future is a 1985 science fiction–comedy film directed by Robert Zemeckis and produced by Steven Spielberg. Zemeckis wrote the story, along with Bob Gale. It stars Michael J. Fox as teenager Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd as mad scientist Doctor Emmett L. Brown.
The story's basic plot concerns Marty's accidental traveling back to the year 1955 in a De Lorean DMC-12 which he has modified into a time machine that Doctor Emmet Brown constructed. This causes a number of problems, such as how he will be able to return to 1985, where he came from, when he does not have the necessary plutonium to fuel the journey. He also inadvertently interferes with his parents' first meeting in 1955, and must get them to fall in love before he goes back to 1985.
** Editors Notes;
I want a bit of literary tribute to the Sarkhon character, that hade gone through much changes in the 20 years I re invented the character. I did not want simply and lazily, simply have one, single character that revamped every one often like Superman or simply regenerated into another performer like Doctor Who. Still I wanted created a bit of mystery, as to whom or what member of the Imperial House of Sarkhon first had the Adam or Lasar Sarkhon. I don’t to put to much history in a single member of the Sarkhon family, since I split up the character of Lasar Sarkhon to create Professor Gideon Sarkhon and so forth, but giving them all a shared history is ok and kind of a Philip Jose Farmer Wold Newton like-a one family or a series of heroes related to this single family that shared a connected history across time and space.

The Wold Newton family is a literary concept derived from a form of crossover fiction developed by the science fiction writer Philip José Farmer. Farmer suggested in two fictional "biographies" of fictional characters (Tarzan Alive and Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life), that the (real) meteorite which fell in Wold Newton, Yorkshire, England, on December 13, 1795 was radioactive and caused genetic mutations in the occupants of a passing coach. Many of their descendants were thus endowed with extremely high intelligence and strength, as well as an exceptional capacity and drive to perform good, or, as the case may be, evil deeds. The progeny of these travellers were purported to have been the real-life originals of fictionalised characters, both heroic and villainous, over the last few hundred years, such as Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Doc Savage, and Lord Peter Wimsey.

The Wold Newton Family is a group of heroic and villainous literary figures that science fiction author Philip José Farmer postulated belonged to the same genetic family. Some of these characters are adventurers, some are detectives, some explorers and scientists, some espionage agents, and some are evil geniuses.
[edit] The Wold Newton Universe
The Wold Newton Universe (or WNU) is a term coined by Win Scott Eckert to denote an expansion of Philip José Farmer's original Wold Newton Family concept (introduced in the "fictional biography" Tarzan Alive (1972)). Eckert introduced the term in 1997 on his website, An Expansion of Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Universe[1]. Eckert uses Farmer's concept of the the Wold Newton Family as a unifying device, and expands the universe the Wold Newton Family inhabits by documenting crossovers between fictional characters appearing in various media and genres. Not all characters linked into the WNU are necessarily blood relatives, descendants, or ancestors of those present at the 1795 Wold Newton meteor strike, but they all exist in the same shared fictional universe
All time travel characters and stories, including the long running Doctor Who series, whether you people realize it or are grand children to H.G.Wells book the Time Mechine.It’s no mistake or co-incidence that George Pal produced the The Time Machine movie in 1960 and BBC comes up Doctor Who in 1963.If this never dawned on you and just repeat whatever you read elsewhere, it will dawn on you now. Doctor Who, didn’t originate the concept of a man traveling in time and space, it just reformed it for use in a long running series. BBC and some aren’t going admit but without the Time Mechine, there would be no Doctor Who or any other character like him.

Doc Thompson.

This article is about the television series. For other uses, see The Time Machine (disambiguation).
Doctor Who

Current Doctor Who title sequence

Format Science fiction drama

Created by Sydney Newman
C. E. Webber
Donald Wilson

Starring Various Doctors
(currently David Tennant)
Various companions
(currently Catherine Tate)

Opening theme Doctor Who theme music composed by Ron Grainer

Ending theme Doctor Who theme music (reprise)
Country of origin United Kingdom

No. of episodes 738 (as of 25 December 2007) (List of episodes)

Running time 25 min. (1963–1984, 1986–1989)
45 min. (1985, 2005–present)
various other lengths
Original channel BBC tv, later renamed BBC One

Picture format 405-line black & white (1963–1967)
625-line black & white (1968–1969)
PAL 625-line colour (1970–1989)
720x576 16:9 (2005–present)

Original run Original Series:
23 November 1963 –
6 December 1989
Television Movie:
12 May 1996
Current Series:
26 March 2005 – present

Related shows K-9 And Company
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Doctor Who Confidential
Totally Doctor Who

External links
Official website

IMDb profile summary

Doctor Who Portal

Doctor Who is a long-running, award-winning British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC.

Main article: The Time Machine (1960 film)
George Pál (who also made a famous 1953 "modernized" version of Wells' The War of the Worlds) filmed The Time Machine in 1960. This is more of an adventure tale than the book was; The Time Traveller witnesses war's horrors first-hand in 1940 and 1966; also the division of mankind results from mutations induced by nuclear war during the twentieth century. In 802,701 AD, the Eloi learn and speak broken English. Rod Taylor (The Birds) starred, along with Yvette Mimieux as Weena, Alan Young as his closest friend David Filby (and, in 1917 and 1966, his son James Filby), Sebastian Cabot as Dr Hillyer, Whit Bissell as Walter Kemp and Doris Lloyd as his housekeeper Mrs Watchett. The Time Traveller had the first name of George. Interestingly, the plate on the Time Machine is inscribed ' Manufactured by H. George Wells'. In the end, the Time Traveller leaves for a second journey, but Filby and Mrs Watchett note that he had taken three books from the shelves in his drawing room. "Which three books would you have taken?" Filby inquires to Mrs Watchett, adding " ... he has all the time in the world."
Main article: History of Doctor Who
The Doctor Who Movie Box Set
featuring Doctor Who And The Daleks, Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. and Dalekmania
Containing both the original Doctor Who And The Daleks movie and its sequel, Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D., as well as a bonus DVD with the interesting Kevin Davies documentary Dalekmania, Anchor Bay's Doctor Who DVD box set is a nice little budget-friendly way to get the whole Peter Cushing-as-Doctor Who experience in one place. My comments on the DVD of the original movie have been recorded elsewhere, so I'll focus on the other two discs here.
Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D., a remake of the William Hartnell-era six-parter The Dalek Invasion Of Earth, was meant to be a bit darker than its predecessor. And as it happens, it succeeds there - the characters of Ian and Barbara are gone, with Ian replaced by bumbling policeman Tom and Doctor Who's niece Louise standing in for Barbara. This time around, Tom stumbles dazedly into the TARDIS after failing to stop a robbery in progress and accidentally sends the time machine on a course for Earth's future - a future overrun by the Daleks. What follows for the remainder of the movie is more or less episodes 2 through 6 of the TV story - on speed. Spurred on, alarmingly and amusingly enough, by letters from British children that the Daleks didn't do enough exterminating in their first big-screen appearance, the Daleks really do get with the killing this time around. The movie looks and sounds great, and it's a nice little time capsule of the height of Dalek fever. Still photos, a carbon-copy of Doctor Who And The Daleks' history essay, and the nicely-restored widescreen trailer are included, but Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. has no commentaries.
The job of chronicling the second film's making is left to the intriguing Kevin Davies documentary Dalekmania, originally released on VHS as one of the many Doctor Who-related fan productions. Davies seldom misfires with his well-written, cleverly-edited documentaries, and Dalekmania is no exception, right down to its loving recreation of two schoolchildren's visit to a creepy, Dalek-infested theater to see their favorite heroes (and villains) in action. Lots of facts about Daleks: Invasion Earth are to be found here, including the truly cringe-inducing retelling of a stunt gone horribly wrong by a man who broke his leg and went on doing stunt work for the movie when he returned from the hospital in a plaster cast. If you don't grind your teeth watching the slo-mo replay of the scene in question, where he points out exactly where the stunt went painfully wrong, you are a Dalek. Ouch!
Though a lot of the fan-produced Doctor Who spinoff and documentary productions are languishing on VHS while the actual shows they document are being converted to the DVD format, Davies' Dalekmania was a canny choice to round out this box set. When viewed with the movies, it encompasses the whole experience of Doctor Who on the big screen. I give this box set my highest recommendations - and without the Kevin Davies documentary on top of the movies, I'm not sure I would have given it more than two or three stars.
Reviewed by Earl Green webmaster / editor-in-chief

Doctor Who first appeared on BBC television at 5:15 pm (GMT) on 23 November 1963,[10] following discussions and plans that had been in progress for a year.

The Time Traveller is the fictional protagonist in H. G. Wells's The Time Machine, a novel published in 1895. It tells the story of an amateur inventor and scientist known only as "The Time Traveller". "The Chronic Argonauts" is an early story by H. G. Wells which later evolved into The Time Machine. The story is wildly different from the book, but one aspect is the same: an eccentric scientist builds a machine capable of traveling through time.

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The Imperial House of Sarkhon

There son. Asrhann Gharvhan Sarkhon becomes the First member of the House of Sarkhon to ascend the Imperial Throne of Atlantis. He marries his time traveling companion to Lady Laurah Kharhan, who becomes his wife. To Lady Laurah Kharhan Sarkhon. The Metrone return invades many colonial worlds of the Atlantean Federation and rake havoc upon those 12 worlds. Preventing interstellar expansion into deeper regions of space.

Supreme Lord Asrhann Sarkhon, The First True Supreme Lord of Atlantis, after a great war between their world and an insect species known as the Trongaroth Hegemony. Father to Prince Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, Prince Khallack Gideon Sarkhon, Prince Vallon Gharlann Sarkhon. Prince Sullar Asrhack Sarkhon.and Princess Khalastria Castria Sarkhon.

Supreme Lady Sarah Sarkhon. Father to Prince Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, Prince Khallack Gideon Sarkhon, Prince Vallon Gharlann Sarkhon. Prince Sullar Asrhack Sarkhon.and Princess Khalastria Castria Sarkhon.

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• Maveric Enterprises, Inc.

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, First Son of Elder Supreme Lord Asrhann Sarkhon and Elder Supreme Lady Sarah Sarkhon.

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, rules the homeworld of Atlantis during many difficult years, fighting outer space alien invasions and threats from other temporal worlds lines. Genetic Super beings, much the Kalladon Warriors plague the world of Atlantis for many years. Led by Prince Drago Krell. from the Imperial House Clan of

Supreme Lord Jephrack Jared Sarkhon, is assassinated by Prince Drago Krell and Terrorist group known as ‘’Black Horizon.’’.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon, ascends the Royal Throne of Atlantis, after his fathers death. He found a special military guard known as the Imperial Atlantean Honor Guardians, who protect the Imperial Royal Family from any future assignations and other similar threats from outside enemy forces.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon marries Princess Kearah Marrhan Sarkhon. from the Imperial House Clan of Marrhan.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon and Supreme Lady Kearah Marrhan Sarkhon. Co-Rulers of Atlantis. Parents of Prince Khallel Jared Sarkhon, Princess Karrah Sarkhon. Husband to Supreme Lady Atria Elkharr Sarkhon-from the Imperial House Clan of Elkharr.

Supreme Lord Rhasnack Attumas Sarkhon

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Except as noted, all books, titles, characters, character names, slogans, logos, and related indicia are trademarks of and copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved.

• Maveric Enterprises, Inc.
***Many of their descendants were thus endowed with extremely high intelligence and strength, as well as an exceptional capacity and drive to perform good, or, as the case may be, evil deeds. The progeny of these travellers were purported to have been the real-life originals of fictionalised characters, both heroic and villainous, over the last few hundred years, such as Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Doc Savage, and Lord Peter Wimsey.
Other popular characters that Philip José Farmer concluded were members of the Wold Newton mutant family include: Solomon Kane; Captain Blood; The Scarlet Pimpernel; Sherlock Holmes's nemesis Professor Moriarty; Phileas Fogg; The Time Traveller (main character of The Time Machine by H. G. Wells); Allan Quatermain; A.J. Raffles; Professor Challenger; Richard Hannay; Bulldog Drummond; the evil Fu Manchu and his adversary, Sir Denis Nayland Smith; G-8; The Shadow; Sam Spade; Doc Savage's cousin Patricia Savage, and one of his five assistants, Monk Mayfair; The Spider; Nero Wolfe; Mr. Moto; The Avenger; Philip Marlowe; James Bond; Lew Archer; Travis McGee; Monsieur Lecoq; and Arsène Lupin.


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