Sunday, August 10, 2008

Atlantean Star Castles

Atlantean Star Castles
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
Atlantean Star Castles (2)

Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

This massive, double saucer vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Raider type fighter craft .The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
Castles were places of protection from an invading enemy, a place of retreat.
Castles were also offensive weapons, built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding lands.
Castles were either built as, or evolved into, residences for the monarch or lord who built them.Often a Star Castle is an official intersteelar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or accociates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a mobile or non mobile base of operations.The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle.
These three purposes distinguish the castle from other fortresses — which are usually purely defensive (like citadels and city walls) or purely offensive (a military camp) — or edifices that are entirely residential in nature, like palaces.
A castle is a defensive structure seen as one of the main symbols of the Middle Ages. The term has a history of scholarly debate surrounding its exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific defensive territory.
According to ancient Atlantean Mythology ,in Atlantean Middles Ages the castle was a fortified residence of a nobleman, effectively displaying his authority and feudal lordship over the territory associated with it as well as serving a military function. The castles were sometimes fortified towns with a fortified bridge which was very important against the defense of the Tauron,Tykhonean and Asguardians.
The concept of a castle has stayed with the Atlantean culture,ever since.Many ancient nation of Atlantis have built castles,from the Northern Atlantean Continent of Thurainia to the ancient Tauron,Tykhonean ,Olympian,Lemurians,Muritainians and Asguardians.
The earliest known castle is in the Loire Valley in Northern Atlantean Continent of Thurainia at Dalkhar dated 950 and it is were feudal society originated. Dalkhar,is speculated to be the origin of the name Delkhon ,that the Atlanteans gave to the Delkhoneans original homeworld.
From the earliest times, walls surrounded cities and palaces, often of enormous thickness and of great height, some were surrounded by a moat, others flanked by towers. Some ancient fortifications date from periods so remote as the walls of Tauron City and the curtain wall of Ashar from about 1600 B.C.
The main function of all castles was defense, everything else was secondary. They were always surrounded by a curtain wall, which was often supplemented by a reinforced shield wall at strategic points. Crenellated battlements and arrow slits protected the defenders, and attackers often also had to overcome a series of several gates. The main entrance was protected by a drawbridge and machicolations projecting over the gate, from which boiling liquids and missiles could be dropped on the hapless foes below. The final refuge of the castle residents was the stronghold, or keep. It was the tallest and strongest building within the walls, with a high entrance accessible only via a removable ladder or wooden bridge. In addition to being a watchtower and the centre point of the entire castle, the keep was also a status symbol. The main residential building (great hall) was called the Palas. The castle chapel was often installed in the gatehouse or one of the main towers (nearer my God to Thee!), and a small garden inside the walls provided herbs, flowers and vegetables in emergencies. Offices and service rooms were generally located in the outer ward.

From the 16C on castle walls had to be made increasingly thicker and stronger in response to the development of artillery. Only a few castles were made into mighty fortresses.. Instead, the nobility increasingly moved to more comfortable residential castles, Many, were sumptuously ostentatious and magnificent buildings
During the third century ., the art of war made rapid progress so the defense tactics were improved. Olympian and Tauron already used gateways in the defense of a fortress; curtain walls and towers were also common. The Olympians governed for so long and occupied a vast empire.

An Atlantean starbase is a facility where starships are maintained and resupplied, and crews can relax. A starbase can be a research station, a military base, a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to vehicles, from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship.
Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet surface, or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance.An Atlantean Starbase are often non mobile or stationary military operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation.An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile
A starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A starship's specification is largely determined by its class.
Vessels which are not interstellar capable (i.e. interplanetary) are generally referred to as space ships.

These massive ships are in a double or single saucer configuration, with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike Atlantean Battlestars their external thruster or impulse and warp, drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortess that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems...
In many ways, these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use ion drives or standard impulse drives, but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive systems, like Battlestars or other similar space station or orbital space platforms, do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based propulsion system, to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal space, but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar gases, such hydrogen to refuel the space station from it’s two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle.. The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. An Atlantean Star Castle or Super Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super Basestar is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and war, to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle are revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful than the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as the Basestar.

Star Castles are far superior to an Atlantean Battlestar in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive system, the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds than an Atlantean Battlestar, of roughly 0.32 C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and efficient, rated at a low-end output of 100 Gigawatts, to a high of 2,000 Gigawatts per battery.
In addition to the stated advantages, a Base-Star has a distinct advantage in heavy weapons, using her two Mega-Pulsar guns with a power output of 100,000 Terawatts per gun, allowing a Base-Star to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well placed shots. If that weren’t bad enough, Atlantean gravimetric technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic defense shield around their ships. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology, their defense shield system is nowhere near as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class...
Atlanteans have always favored overwhelming their opponents with numbers, over subterfuge and tactics-when necessary. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star system, depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section, holds an Atlantean star base area, which also contains the castles Star Manor, that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency evacuation craft, if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized lifeboat.

A citadel is a fortress for protecting a town, sometimes incorporating a castle.[1] The term derives from the same Latin root as the word "city", civis, meaning citizen.
Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the town which they defended.A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of it,than can separated from it’s main mothership fortress. In a fortification with bastions, the citadel is the strongest part of the system, sometimes well inside the outer walls and bastions, but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the fortification system.
A space station is a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be stationary, and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Atlantean starbases are usually commanded by a flag officer, and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have not only a flag officer such as a Imperial Commador or Admirel as a part of the High Command structure,but often also act as They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. Reasons For Building Space Stations.They concept of an Atlantean Space Station ,has been in existance since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities.An Atlantean Star Palace ,is a small,mobile

A palace is a grand residence, especially the home of a head of state or some other high-ranking public figure. In many parts of Europe, the term is also applied to relatively large urban buildings built as the private mansions of the aristocracy. Many historic palaces are now put to other uses such as parliaments, museums, hotels or office buildings. The word is also sometimes used to describe a lavish public building which was never a residence; this use may be intended to convey that the building is a "people's palace", where a sort of civic consciousness resides.Atlanteans,have often combined the concept of a saucer shaped star ship.with the concept of a standard planetary palace,with concept of a hotel,office building,museum .state embassey and mobile base of operation.An Atlantean Star Palace is a small,mobile,often sole residence of an Atlantean Royal Family,where as an Atlantean Star Castle,is often a massive,cityscape sized space station,that not only can contain the residences of a high ranking public figure,such a Lord or Lady,Royal Family Member,but various citizens of the stated country.Star Castles,although can be mobile and be moved toward stratigic locations especially during time of war,often a Star Castle is positioned in a specific location,such an Atlantean interstellar territary or interstellar territary of an allied interstellar governments home space,such as the Terran Federation,Sidairian,Seraphian and so on.
Space stations are built for one or more of the following reasons:
1)To provide a defensive outpost, in order to protect an area or object of importance; Most Atlantean Space Stations,also act as interstellar Embassey Branche
2)To facilitate trade, acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two starships, or a ship and a planet;
3)To facilitate mining, acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport.
4)To facilitate research into the mysteries of space.
5)To facilitate development, whether this be ships, new weaponry or new technology, including medical.
6)To provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity.
7)To provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships when they are not in use, between missions or require upgrades or repairs.
Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as follows.
1)World Ships;the largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and built.
2)Moon Ships;Smaller known Atlantean moon sized space station,smaller than an Atlantean World Ship,but larger than an Atlantean Star Castle.
3)Star Castle;The largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star base.
4) Battlestar-a small mobile space station and star carrier.
5)Star Citadel.Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star Castle,but larger than an Atlantean Star base..Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be clafficied,if they are large enough as a Star Citadel.
6)Star Bases,smallest known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star Citadel.

Unofficially, many starships are classified by their design type,to designate each type of ship or vessel from another siilar type design.Generally,the Star Ship manuefacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category warbook to catagorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations.

Warp drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through space, creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a starship, which, in turn, forms a distortion in space-time and allows the starship's movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors.

An embassy is a building or compound utilized by one government, within the territory of another, for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital cities, while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic missions, and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating government, regardless of their location. Thus, an individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their government's embassy or consulate.
Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld , and the Atlantean Federation of Worlds maintains embassies and consulates on its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World starbases, especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles, have consulates.

SCALE: capital
LENGTH: 1,768 meters
TONNAGE: 50,000,000 metric tons
SPEED: 0.30C sub-light
POWER: 1 Temporal Warp Drive energizer [15,000 Terawatts]
10 fusion reactors [100 Terawatts]
5 officers
900 warriors-Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines / fighter pilots
100 crew

PASSENGERS: 2,000 troops
HULL/ARMOR: 2.8 to 4 meters
SHIELDS: 40% - 60%
SENSORS: Short/Medium range, sub-light, 200,000 m^3/s +
SCANNERS: C at 300,000 kilometers
WEAPONS: 100+ Blaster batteries
2 long range Mega-Pulsar guns
10 tractor beam emitters.
FIGHTERS: 300 Mk. IX Raider class Fighter
30 surface transports
2 drop ships

Model Type: CE-BS
Vehicle Type: Combination Battleship/Carrier
Crew: 1,005
5 officers, 100 gunners, and 900 fighter pilots
Troops / Passengers: 2000 marines

300 Imperial Atlantean Star Raider class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial

30 Imperial Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial

2 Imperial Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial

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For other uses, see Castle (disambiguation).

Windsor Castle is an official residence of the monarch of the United Kingdom and is over 900 years old.
A castle is a defensive structure seen as one of the main symbols of the Middle Ages. The term has a history of scholarly debate surrounding its exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific defensive territory.
Roman forts and hill forts were the main antecedents of castles in Europe, which emerged in the 9th century in Carolingian France. The advent of cannon and gunpowder changed the needs of warfare in Europe, limiting the effectiveness of the castle and leading to the rise of the fort.
Similar constructions in Russia (Kremlin) and feudal Japan (Shiro) are also considered castles.
• 1 Definition
o 1.1 Defining features
o 1.2 Evolution
• 2 Architecture and development
o 2.1 Early castles
 2.1.1 Antecedents
 2.1.2 The first castles
 2.1.3 Residential Towers
 2.1.4 Motte-and-bailey
o 2.2 Defensive features
 2.2.1 Keep
 2.2.2 Enceinte
 2.2.3 Gatehouse
 2.2.4 Additional features
• 3 Construction
• 4 Later developments
o 4.1 Innovation and scientific design
• 5 Response to the advent of gunpowder
• 6 Revival castles and the castle as a country house
• 7 See also
• 8 Footnotes
• 9 Sources
• 10 External links

[edit] Definition
Castle comes from the Latin word castellum. This is a diminutive of the word castrum, which means "fortified place". The word "castle" (Castell) was introduced into English shortly before the Norman Conquest to denote this type of fortress, then new to England, brought in by the Norman knights. In Spain, a fortified dwelling on a height for the administering authority retains its Moorish name of alcázar, whilst shiro also figure prominently in Japanese history, where the feudal daimyō inhabited them.
A French castle is a Château-Fort, for in French a simple château connotes a grand country house at the heart of an estate, with non-military, purely residential function. When European castles were opened up and expanded into pleasure dwellings and power houses from the late 15th century, their "castle" designations, relics of the feudal age, often remained attached to the dwelling, resulting in many non-military castles and châteaux.
In Germany there are two names for what would be called a castle in English, Burg (Burh) and Schloss. A Burg is a medieval structure of military significance, while a Schloss was built after the Middle Ages as a palace and not for defensive purposes. However, these are not usually palaces in the French style, but instead are styled on medieval mountain castles and fairytale notions, and from all appearances are often castles to an English speaker.
In Celtic countries, Caer or castell (Welsh), dún and caisleán (Irish), dùn and caisteal (Scots Gaelic) are used.
In spite of the generally accepted definition, the word "castle" is sometimes used to mean a citadel (such as the castles of Badajoz and Burgos) or small detached forts d'arrêt in modern times and, traditionally, in Britain it has also been used to refer to prehistoric earthworks (e.g. Maiden Castle). The use of the Spanish equivalent castillo can be equally misleading, as it can refer to true castles and forts (eg. Castillo de San Marcos); terms such as Fortaleza ("fortress") are in similar situations.

The Norman "White Tower", the keep of the Tower of London, exemplifies all uses of a castle: city defence, a residence, and a place of refuge in times of crisis.
[edit] Defining features
The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
• Castles were places of protection from an invading enemy, a place of retreat. This is the purpose behind such stereotypical castle features as portcullises, battlements and drawbridges.
• Castles were also offensive weapons, built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding lands, as forward camps. In particular, during the High Middle Ages, castles were often built for territorial expansion and regional control. A castle was a stronghold from which a lord could control surrounding territory.
• Castles were either built as, or evolved into, residences for the monarch or lord who built them.
These three purposes distinguish the castle from other fortresses — which are usually purely defensive (like citadels and city walls) or purely offensive (a military camp) — or edifices that are entirely residential in nature, like palaces. Castles such as the Tower of London served as prisons.[1]

The Moorish Alhambra demonstrates an impregnable fortress evolving into a Royal palace after the Reconquista.
[edit] Evolution
A castle was not only a bastion and place for detention of prisoners but also a social place where a knight or lord could entertain his peers. Over time the aesthetics of the design increased in importance, as the appearance and size began to reflect the prestige and power of the occupant.
Castles were built as defensive measures and offensive weapons, but often over time comfortable homes evolved within the fortified walls. An example is the Windsor Castle, first built as a Norman Conquest fortress; today a home to the Queen of the United Kingdom. The Alhambra in Al-Andalus incorporated both defensive and residential features, but after the Reconquista unified Spain, its importance shifted and it became a palace under Charles V.
[edit] Architecture and development
[edit] Early castles

Ambleside Roman fort, Cumbria.
[edit] Antecedents
From as early as Neolithic times (between 8500 BC-2500 BC), people built hill forts to protect themselves. Many earthworks survive today, along with evidence of palisades to accompany the ditches. The Romans commonly encountered hill forts (called oppida) built by their enemies. Though primitive, they were often effective and required extensive siege engines and other siege warfare techniques to overcome, such as at the Battle of Alesia. The Romans own fortifications (castra) varied from simple temporary earthworks thrown up by armies on the move, to elaborate permanent stone constructions, notably the milecastles of Hadrian's Wall. Roman forts were generally rectangular with rounded corners. The Roman engineer Vitruvius was the first to note the three main advantages of round corner towers: more efficient use of stone, improved defence against battering rams and improved field of fire. It was not until the 13th century that these advantages were rediscovered.
[edit] The first castles
The earliest recorded structures universally acknowledged by historians as 'castles' were built in the late 9th century, and included wood, earth and stone structures.[1] Roman fortifications, or, when possible or needed, other edifices, were often turned into castles or similar structures during the early Middle Ages. A famous example is that of the Hadrian's Mausoleum in Rome, which is known to have been used as a fortress as early as 537, during the Gothic War.[2] Other late Antiquity-early Medieval castles survive in Brescia and Trento in Italy

One of the earliest representations of a castle from the Bayeux Tapestry.
Construction of new castles in Europe is attested from the Carolingian era, but their construction seems to have been related mainly to the defence of frontiers and state properties, and the right to fortify was a royal privilege. As early as 864, Charles the Bald issued an edict ordering the destruction of private fortifications erected without his permission. However, changes took place from the late 9th century, probably under the pressure of raids by the Vikings and Magyars, and due to the general decline of the Carolingian Empire, and the consequent loss of centralized authority, which resulted in a proliferation of castles.[1] There was also frequent fortification of cities, monasteries, ports and rural settlements in this period. In 906, a deacon in Verona asked Berengar I of Italy for permission to build a castle in Nogara "due to the heathens ravages".
As the Carolingian Empire broke up into duchies and counties, factions struggling for power created a military infrastructure, to protect their rights, their domains, and their followers. It is within this historical context that feudalism began to emerge. The early castle formed an integral part of feudalism: it provided a residence for the lord; provided protection for his followers as guaranteed by their feudal oaths of loyalty and allegiance, while the garrison of the castle was made up of the lord's followers, as per their feudal obligations. Many examples of defensive programs as part of feudalism exist. In the 10th century for example, in the Loire Valley, Fulk Nerra embarked on a massive castle-building program to control his county of Anjou, and neighbouring Touraine. In Normandy at around the same time, a military state emerged with a dense network of castles and feudal allegiances. Similar arrangements with regards to defensive and holding of territory also occurred in other parts of Europe around this time.[citation needed].
Castles were introduced to the British Isles around the early 11th century, by Norman-French followers of King Edward the Confessor.[1] When William the Conqueror executed the Norman Conquest of England, he brought with him the practice of building a castle to protect and hold the land, by then quite familiar on the mainland of Western Europe
[edit] Residential Towers
Some of the earliest recognizable castles were essentially fortified residential halls, enclosed by a defensive wall. Halls which functioned as habitation for an important person, chieftain or lord, and his followers, had existed since the earliest times all over Europe. During the times of uncertainty which followed the collapse of Carolingian authority, it became necessary to more strongly fortify the habitation and possessions. As a result the wooden halls were replaced by much stronger stone buildings as early as the 10th century. Examples include Langeais and Doué-la-Fontaine.
[edit] Motte-and-bailey

The wooden palisades surmounting mottes were often later replaced in stone, as in this example at Gisors.
Main articles: Encastellation and Motte-and-bailey
The motte-and-bailey is a plan common to many early castles. An essential feature of this type was a circular mound of earth surrounded by a dry or water-filled ditch and flattened at the top. Around the crest of its summit was placed a timber palisade, a tower, possibly residential.[1] This moated mound was styled in Old French motte (Latin mota), a word still common in French place-names. In addition to the mound, a bailey or basse court of horseshoe shape was usually appended to it, so that the mound stood on the line of the enceinte. The latter housed the domestic quarters, stables, stores, a forge and a water well. These earthworks were dug from the perimeter area, leaving a defensive ditch.[1] In many cases the motte seems to be a later addition to an already existing wooden settlement, surrounded by a wood palisade. Lewes Castle, built by Gulielmus de Warenne, is an unusual example, as it featured two mottes.[1] Wooden castles were built up until the 12th century.
A description of this earlier castle is given in the life of St John, Bishop of Terouanne:
“ The rich and the noble of that region being much given to feuds and bloodshed, fortify themselves ... and by these strongholds subdue their equals and oppress their inferiors. They heap up a mound as high as they are able, and dig round it as broad a ditch as they can ... Round the summit of the mound they construct a palisade of timber to act as a wall. Inside the palisade they erect a house, or rather a citadel, which looks down on the whole neighbourhood.[3]

[edit] Defensive features
[edit] Keep
Most castles, even from the earliest times, followed certain standards of design and construction. Generally, the central feature of the castle was the keep, or donjon, the main commanding tower.[1] The primary function of the keep varied, but usually it was a residential structure functioning as a redoubt in times of trouble, but could also be used as a secure storage area, or, later, as a prison. In motte and bailey castles, the keep typically surmounted the motte. Many early castles and certain later ones were nothing more than simple towers. The tower houses of Britain and Ireland, as well as peel towers, are examples of this type. Most, however, required outer walls of some sort. The keep was contained within the walls or attached to the walls. The area delineated by the walls was known as the bailey or the court, and the enclosure known as the enceinte.
[edit] Enceinte
The enceinte of the castle is another recognizable feature. Essentially the enceinte is the entire fortified enclosure of the castle precincts. In some cases this area was demarcated by a simple defensive wall or barrier. More often the wall was surmounted by a walkway to defend the castle. As with Roman and earlier architecture, projecting flanking towers were usually added to the wall to improve defence. Later castles were built on a concentric plan, where enceinte walls (also called curtain walls) and towers formed two rings around the keep, resulting in an inner and an outer court, pushing the enemy further from the core walls and keep.

Carcassonne, France, showing the classic features of the enceinte walls, defensive ditch, cylindrical flanking towers, a gatehouse, and wooden defensive structures
[edit] Gatehouse
The gates were a weak point in the defenses of castles, so gatehouses could be strengthened with flanking towers, a turning or removable bridge, doors, and a heavy portcullis. There would often be multiple portcullises, with arrow slits in the sides of the gate passage, allowing the defenders to trap the enemy and kill them within the gate. Additionally, gates were often placed in such a manner as to channel attacking forces against a series of perilous defensive fortifications, enabling the defenders to defend on their terms. Many gatehouses had a second body. Archers in the second body could shoot down at their enemies while they were defenseless.
[edit] Additional features
Castles featured an array of defences to delay the attackers' progress towards the keep. Moats and ditches formed the most obvious, as these would have to be filled in before heavy siege engines could be moved towards the walls.[4] Overhanging wooden hoardings could be constructed if a castle was under threat. These covered walkways would allow several lines of fire.[1] Later, permanent fixtures known as "machicolation" were built in stone. Perhaps the most notable features of castle defence were the crenellations and merlons, which offered relative cover for archers.[1] "Murder holes" and embrasures might be built into the walls and gatehouse so projectiles could be launched at the attackers.
[edit] Construction
See also: Medieval technology and Stonemasonry

Construction of a large tower, with scaffolding and masons at work.
Castles were constructed of wood, stone and also brick. A large number of contemporary accounts have survived that explain how castles were built. A large skilled workforce was needed to construct castles, including ditch diggers, stonecutters, masons, carpenters, and engineers. Medieval machines and inventions, such as the treadwheel crane, became indispensable during construction, and techniques of building wooden scaffolding were improved upon from Antiquity.[5] Nevertheless, castles could take many years to complete, although the time needed depended greatly from type, location, resources, time period, construction materials, etc.
Finding stone was the first concern of medieval builders, and a major preoccupation was to have quarries close at hand.[6] There are famous examples of some castles where stone was quarried on site, such as Chinon, Château de Coucy and Château Gaillard.[6] Yet even without the usual costs of transport, it is estimated that as many as 800 stonemasons would have been used in building Château de Coucy in the early 13th century, as well as perhaps 800 other craftsmen.[7] Beaumaris Castle in Wales, has surviving records from 1295–96 which describe 200 quarrymen, 400 stonemasons and as many as 2000 minor workmen.[8] Castles, not surprisingly were expensive to build, considering workers and materials. For example, costs for Beaumaris, which was in and of itself part of a bigger castle program, was £14,500 (roughly $8–9 billion in today's money).
In some cases, transporting stone over large distances was altogether impractical, and in the Low countries, a lack of good building stone meant that castles were generally brick. Brick castles were predominant in Scandinavia and the Baltic.[9]
[edit] Later developments
[edit] Innovation and scientific design

Frederick II's Castel del Monte in Puglia has no keep at all: rising on a strategic high point, it consists of an octagonal structure with eight massive polygonal towers.
During the Crusades, opportunities were afforded to western engineers to study the massive fortifications of the Byzantine Empire as well as fortifications built by the Islamic inhabitants of the Holy Land. The buildings they encountered in the late 10th century featured innovations which were not common in Europe at that time. This included in part regularly-spaced flanking towers of round or variable construction, and geometric scientific design. This revolutionized the art of castle-building in Europe, which henceforward followed these principles.
Designers soon realized that a second line of defences should be built within the main enceinte, and a third line or keep inside the second line,[10] while a wall must be flanked by projecting towers. Thus from the Byzantine engineers, European castles derived the principle of mutual defence of all the parts of a fortress. The donjon of Western Europe was regarded as the fortress, the outer walls as accessory defences; in the East each envelope was a fortress in itself, and the keep became merely the last refuge of the garrison, used only when all else had been captured. Many scholars have noted that in the 13th century there was a tendency toward the strengthening of the enceinte, and a reduced role of the keep in both military and residential context.

Château-Gaillard, showing the wall encircling the keep.
In Richard I of England's fortress of Château-Gaillard Les Andelys, the innermost ward was protected by an elaborate system of strong appended defences, which included a strong tête-de-pont protecting the Seine bridge.[11] The castle stood upon high ground and consisted of three distinct enceintes or wards besides the keep, which was in this case merely a strong tower forming part of the innermost ward. Frederick II's Castel del Monte in Puglia has no keep at all: built on high ground, it is an octagonal structure with eight polygonal corner towers.
Round towers, rather than square towers, were now becoming common, with the finest examples of their employment as keeps being at Conisborough in England and at Falaise and Coucy in France. Siege artillery of the 13th century was primitive, but it was realized that against mining and battering rams, corners in castle stonework were more vulnerable than a uniform curved surface.

Krak des Chevaliers: a concentric castle built with both rectangular and rounded towers.
The next development was the extension of the principle of successive lines of defence to form what is called the "concentric" castle, in which each ward was placed wholly within another which enveloped it. This was inspired by the Walls of Constantinople, and thus places built on a flat site became for the first time more formidable than strongholds perched upon rocks and hills, where some points could not be as heavily fortified as others for lack of space. In these cases, the fall of the inner ward by surprise, escalade, or even sometimes by ordinary siege, entailed the fall of the whole castle. The adoption of the concentric system precluded any such mischance, and thus, even though siege engines improved during the 13th and 14th centuries, the defences of strong concentric castle, or naturally inaccessible castles, retained its importance during the Late Middle Ages.
Construction of castles in this period was often connected to the necessity to establish a strong central power against local fragmentation, or in newly conquered lands: examples are the large building programs of Edward I of England in Wales, Philip I August of France, the Ezzelino IV da Romano and the Scaligers in northern Italy, Frederick II and Charles I of Anjou in southern Italy (often reusing former Norman or even Byzantine and Lombard structures), King Denis I in Portugal, and notably the Teutonic Knights in their conquest of Pagan lands in Prussia and Poland. In Germany, stone structures appeared in Hesse, Thuringia, Alsace and Saxony, commissioned by the powerful local aristocracy. Structures in northern Germany were usually simpler, often taking advantage of water streams.
[edit] Response to the advent of gunpowder
The advent of gunpowder in the Middle Ages signalled a change in the purpose of a castle - from being purely a military building, it became increasingly a residential one. From the Renaissance onward, this loosening of military importance allowed for a more aesthetic approach to construction, for example the Castello Estense of Ferrara in Italy, the castles of Valderrobres and Manzanares el Real in Spain and the series of highly decorated castles built (or rebuilt) in France along the Loire starting from the 15th century
Whilst siegecraft had consisted of throwing machines such as trebuchets, the primary aims in the construction of castle walls were height and thickness. However it became almost impossible to follow this ideal to cope with ever more powerful cannons. Existing castles which retained military importance were updated as far as practically possible to cope with new siege technologies. One example is the English fortress of Bodiam, built from 1385, provided with opposite slit to allow firing from arquebuses. But inevitably, those fortifications previously deemed impregnable eventually proved inadequate in the face of gunpowder. These included: Friesack Castle, which was reduced in two days during February of 1414 by Frederick I with "Heavy Peg" (Faule Grete) and other guns; Constantinople, the massively strong walls of which were breached in 1453 by the Ottomans after lengthy cannon bombardment; Nanstein Castle (Franz von Sickingen's stronghold at Landstuhl, which was ruined in one day in 1523 by the artillery of Philip of Hesse. Architects of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, many of whom were also renowned as engineers, were called to plan countermeasures; e.g. Guillén Sagrera, Giuliano da Sangallo the Younger, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Baldassarre Peruzzi and Leonardo da Vinci. Viollet-le-Duc, in his Annals of a Fortress, gives a full account of the repeated renovations of a fortress (at an imaginary site in the valley of the Doubs), the construction by Charles the Bold of artillery towers at the angles of the castle, the protection of the masonry by earthen outworks, boulevards and demi-boulevards, and, in the 17th century, the final service of the medieval walls and towers as a pure enceinte de sfireti.

The rounded walls of Sarzana Castle showed adaptation to gunpowder.
The general adoption of cannons led therefore to the disappearing (or to the loss of importance) of majestic towers and merlons. Walls of new fortresses were thicker and angulated, towers became lower and stouter. Examples of the late type of castle-fortress are that in Sarzana (Italy), that built by Henry VIII of England in Deal, the Fort de Salses constructed by Ferdinand II of Aragon and the Imperial Castle of Nurnberg.
In the end, the introduction of gunpowder led to a disappearing of traditional castles, in the meaning of a building intended for both military and residential roles. This transition began in the 14th century and was fully underway by the 15th. In the 16th century the feudal fastness had become an anachronism. Here and there we find old castles serving in secondary roles, as forts d'arret or block-houses in mountain passes and defiles, and in some few cases, as at Dover, they formed the nucleus of purely military places of arms. Normally castles, when they were not let to fell into ruins, became peaceful mansions, or were merged in the fortifications of the town which has grown up around it.

Fortaleza Ozama, Santo Domingo - first castle built in the Americas.
In the Viollet-le-Duc's Annals of a Fortress the site of the feudal castle is occupied by the citadel of the walled town, for once again, with the development of the middle class and of commerce and industry, the art of the engineer came to be displayed chiefly in the fortification of cities. The baronial "castle" assumes pan passu the form of a mansion, retaining indeed for long some capacity for defence, but in the end losing all military characteristics save a few which survived as ornaments.
However, some true castles were built in the Americas by the Spanish and French colonies.[12] The first stage of Spanish fort construction has been termed the "castle period", which lasted from 1492 until the end of the 16th century.[13] Starting with Fortaleza Ozama, "these castles were essentially European medieval castles transposed to America."[14] Among other defensive structures (including forts and citadels), castles were also built in New France towards the end of the 17th century.[14] Where artillery was not as developed as on the battle-fields of Europe, some of Montreal's outlying forts were built like the fortified manor houses of France. Fort Longueuil, built from 1695–1698 by a baronial family, has been described as "the most medieval looking fort built in Canada".[14] The manor house and stables were within a fortified bailey, with a tall round turret in each corner. The "most substantial castle-like fort" near Montréal was Fort Senneville, built in 1692 with square towers connected by thick stone walls, as well as a fortified windmill.[14] Stone forts such as these served as defensive residences, as well as imposing structures to prevent Iroquois incursions.[14]
To guard against artillery and gunfire, increasing use was made of earthen, brick and stone breastworks and this redoubts, such as the geometric fortresses of the 17th century French Marquis de Vauban. These soon replaced castles in Europe, and eventually castles in the Americas were superseded by bastions and forts.[13]
[edit] Revival castles and the castle as a country house

Neuschwanstein - perhaps the most famous 19th century neo-romantic castle in the world.
From the late 18th century to the early 20th century, as a manifestation of a romantic interest in the Medieval period, and as part of the broader Gothic Revival in architecture, many so-called castles were built. These Castles had no defensive purpose, but incorporated stylistic elements of earlier castles, such as castellation and towers. These features were personified in the Scottish Baronial style. Most of them were country houses. These revival or "mock" castles were particularly common in the British Isles, for example Belvoir Castle and Eastnor Castle. Edwin Lutyens' Castle Drogo was the last flicker of this movement in England. In Ireland, a considerable number of vast, complicated mock-castles were built, including Belfast Castle and Castle Oliver. Famous revival castles in other countries include Neuschwanstein in Germany, Miramare in Italy, and Castillo de Chapultepec in Mexico.
[edit] See also
• List of castles
o List of Crusader castles
o List of fictional castles
• Alcázar (Spanish castles)
• Chinese city wall (Chinese castle counterpart)
• Kremlin (Russian castles)
• Shiro (Japanese castles)
o Gusuku (Okinawan castles)
• Water castle
[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Philip Wilkinson, Castles (Pocket Guides). Publisher: DK CHILDREN; Pocket edition (September 29, 1997). ISBN 0789420473. ISBN 978-0789420473
2. ^ Royal, Robert. The Pope's Army: 500 Years of the Papal Swiss Guard. Crossroads Publishing Co, 2006.
3. ^ Acta Sanctorum, quoted by GT Clark, Medieval Military Architecture
4. ^ Castle: Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections. Dorling Kindersley Pub (T); 1st American edition (September 1994). ISBN 978-1564584670
5. ^ Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain (1995). The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages. Thames & Hudson Ltd, p. 121–126. ISBN 0500300526 ISBN 978-0500300527.
6. ^ a b Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain (1995). The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages. Thames & Hudson Ltd, p. 104. ISBN 0500300526 ISBN 978-0500300527.
7. ^ A Distant Mirror, Barbara Tuchman, p 11
8. ^ Beaumaris Castle, CADW guide, p 3
9. ^ Philip Wilkinson, Castles (Pocket Guides), p 92
10. ^ Oman, Art of War: the Middle Ages, p. c20
11. ^ See Clark, i. 384, and Oman, p. 533
12. ^ Although it should be noted that there are no true castles in the United States.
13. ^ a b René Chartrand, Spanish Main 1492–1800; Osprey Publishing
14. ^ a b c d e René Chartrand, French Fortresses in North America 1535–1763: Québec, Montréal, Louisbourg and New Orleans (Fortress 27); Osprey Publishing, March 20 2005. ISBN 9781841767147
[edit] Sources

This article or section includes a list of references or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks in-text citations.
You can improve this article by introducing more precise citations where appropriate. (February 2008)

*This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.
• Allen Brown, R. (1970). English Castles. Chancellor Press. ISBN 0-907486-06-1.
• Bianchi, Vito (July-October 2006). "I Castelli". Medioevo 114–117.
• Cathcart King, D. J. (1983). Castellarium Anglicanum: An Index and Bibliography of the Castles in England, Wales and the Islands (2 vols). Kraus International Publications. ISBN 0-527-50110-7.
• Cathcart King, D. J. (1991). The Castle in England and Wales: An Interpretative History. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-00350-4.
• Gravett, Christopher (1990). Medieval Siege Warfare. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 0-85045-947-8.
• Higham, R.; Barker, P. (1992). Timber Castles. B. T. Batsford Ltd. ISBN 0-7134-2189-4.
• Johnson, M. (2002). Behind the Castle Gate: From Medieval to Renaissance. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-26100-7.
• Kenyon, J. (1991). Medieval Fortifications. Leicester University Press. ISBN 0-7185-1392-4.
• Pounds, N. J. G. (1994). The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Political History. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-45828-5.
• Thompson, M. W. (1987). The Decline of the Castle. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 1-85422-608-8.
• Thompson, M. W. (1991). The Rise of the Castle. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-37544-4.
[edit] External links

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Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
This massive, single saucer shaped vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Atlantean Raider type fighter craft, and smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop ships, Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:

Editors Note; Loosely inspired by several things from the world of science fiction .First off, the Alien Mothership from Close Encounters of a Third Kind. I wanted a huge, saucer shaped vessel the size of a major city, but floating in deep space, like the Space Station in Deep Space 9 from Star Trek or space station one from Space Family Robinson of the Gold Key Comic. Bespin City from the Star Wars-the Empire Strikes Back was another inspiration. I wanted to give it a huge cityscape atop the alien Mothership area, instead of just a series of crystal towers. I wanted the ship to be a larger version of the Atlantean Star Palace ships already created previously-also inspired by those alien ships from Close Encounters. Doctor Who’s Tardis figures in only in how it works, while traveling in time and space. The Command Bridge of both the Star Palace are a combination of the Tardis Control Room and Star Trek star ship bridges, mixed elements of the engine room. Like Tardis Control Room, many Time Sorcerers will clutter them up with various objects-chairs, tables, a library, a mystical orb or globe or two-also similar to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctuary. It might look weird and exotic inside, like some sort of sorcerers temple, but with science fiction elements like Star Wars or Star Trek-maybe some crystal elements like you see on the distant planet Krypton or Superman’s Fortress of Solitude-crystal towers in the interior and crystal controls-used both the Superman mythology and first to my knowledge used in the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
Doc Thompson

Atlantean Star Castles by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson
Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station. This single saucer shaped measured some feet in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 30 Atlantean Raider type fighters plus smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. Alternatively, Super City the backbone of this ship is massive being feet and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star much greater firepower or Battle Carrier. The Castle also has three times the and weaponry of It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon a Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building, which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of as opposed to other defensive can be defined, as Castles were places of protection from an invading a place of as generally old planetary type were. Star Castles were also offensive built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding generally old planetary types were. Star Castles either were built or evolved residences for the monarch or lord who built them. Often a Star Castle is an official interstellar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or associates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a stationary of operations mobile base of operations. The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle. These three purposes distinguish the Star Castle from other fortresses which are usually purely defensive citadels and city or purely offensive military or edifices that are entirely residential like Star Palaces or planetary palaces is a facility where starships are maintained and crews care lax. A starbase can be a research a military a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship. Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance. An Atlantean Starbase are often on mobile or stationary operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation. An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile a starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A specification is largely determined by its class. Vessels, which are of interstellar capable, are generally referred to as space ships. Massive ships are in a double or single saucer with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike external thruster or impulse and drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead, the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortress that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems... The Star Castle. Like the smaller Star Citadels and Star were held up by a huge Repulsor Drive that was placed at the bottom engine located at the fortresses Drive or Engine Room section. The Atlantean Star Castle is significantly faster than any known smaller and appears to have the ability to defend a planetary territory with enough firepower as great as three Atlantean Battle Carrier groups. The Star Castles powers all of the space stations primary and auxiliary sections. The Star Castles primary defensive systems are Deflector Shields-that generates a protective blister around the castle primary and secondary weapons bays-some that can be separated from the main fortress and either piloted by remote control or robotic to seek out military targets or patrol the Star Castles Quantum Field Ring can be set to generate all sorts of cosmic force such as plasma force strong repulsor that can repel or push away either large enemy star fleet armada or smaller hypertime that temporary project the fortress into hyper accelerated space to evade capture or avoid hostile enemy Various Weapons hold all sorts of defensive weapons from photon or proton torpedo bays or energy blaster arrays. A huge two Docking Towers or Docking are used for either Star Palace docking ports or outside docking for huge Atlantean Weapons Pit that can detach much the smaller Several smaller deflector shield towers are located atop the Star Castle Manor various points around the Castles perimeter and several around the lower engine room tower Star Castles heavy missiles give a Battlestar enough firepower to utterly destroy at least two smaller similar enemy battle stations. Star Castles can emits an extremely loud telepathic sound or banshee wail, which somehow travels through the void of space and can be heard by people in earby spaceships. The sound of this defensive is sufficient to render any human early unconscious. Thus the enemy target can be toed by tractor beam for hauling into one of the castles many docking or hangar bays to study or captivity until other legal determinations can be Laser turrets are essentially the same weapon as a smaller star a cruiser or star laser can based on appearances alone. There are several known types of turret. The anti-ship is a slow-tracking heavy turret found along the outer edge of both hangar bays. They have longer barrels than other turrets. Above each anti-ship turret is an anti-fighter turret. They are flatter and their in appearance and track much faster. Their barrels are smaller and closer together. These weapons however lack the power to significantly damage capital these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use in on drives or standard impulse but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive or other similar space station or orbital space do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar such hydrogen to refuel the space station from two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle... The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. Castle Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful that the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as often are far superior to in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds of roughly C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and rated at a low-end output of 10 to a high of Gigawatts per battery. Iaddition to the stated a Star Castle has a distinct advantage in heavy using her two Mega-blaster guns with a power output of Terawatts per allowing the Starbase to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well-placed shots. If that bad technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic, defense shield around their ships and castle perimeter. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology as smaller space stations and other similar type station such as Seraphian Star their defense shield system is o where ear as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class... always favored overwhelming their opponents over subterfuge and but prefer to rely of heavy battle carrier group star fleet and the Star Castles huge array of defensive perimeters. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel a city holds an Atlantean star base, which also contains the castles Star that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized Star Citadel is a fortress for protecting a sometimes incorporating a The term derives from the same Latin root as the word meaning citizen. Star Citadel are smaller mobile and more maneuverable star fortress space station. Star Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the to w which they defended. A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of from main mother ship fortress. I a fortification with the Star Citadel is the strongest part of the sometimes well inside the outer walls and but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the space station are a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Are usually commanded by a flag and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have or to only a flag officer such as an Imperial Commodore or Admiral as a part of the High Command often also act as the family residence for an Imperial Atlantean Royal the ultimate decision over the Star Castles lower command structure. They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. For Building Space Stations. They concept of an Atlantean Space been in existence since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities. Space stations are built for one or more of the following provide a defensive in order to protect a area or object of Most Atlantean Space act as interstellar Embassy facilitate acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two or a ship and a facilitate acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport. Facilitate research into the mysteries of space. Facilitate whether this be weaponry or new including medical. Provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity. Provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships whether you are not between missions or require upgrades or repairs. Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and known Atlantean moon sized space than an Atlantean World larger than an Atlantean Star largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star Battlestar-a small mobile space station a d star Citadel. Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star larger than an n Atlantean Star base. .Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be they are large enough as a Star known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star many starships are classified by their designate each type of ship or vessel from another similar type Star Ship manufacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category war book to categorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations. Star Castles usually come three varieties Fortress Class and drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a forms a distortion in space-time and allows the movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors. Atlantean Star Castles generally have a warp drive to maneuver in hyperspace wormholes and smaller impulse drive engines to move the fortress about in normal is a building or compound utilized by one within the territory of for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating regardless of their location. An individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their embassy or consulate. Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld and the Atlantean Federation of maintains embassies and consulates of its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star have such meters metric Temporal Warp Drive energizer fusion reactors officers warriors-Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines fighter crew to 4 - at Blaster batteries long range Mega-Pulsar guns 8 tractor beam Mk. IX Raider class Fighter surface transports drop CE-BS Vehicle 10 and 90 fighter pilots Troops marines Atlantean Star class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Maveric Entertainment Group-links to all things Maveric Entertainment Maveric Lions Entertainment Group Maveric Entertainment Group MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOSMAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS Maveric Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment Group. One------Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. 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